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Home / Issues / № 2, 2013


Sergievskii Valerii V., Nagovitsina Olga A., Ananjeva Elena A.

Summary. The semantics of chemistry includes natural sign systems (substances) and artificial sign systems (symbols of elements, terms and other) The properties of any substance in chemistry determined by the results of interactions with other substances. In the explanation of the experimental data chemists use logic relations. This logic requires the necessity to use for a holistic descriptions of the chemical properties of the matter set of different terms, including antonyms. The syntactic of chemistry also includes a methodological scientific principles.

Chemistry is a fundamental academic discipline. It has a huge interdisciplinary potential that is little used in education. Probably, it is connected with the fact that the peculiarities of the language of chemistry given insufficiently.

Semantics. Most often the language of chemistry understand the nomenclature of names, and display methods of structural formulas. Consider a language of chemistry from the positions of semiotics as a General science of sign systems, studying their semantics, sintactic and pragmatics. In the semantics of chemistry should distinguish substances as natural sign systems. A symbols of elements in a list of item names of chemical formular units (atoms, molecules, complex substances and others) and the equations of chemical reactions should distinguish as artificial sign systems, intended to render chemical laws in the linguistic reality.

Syntactic. About occurring chemical transformations, we learn of changes in the physico-chemical properties of chemical systems. In classical chemistry preference given to commit changes color or components or indicators at mixing solutions. Usually chemical properties of a substance, determine relative to many other substances. In the General case, according to the logic of relations is seen chemical dualism. For example, Al(OH)3 concerning HCl is the basis of a relatively NaOH acid. This phenomenon in chemistry called амфотерностью, and in the school course is considered as an exception. Currently known a superacids and a superbases, in relation to which a very large range of substances exhibiting the properties of acids and bases. Therefore, amphoteric character is the common property of chemical compounds.

H2O2 in systems with iodide-ions is oxidizer, and in systems with KMnO4 is reducer. HCl in water is a strong electrolyte, in C2H5OH - weak electrolyte, and benzene - nonelectrolyte. Therefore, the type approval or ... or characteristic of formal logic, replaced by the logic of relations syllogisms type and ....and ... This feature logic chemistry usually not brought to the attention of schoolchildren and students. In result, for many people chemistry for life science remains difficult to understand.

The principle of complementarity. Teilhard de Chardin argued: «any phenomenon, determined at least in one place, in force fundamental unity of the world has extensive roots and universal content». Opening of dualism «wave-particle in quantum physics are required to explain the big efforts outstanding physicists. In 1927 N. Bohr formulated the principle of complementarily, according to which, for a complete description of quantum phenomena, it is necessary to use two mutually exclusive («extra») set of classical terms, the combination of which gives detailed information on these events as the integral. Generally speaking, the need to use for a holistic descriptions of the chemical properties of the matter set of different and opposing terms, established in chemistry in the XIX century. It is clear that the analysis of objects and other Sciences with different positions leads to the situation described principle of complementarily. For example, a person simultaneously belongs to both nature and social reality; any medication manifests and therapeutic and toxic effects. In thinking of the person involved, and the left and right hemisphere, and the consciousness and the unconscious.

The principle of Le Chatelier. General methodological principles are powerful tools синтактики different Sciences. For example, in the chemical is widely used to control the processes of the principle of Le Chatelier, which read as follows: «If on the system which is in thermodynamic equilibrium, external influence upon changing any of the parameters determining the equilibrium in the system will increase the directions of the process, which weakens the influence of this influence». This same principle holds true for stationary systems and explains many of the social phenomena. Let's specify, for example, on the main provisions of the so-called «Maslow's pyramid».

Bibliographic reference

Sergievskii Valerii V., Nagovitsina Olga A., Ananjeva Elena A. THE LANGUAGE OF CHEMISTRY: A SYSTEM-SEMIOTIC APPROACH. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2013. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/455-24441 (22.02.2025).