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Home / Issues / № 2, 2013


Difficulties of using the communicative method in teaching Chinese students Russian as a foreign language
Vasiagina Tatiana Vladimirovna, Fomina Natalia Ivanovna

Nowadays it is becoming popular to study in Russian universities. Primarily it is connected with an opportunity to study Russian with native Russian speakers in the language environment. As Chinese and Russian education systems differ in many aspects Russian teachers have difficulties in choosing methods of teaching Chinese students.

In teaching Russian as a foreign language (RFL) teachers use mainly the communicative method in Russia now. This term was offered by Passov E.I. The method takes into account some ideas of communicative linguistics and concept of the personality development in intercultural dialogue. The purpose of RFL teaching is foreign culture acquisition in communication with representatives of this culture. A particular feature of the communicative method is approximation of teaching to real communication in Russian. At this stage, however, there are difficulties in teaching Chinese students who can't understand and reproduce many structures of the Russian speech due to peculiarities of their native language. This problem exists despite the fact that teachers try to choose topics which are interesting for their students.

The language concept of the communicative method is based on some communicative linguistics ideas. The ideas are:

1. Teacher ↔ Student Communication is considered as a chain of speech acts which are elements of speech activity. Any speech act has bilateral nature. If at least two people take part in any speech act it is expected to be a dialogue not a monologue.

A monologue in the speech is a part of a dialogue that's why any speech activity isn't composed of separate statements. These statements are interdependent and each of them has its implication only in the context. The context helps to understand an indirect sense of a remark which can be quite opposite to a literal one. It is difficult for foreign students to understand and reproduce some speech acts due to the lack of knowledge about culture and communication rules i.e. conceptual framework of any language.

2. Appropriateness of any speech act is regulated by speech intention. It is very difficult for Chinese students to choose and reproduce one or another speech intention. It is explained by poor knowledge about conceptual framework of the Russian language.

The activity - oriented approach to teaching was used as psychological substantiation of the communicative method. Foundations of this approach are described in works of Vygotsky L.S., Rubinstein S.L. and Leontiev A.N. Subject of activity (activity is teaching RFL) forming occurs in the process of acquisition of communication skill in the Russian language. Students are participants in the learning process.

Motivation of students is one of the most important components of the activity - oriented approach in teaching. The main problem in teaching Chinese students RFL is the formation of the need in communication in the Russian language and motivation to study Russian culture. If there are only Chinese students in the university they communicate only with each other and speak only their native language. Though students strive for studying the culture of Russia some universities lack for possibilities to do it.

Nowadays personality and activity - oriented approach is used in teaching RFL. This approach implies maximum consideration of national, age-specific and psychological characteristics of students. However it is impossible for the Russian language teachers to take into account all particularities of students. It could be explained by the fact that there are some particular features in the Chinese education system. Written exercises play a great role; little attention is paid to tasks for understanding and discussing texts or problems. Chinese students are not taught to discuss problems at the lesson. It is necessary to teach students to think, to ask and answer «why - questions». It is rather difficult to do in teaching a foreign lesson. Due to it some methodological principles of the communicative method in teaching Russian are not taken into account.

There is one more problem here. There are no tests to identify Chinese students' qualities which are necessary to implement all the principles of the communicative method. A teacher's personal experience and his skills are crucial here.

Application of the communicative method in teaching RFL is rather actual nowadays as the main purpose of teaching RFL is forming students' skills to solve typical communicative tasks in all communication spheres. Consequently to achieve the educational goal the communicative method in teaching can and must become the main one in teaching RFL. That is why if there are any problems in the application of the method they should be solved promptly and effectively.

Bibliographic reference

Vasiagina Tatiana Vladimirovna, Fomina Natalia Ivanovna Difficulties of using the communicative method in teaching Chinese students Russian as a foreign language. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2013. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/455-24442 (22.02.2025).