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In the research of innovation in human resources management, the essential role played by innovative human resources marketing, aimed to a new and effective human resource capacity and innovative-technological human resources management, reflecting the modern methods of working with the personnel in the process of new techniques and technologies development.
Modern human technology employment, acting as an instrument of innovation management, allows us to solve the problem of staffing the organization's strategy, as it occupy an important place in the process of validation and interpretation of HR consulting.
The sructure of human technologies, which are effective tools of human resource management, can be defined in terms of the basic sense-category management process: goals, objectives, functions, principles, methods, forms, mechanisms, procedures, result orientetion and performance criteria.
Substantial characteristic of human technology, which represents a certain set of consistently produced methods, actions and operations, allows on the basis of received information (abilities, professional knowledge, skills, personal skills) to provide the conditions of their maximum realization, or to change in accordance with the objectives of the organization.
Given the systematic literature, reflecting the studied aspects, human technologies used in the management of organizations, categorized into three groups: human technologies aimed at ensuring receipt of comprehensive reliable personal information, human technologies that provide required for the organization, both current and prospective, quantitative and qualitative characteristics of staff; human technologies allowing to receive high performance of each professional and synergies from the concerted action of all of the staff.
Innovative technology personnel management can also be considered as new, enhancing the effectiveness of the organization, the methods of human resource management (actually innovative technology personnel management), and as traditional technologies of introduction of innovations in personnel work of the organization (traditional management techniques for innovation).
Among the existing set of innovative technologies, the most common is their classification on the basis of HR processes:
- personnel formation technology (personnel marketing, case-interview, testing, headhunting, competency interviews, executive recruiting (high-quality recruitment), executive search (direct search of highly qualified specialists), etc.);
- personnel assessment and certification technology (assessment-center, the method of "360 degrees", rating or method of comparison, coaching, solving situation assessment method, the classification method, questionnaires and comparative profiles method, a method of comparing the pairs, independent judges method, etc.);
- personnel release technology (staff leasing, outsourcing, outstaffing, outplacement, etc.)
- personnel current work technology (staff grading, stress management, conflict management, etc.);
- personnel training and development technology (coaching, team building, role-playing and simulation games, knowledge management and etc.).
In today's information society, organizations are increasingly focused on information technology in the human resources management, which are aimed at the introduction of modern computer technology in the process of collecting and analyzing data, and creating a virtual office.
In conclusion, it should be noted that in the present conditions of rapid change business entities can't function effectively and to maintain its
competitive state without the human technologies.
Rozdolskaya, I. Innovation Consulting Services Within the Context of the Formation of a New Model of Marketing Innovation [Text]/ I. Rozdolskaya, M. Ledovskaya, I. Afanasiev // World Applied Science Journal. 2013. Volume 25. – Number 6. – P. 956-960
Rozdolskaya, I.V., M.E. Ledovskaya and L.V. Kondratieva, 2012. Activation of the human resources management in the innovation cycle organization. Kursk: Delovaya poligrafiya, 217p.
Teplov, V.I. and E.E. Tarasova, 2006. Using the concept of outsourcing to ensure the competitiveness of organizations engaged in entrepreneurial activities. Belgorod University of Cooperation, Economics and Law Herald, 1: 3-7.
Rozdolskaya I.V., Ledovskaya M.E. Actualization Of The Modern Human Technologies Development In Innovative Economic Environment. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2013. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/455-24440 (31.03.2025).