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Being a part of the cultural space technological progress, promoting the humankind forward, has led to the dehumanization and dehumanitarization of our society.The problem of the humanitarization of professional education under condition of progress in science and technology is of a great importance. Modern education meeting requirements of our society should establish conditions under which a new type of a human being could be formed. Educational humanitarization should contribute to forming of a creatively thinking integral personality who will be able to lead any scientific discoveries to blessing of the humanity. Humanitarization in an educational system should not only be defined by existence of humane subjects in an educational plan but also by forming of an axiological system and the main core of it is the humanism.
In a modernsociety, the technical culture is leading while the humane one is opposed it,what helps to form people with diametral opposed worldviews, double standard of solving actual problems. K. E. Tsiolkovsky distrusted the technological progress" if it leaves behind the ethical progress"[1. P.121]. Priority ranking of the technical culture enables deepening of the crisis of the Russian civilization, so that, it is necessary to narrow the gap which will be helpful for forming of a comprehensive human-engineering person. The task of the modern education is to make students of technical specialties learn the humanitarian forms of thinking and acting.
Thus, the education should be organised in such a manner that the technical oriented student can understand mistakesthe humankindcommitsregularly. These mistakes have been done because of the absence not only professional culture but also because of the absence of the humanitarian one. While studying students should understand the importance of their future profession, define its borders in the course of the existing culture and mark problems being solved in the process of the life-sustaining activity. Starting from life demands the technical education should include in the education the analysis of vital and moral values, review of the crisis phenomena the consequences of the technical activity. In such a way, there is a necessity to appeal to the different humane subjects aimed to understanding of the dehumanish character of the technical activity.
There are some approaches in solving the question concerning the humanitarization of the education. Subbeto's point of view is worth noting, he thinks that the further way of the development of our society is in social changing in the whole system of the scientific knowledge reflecting trends of the problematization, globalization and humanitarization of the knowledge. The result of it is the rise of new integrative science, such ashumanology, cosmoanthropoecology, noospherology, cryotology, valeology what helpsovercome the informative-technocratic asymmetry of the social mentality.
The positive aspect of solving the humanitarization education problem is engagement of such subjects in the educational process, which study ideology, art, design and engineering thinking.
Creating of the positive educational atmosphere in a higher school is one of the conditions defining the properties of the reform in the modern education. Orientation to the humanitarian education demands the creation in the higher school the atmosphere of freethinking, moral behavior, forming of axiological and world outlooks. Students and high school teachers should cooperate and respect each other [2. P.25].
Realization of the values of the humanitarian education expects forming the specific environmental ethic raising the person and joining him to the cultural values of a higher level. The ethical environment should correspond not only to the modern demands of the architecture and design but be rich competitive in the cultural and historical sense. This partly materializes in the practice of the Tyumen State Oil and Gas University. The interior environment brings students and history of the oil and gas university together. Surroundings and esthetics of the lecture halls are as sources of positive energy making the future specialists of oil and gas industry think positive which plays an important role in the humanitarization of the education.
The humanitarization and humanization of our education will reduce growing negative trends in mental sphere in the contemporary society, make higher ethical ideals rich and define true-life priorities of a man.
2. Isachenko N. The main aspects of humanitarization of education. Materials of the International scientifically - methodical conference «Modern education: problems and prospects in the conditions of transition to a new concept of education»-Tomsk: Tomsk state University of control systems and Radioelectronics, 2009.-p.23-25.
Isachenko Nadezhda The issue of the humanitarization of the education. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2013. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/455-24437 (22.02.2025).