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Home / Issues / № 2, 2013


Popova I.N.

The implementation in Russia since 2006 policy aimed at the development of family care for children-orphans and children left without parental care, has made it very topical question of effective professional support of foster family.

The creation of such a system in Russia demonstrate modern publications (Zakharova ZH., Oslon V., Popov I., Kolmogorov A., Shulga Т. and others).

The authors of the publications cited as confirmation of the relevance of the problem analyses the results of a survey of foster parents:

  • «Every 3rd Respondent is aware of the need to include their families in the maintenance processes... Every 3rd Muscovite, who expressed a wish to become a substitute parent, as a condition put forward the possibility to receive psychological-pedagogical and medical-social assistance...»
  • Proxies parents indicated that the greatest degree they need services to help professionals at the stages of occurrence of the child in the family, childhood and preparation for independent or полузависимой life...» (Oslon V. Stages of formation of foster families http://www.journaldetskidom.ru/magazine/?act=more&пid=534)
  • Diagnostics request for rendering social, psychological and educational support for foster families in the regions showed that 100% of respondents realize the need of psychological help in the resolution of conflicts in the necessity of correcting the problems, arising in the process of education children - lying, stealing, aggressiveness and other (Popova I.)

Also according to empirical studies, there are a number of problems hindering the provision of qualitative professional assistance to foster families. Among them:

  • absence of «clearly defined and available for the treatment circle of specialists ready to provide competent assistance (Oslon V.);
  • low level of qualification that helping professionals (Ternovskaya M.)

In modern literature made attempts to systematize the scientific bases of maintenance of system of support, describe the technological aspects of this process, publish practical development of training surrogate parents to the solution of problems of education of the adopted child.

In the current socio-pedagogical and socio-psychological literature presents the experience of world practice in support of foster families. Most often refers to the work of J. Bowlby and his followers (Fahlberg V., Frisk, Schecter M., Ryan).

Named J. Bowlby (1951) link the start of the policy of deinstitutionalization of orphans and children without parental care, in the countries of Western Europe and the USA, and the rapid development of family life. The attachment theory allowed us to study the process of formation of a sustainable relationship between a child and an adult. Emphasis was placed on the negative effects of institutionalisation compared with family-type care.

With the development of General systems theory (von Bertalanffy, 1973; Bateson, 1973) viewpoint on the problem of professional support of foster families and focused on the models and schemes of mutual relations between members of the system, where the special role played by socio-cultural and historical context of the family. Hence concluded that a layered approach to the process of support, which takes into account peculiarities of the levels of development of the family system.

In the framework of an integrative approach to psychological and educational support for foster families (Oudskhoorn, 1993) was developed multimodal model help the family.

Adaptation of this model in Russian environment (Oslon V., Kolmogorov A.) enabled on every step of becoming a foster family highlight certain maintenance tasks:

1) the selection of the «resource» family for the child;

2) preparation for their life together, assisting in the establishment of psychological space for a foster child in the family;

3) integration of the adopted child into the foster family and other social institutions, prevention crisis conditions and assistance in overcoming them, preparation for independent life.

In the case of destructive development of the family and out of receiving the main task of psychological support becomes rehabilitation of a child and selection of the optimal form of living arrangement, assistance in integration of the new system.

Currently, among the priority directions of support of foster families stand out and are very popular:

  • support of the development and socialization of a child in a foster care;
  • support the process of development of the foster family and the strengthening of its educational resource;
  • support of process of identification of the- members of the family awareness of their social role, importance and personality;
  • support the process of adoption of the foster family and its- members in the social environment.

Bibliographic reference

Popova I.N. THE PROBLEM OF PROFESSIONAL SUPPORT FOR FOSTER FAMILIES: AN ANALYSIS OF THEORETICAL RESEARCH. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2013. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/455-24439 (22.02.2025).