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Home / Issues / № 2, 2013


Vahidova L.V.

Individual personality can be formed and developed only in the environment where various conditions, such as material-spacial, social-and-creative, cultural-and-creative, intellectual are created. The problem of creation of a personified informational-and-educational system requires a more precise definition of individual’s development and formulates the idea of specific-visual and theoretical learning in teaching-learning activity. It means tha tvisual perception and visual cognition became for us a priority conception which plays a significant role within the modern pedagogical technologies. Taking into consideration all the information given above we started creating a personified informational-and-educational system. We have defined three levels of personality development – individualization, personification and personalization. In our research personification is the tool of personality individualization and its transformation in other individuals (personalization). The environment here defines definite appearance models, behavior models and stereotypes. As the result of comparison and introspection a person comprehends himself, his abilities and potential and makes his own choice in life [3].

Personal potential and the use of didactic multidimentional technology are two main foundations of structure and essential characteristics of the personified informational-and-educational environment and we consider it as pedagogical and technological phenomenon.

Themainprinciplesofcreatingofthepersonifiedandconceptuallydeterminatedidactic multidementional technology of informational-and-educational system are:

  • didactic multidementional technology which determines function, structure and content of the system [1,2];
  • social-and-cultural background of technology–invariable/variable basis of formation of content and various stages (scientific and educational, sensual-visual, emotional and reflexive-evaluative) of educational process;
  • anthropological background of technology – invariable/variable basis of formation of content and various stages (subject studying, analytical and verbal and modeling-fixative) stages of teaching-learning process;
  • cognitive presentation of knowledge in the system – creation of semantically connected system of knowledge by means of structuring, connecting and summarization of the elements of teaching material;
  • macro- and micronavigation in the teaching material by means of using interface macronavigator (macronavigation) and didactic multidimentional tools (micronavigation) in the teaching-learning process;
  • logical-and-semantic modeling of knowledge and skills by their presentation in a multidimensional visual-conceptual form;
  • coordination of external an dinner plan of educational cognitive activity with the help of didactic multidementional tools;
  • didactic-and-instrumental autodialogue of a student with the teaching material which is initialized due to multidimentional didactic tools, i.e. logical-and-semantic models represented in the external plan of educational activity;
  • two-level control of student’s activity based on two main parameters, i.e. “studying” and “understanding” while working with text and graphic materials;
  • elements of personification of the system upon authorization, monitoring, collecting final results of teaching into cumulative files;
  • elements of didactic design in the system which are used while designing the interface and creating the teaching material;
  • subagent organization of the system integrated with the structure of didactic multidimentional technology which determines it.

Описание: Рис ПИОС англ

Pic. 1. The model of personified, concept-deterministic informational-and-educational system, where: TS – teaching subject; TM – teaching material; TE – the technology of education(SSA – subject-study activity, AVA – analytical and verbal activity; MFA – modeling-fixing activity); DT – didactic tool.

Our understanding of the personified IES is given below.

Personified IES is a pedagogical system of a new type which is represented in the technology of interactive communication of the subject through the functions of logical-and-semantic modeling, autidialogue, cognitive knowledge representation and cognitive navigation in methods of teaching. It represents a kind of social-and-psychological reality based on a concept-deterministic organized structure of informational-and-didactic environment of the personal character; it provides cognitive activity and access to the information-and-education resources with the help of modern information technologies and of methods and tools of instrumental didactics [4].

1. Stheiberg V.E. Didactic multidimentional tools: theory, methodology, practice (monograph). – M.: Narodnoe obrazovanie, 2002. – 304 p-s.ISBN 5-87953-160-0 (http://elibrary.ru/item.asp)

2. Stheiberg V.E., Vakhidova L.V., Davletov O.B. Concept-determined informational and educational environments and the basis of their realization / Stheiberg V.E., Vakhidova L.V., Davletov O.B. / Professional pedagogics: categories, notions, definitions: Collection of scientific papers./ edited by G.D. Barkhudarova, O.N. Arefieva, and G.N. Zhukova.Ekaterinburg: “UIPC” LLC, 2013. Issue 7. 320 p-s. P-s: 271-278.ISBN 987-5-4430-0037-4.

3. The MIND MAP BOOK by Tony Buzan with Barry Buzan. – London: “BBC Books”, 2003.

4. Vakhidova L.V. The ways of improving the quality of professional training of stuidents at the university by means of modern informational technologies // Collection of scientific papers SWorld on the basis of the proceedings of the international research and training conference “Long-term innovations in science, education, industry and transport’ 2012. – Odessa. 50 volumes. Volume 13, issue № 2. P-s:32-35 THE WAYS OF IMPROVING THE

Bibliographic reference

Vahidova L.V. THE CONCEPT OF A PERSONALIZED EDUCATIONAL ENVIRONMENT IN THE EDUCATIONAL PROCESS. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2013. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/455-24446 (22.02.2025).