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Asgarov S. (Azerbaijan), Alakbarov M. (Azerbaijan), Aliev Z. (Azerbaijan), Babayev N. (Uzbekistan), Chiladze G. (Georgia), Datskovsky I. (Israel), Garbuz I. (Moldova), Gleizer S. (Germany), Ershina A. (Kazakhstan), Kobzev D. (Switzerland), Kohl O. (Germany), Ktshanyan M. (Armenia), Lande D. (Ukraine), Ledvanov M. (Russia), Makats V. (Ukraine), Miletic L. (Serbia), Moskovkin V. (Ukraine), Murzagaliyeva A. (Kazakhstan), Novikov A. (Ukraine), Rahimov R. (Uzbekistan), Romanchuk A. (Ukraine), Shamshiev B. (Kyrgyzstan), Usheva M. (Bulgaria), Vasileva M. (Bulgar).
The language environment, in the modern Russian Universities, is being became, more and more, poly-cultural and multicultural. For example, in Tatarstan (e.g. the subject of the Russian Federation), every year, the students percentage from the countries of CIS, the Middle and Far foreign countries abroad is being increased. The poly-cultural and multicultural language environment, is being became the indispensible attribute and its fixture of the modern University. The improvement challenge of the poly-cultural and multicultural language level and, on its basis, professional education is much concerned by many people, including the students.
According to our surveys (e.g. 2012 - 2013 -es, 342 respondents) 59,2% students - and the foreigners have been experienced and have been tested on themselves the nationalism and the racism manifestation, 36,9% - have not been tested, 3,2% have been left the question unanswered (e.g. see, the Chart 1). On the question, of whether the nationalism is affected the education quality, 87,3% have been responded, that it is affected negatively on the language quality, as well as the vocation education quality.
The personology, as the science is being explored not only the trainee (e.g. the student), but also the training, as well as the environment, in which they are being interacted. The very personification of the same is perceived, as the technology, that can be improved the language and the vocational education quality.
Which components can be incorporated into the technology of the education personification?
It is well known, that the «personology» term had been appeared in the works of Harry (e.g. Henry) Murray, the doctor, the Ph.D. in the field of the biochemistry, the psychoanalyst, Melville creative activity researcher, who headed the Harvard University Psychological Clinic many years [1]. The term appearance has been dew to the author's desire to be emphasized the need of the holistic study of the personality, which, first, has not only the social, but and the biological nature, and, second, the personality is being lived and further developed in the certain environment, and in the certain socio-cultural context. However, H. Murray's personology is, largely, presented itself the motivation theory, than the personality theory. In the patho-psychology or the abnormal psychology, he is the creator of the thematic apperceptive test (e.g. TAT), which was, widely, used in the Clinic, and then it was, lately, adapted by the American psychologist J. Mac-Cleland and J. Atkinson for the study of the human basic motives, on the whole, (e.g. the content analysis). Murray is one of the first has been begun to be considered the motives, as the stable personal dispositions. But, at the same time, in the paper «Toward a Сlassification of Interaction», in: «Toward a General Theory of Action», Cambridge, Mass., 1951, he has come to the conclusion, that the purposeful behavior can only be explained, as the result of the interaction of the personal (e.g. the requirement of the state, as the desired goal state) and the situational (e.g. the «pressure», as the situation signs, on which can be expected or which should be afraid of) factors: «the pressure» is actualized the corresponding demand, and the need is looked for its corresponding «the pressure».
During the educational practices analysis of three Universities, we have been able to be highlighted the personification indicators of the educational communication at the Higher School Education Institution, among them: the personality indicator (e.g. the degree of the student personality self - realization); the empathetic indicator (e.g. the teacher's ability to be put himself in the student's place, and to be seen the world through his eyes); the reflexive indicator (e.g. the emotional field of the studies, the field of joy, wonder, admiration, and happiness); the cognitive indicator (e.g. the value attitudes recording of the student and the teacher personality); the interactive indicator (e.g. the aware of and unconsciousness unity); the nuclear indicator (e.g. the implementation of the communicative core in the communication and the learning and cognitive activity); the integrative indicator (e.g. the integrativeness of the learning content); the nature-conformable indicator (e.g. the recording of the individual rate in the personality development); the attractive indicator (e.g. the content attractiveness and the studies forms); the effective indicator (e.g. the practical orientation of the studies content). Thus, all these indicators have already been identified on the basis of the Spearmen correlation analysis, and they are determined the mechanisms dependence of the creative (e.g. personified) self-realization of the students personality from their creativity (e.g. the teaching skills) of the teacher.
