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Home / Issues / № 2, 2013


Fedorov P.A., Abdullin M.M., Fattahov M.M., Samohodova S.J.

In Russia since 2000 there is a growth of introduction of innovative methods of training, including by means of interactive means. According to the data of work [1] the given growth, is connected by the strengthened computerisation of educational process.

In a traditional method, the basic source of the information is the scheme or the drawing displaying sequence of the decision of an engineering problem. Thus the scheme was carried out on a board in such volume that represented set of the graphic and text elements which are sufficient for mental reproduction of the maintenance of the scheme, and also geometrical forms and positions of the scheme in space. The given scheme was supplemented with vocal elements in the form of the explanatory of the scheme the teacher. At the given method of training the teacher had to draw constantly the subsequent elements of the decision of a problem with destruction of the previous courses.

Improving educational process many teachers, in the practice, began to apply «the Way of information support of educational process». The description of analogue of this way, are resulted in works [2]. As a result of application of the given method, us it has been established a number of lacks, such as use of poor quality of illustrations.

On base «Ufa State Petroleum Technological University» a number of researches of the innovative methods of training aimed at working out with various animation, sound and video graphic elements is made. Bright examples are creation of some electronic textbooks [3, 4].

Distinctive feature of the given textbooks from similar that except theoretical and control and measuring materials there are thematic "files-advisers", with the stage-by-stage decision of engineering problems. The first workings out of "files-advisers" concern to 2008-2009 [3].

The primary goal of any "file-adviser", reduction of expenses of time and improvement of quality of studying of technical disciplines having in structure sections of construction of various models and the decision of applied problems students is.

The student can repeatedly look through on the computer "file-adviser" with a prototype of a problem which is necessary for the decision of its task, thus "file-adviser" shows in the automated kind a course of the decision of a problem in the form of stage-by-stage display of algorithm of the decision of a problem with text and vocal comments. After the decision of a problem the student, on paper or electronic carriers hands over the performed work to the teacher.

At creation of the file-adviser it is necessary to consider that fact that in the problem decision, for example engineering-graphic, construction of set of lines is required. Therefore working out of "file-adviser" is carried out in three stages. At the first stage the scenario of "file-adviser" with a course of the decision of a problem is created. At the second stage the general model with problem elements in the graphic editor, for example in program AutoCAD is created. At the third stage the received model in the form of the vector drawing is exported to program Microsoft Power Point. Further the operator sets occurrence and removal of each element of model in the necessary sequence. Received "file-adviser" is supplemented with text and vocal elements.

The analysis has shown that using at training "files-advisers" in the big degree informative abilities at students develop, and also there is a creative approach to the decision of typical problems. With computer use in educational process there was a possibility to raise interest of students to training by means of game modes of study. One more of actual problems in the field of educational process, integration into a society of people with the limited possibilities. Offered "files-advisers" will be useful to them in development of such trades as the designer of buildings and constructions.

Introduction has shown that among students using "files-advisers" in preparation of kontrolno-graphic works, they have been approved and have taken a worthy place. We consider, as in the future it is necessary to expand a scope of "files-advisers" in traditional and remote educational process.

1. Abdullin M. M, Fedorov P. A, Andrijanova S.O. Tendenc of development of use of innovative educational technologies in preparation of professional shots in building high schools of Russia//Materials of scientifically-methodical conference «Educational process in high school in modern conditions». Ufa, AN РБ, Gilem, 2012. pp.21-23.

2. Fedorov P. A, Abdullin M. M Others the Innovative way of training at the higher school by means of "files-advisers"// In the world of discoveries - №3.3 (39)-2013. pp.80-95

3. Abdullin M. M, Fedorov P. A. The engineering-geological drawing: an uchebno-methodical complex [the Electronic resource]. Ufa: Publishing house GOU VPO UGNTU, 2010, e-book

4. Abdullin M.M. Fedorov P.A. Annotatsija to an uchebno-electronic complex «Engineering-geological drawing»//the International magazine of experimental formation. М, PARADISE, 2009, №6. - pp.42-44.

Bibliographic reference

Fedorov P.A., Abdullin M.M., Fattahov M.M., Samohodova S.J. INNOVATIVE EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGIES IN EDUCATIONAL PROCESS. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2013. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/455-24436 (22.02.2025).