So, the identified indicators have been permitted to be proved, that the effectiveness and the efficiency, and also the promise of the personified education in Russia are determined by the following components:
- multi-paradigmatic, if to be considered it, as the research methodology, having implied: the openness to the various and different versions of the forecasting challenge and the Higher School Education Institution future planning; the innovative strategies justification for the higher education further development in the conceptual synthesis from the variety of the existing education paradigms; the focus on the practical result of the applying transformative strategies and the innovative technologies to the different kinds of the pedagogical practices and to the different models of the higher education; the priorities identification of the innovative strategies in the united education space formation in the globalized world;
- nocsological, which must be taken into account at the personalized education construction: this education should be not only safe, but and is also aimed at the skills development of the health preservation, at the health culture formation;
- reflexive: the reflective technology organization of the professional and the personality self-development of the future teachers is presented itself the special organizational and pedagogical procedural mechanism of the inter-related between each other reflexive stages implementation to be further improved the teacher's professional activity: 1) the reflexive and analytical one (e.g. diagnostic stage); 2) the design and orientation one (e.g. the learning stage); 3) the stabilization one (e.g. criterion and evolution stage); 4) the systemic reflection (e.g. the perspective and projective stage);
- strategic: the internal contradictions are being identified in the life strategies of the future teachers: between the terminal and the instrumental, between the traditional and the modern value orientations, having arisen under the factors' influence of the objective and the subjective risks, in combination of the material conditions of the life and the vital activity of the young peoples' different groups;
- spiritual and moral: the reliance on the culture is required the pedagogically organized process: the comprehension of the personified culture ideals is being occurred only in the pedagogically organized process, the conditions are being created for the spiritual and moral development and the education of the students;
- individualized: this component is permitted to be considered the future teacher's preparation, as the personality further development, having served in the role of the active subject of the educational activities, which is aimed at the education, the self-development, and the further self-perfection throughout the whole of their lives;
- personality - centered: the future teacher's subjective position is included the motivationally valued, the cognitive, the regulatorily-activity aspects, which are determined its levels and indicators;
- subject: efficiency performance criteria of the personality-centered approach in the work on the students' learning independence development, having including in the personified education structure, can be: the life meaningfulness, the principal values of the growth and the development recognizing in it; the positive perception of oneself, others, the already chosen vocation, its consideration, as the possibility to be realized their own interests, the inclinations, and the values; the cumulative; the creativity; the openness to their lives and the willingness to keep their learning;
- anti-cipational: the anticipation is enhanced the education personification, by the conditions creating for the implementation, first of all, the anticipation regulatory components, i.e. through the special organization of the co-curricular activities to be provided the students with their opportunity to be participated in the goal-setting, their learning activity planning and its control; to be provided the students' forecasting the content, the types, and the results of their academic work at all or the most stages studies and their classes; at the methods development of the structural phases organization of the studies and their classes to be addressed the relationship of the regulatory, cognitive and communicative components of the anticipation;
- competency: this component is involved the inclusion of the vocational - oriented learning tasks complex, having provided the integrated ties of the academic discipline with the other academic disciplines realization; the context-sensitive technology implementation, that is determined the forms, the methods, the learning facilities choice, which are aimed at the motivational-valued orientations, the subject knowledge, the skills, the habits, the personality qualities of the students formation, that is formed the basis of the common cultural and the occupational competences of the graduates; the computer technologies introduction in the process of the professionally - oriented learning and education, with due regard for its substantive content, and the procedural components; the systematic monitoring organization of the subject educational outcomes, that are completely met to the basic requirements of the FGOS ARPA.
All this has been permitted to be considered the personification, as the education focus and its direction on the potential development and implementation of the each individual student in the life and the professional challenges solving; as the pedagogical interaction organization, with due regard for the student's and the teacher's their individual characteristics, peculiarities, and specific features; as the technology use to be supported teaching, the student's occupational activity further activization and enhancing, in the process of the educational, teaching and professional challenges and goals solution. At the same time, under the personified system realization conditions, in all probability, it is needed and the special personification principle, which is associated with the implementation not only the personality - centered, individualized, reflexive, and also other approaches, but and the approaches, having focused on the individual student's personality self-creation, on the language personality formation and further development (e.g. the personality with the individual and specific manner of the speech behavior) in the mixed - language environment [2].
2. Valerian F. Gabdulchakov., “Of Linguistic Education in Kindergartens”. // «International Journal of Early Years Education». Volume 19, Issue 2, 2011. Pages 185 – 188.
UNIVERSITIES ACTIVITIES ANALYSIS) . International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2013. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/455-24449 (22.02.2025).