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Development of philological thought in Kazakhstan develops in line with the latest trends in the world of science, presenting a special interest in the spiritual traditions of Turkic, Eastern culture. System of historical premise of the development paradigm of modern philology in Kazakhstan came objectives of social and economic change. Achievement of state sovereignty as a basic constitutional system has become determining cause of conceptual revision history of Kazakh literature review in the aspect of the genetic roots of literature and its relationship to ancient Turkic period of language arts, and from the perspective of intercultural dialogue in the paradigm of the relationship of languages and literatures of the world.
Humanitarian resource, enclosed in language and literature, presents the skeleton of the preservation and development of mankind. Who revives the golden fund of the national literature, which was forced to oblivion. The rapidly growing number of literary works. In this regard, need to radically different way to understand brewing "unknown face" shaped complex picture of the world. Leading scientists in the world in the field of literary criticism and linguistics have extensively studied this problem.
In this perspective, the problem of artistic and linguistic world is the most relevant and effective in discovering the meaning of the valuable work of art in shaping the spiritual and moral guidance and motivation of the young generation.
Experience and the spiritual heritage of the Turkic peoples appears as an equal element of the dialogue of civilizations. The reason for this consists in the fact that the Turkic culture, showing the highest degree of spirituality correlates with the movement of the spirit of man.
Turkic world, leaving the roots back centuries, has preserved the continuity of humanistic principles, has a significant spiritual, ideological, economic impact on the development paradigm of contemporary global processes on the formation of the typology of the contemporary world.
Common Turkic literary heritage has deep roots and covers a huge range of space-time, starting with ancient times and determining the genotype of modern cultural rights. The formation and development of language, literature, literature of Turkic tribes exhibit of historical and ethnic dynamics of modulation, and show that internal cultural relationship that characterizes the literature of the Turkic peoples, which is a harmonious part of world culture.
Ancient Turkic literary heritage of the different by intensive formation of new qualities of spirituality, with the versatility and relevance in a multiethnic environment of the Turkic tribes. Dynamism, mobility of the spiritual culture of the steppe peoples and contributed to the fact that they were kind of cultural bridge between East and West. Openness, flexibility of thinking, perception of brightness in an infinite time and spatial paradigm determined the uniqueness of artistic means and methods of Turkic literature and did not prevent her inner spiritual integrity.
Should be said about the formation of spiritual culture and literature of the Kazakhs, who are active participants in the global events that determined the paradigm of cultural and historical development of the peoples of Siberia, Central, Central and Western Asia, Eastern Europe. The idea of the ancient Turkic autochthonous alphabet scientifically proven. Archaeological excavations near Almaty led to the discovery of inscriptions in the Saka kurgan V-IV century. Nomadic way of life of Scythians necessitated the emergence tamga as a symbol, as a cultural phenomenon, as the emblem of the tribe or clan as the basis of the alphabet, as a sign of membership, continuing till the nowadays.
Ch. Valihanov, the famous anthropologist, folklorist, historian, speaking of the Kazakh poetic art, particularly focused on the idea of the integrity of the spiritual culture of the Kazakh people: "It is amazing how fresh preserved their ancient Kyrgyz tradition, and believed, and still amazing that in all the remotest ends of the steppe, especially in verse saga, and transferred to the same collation were literally identical, as lists of one manuscript. Oddly enough it seems like an incredible accuracy of word of mouth sources nomadic hordes of illiterate, yet it is an actual fact, not to be questioned "[1, 391].
Historical continuity, respect for literary tradition, the search for new means of artistic recreation of the world characterized by the development of Turkish literature, from samples of artistic monuments Tengrian era: epos "Alyp Ep Tonga", "Shu" heroic epic era of the Huns, "Ogyz-kagan" " Attila, "" Kok borі "," Ergenekon "Ancient monuments of rock 'Kүltegіn", "Tonykok", "Bіlge kagan" and ending with classical examples of Kazakh heroic epos "Қobylandy batyr", "Alpamys batyr", "Er-Targyn." An important artistic achievement of this literature has been the creation of beauty categories, due to historical necessity of the struggle for independence, freedom of the people. The functional purpose of the heroic epic is defined in the image of the perfect ideal of the hero that protects the interests of the race, tribe, and later the people. Means of artistic expression of the heroic epic - an epithet, comparison, hyperbole, metaphor, showing recurrence and continuity over the centuries, enriching the system with new artistic means intense colors and nuances in the portrayal of the hero and the events associated with it.
In the formation of a new artistic aesthetic conception of man and the world it is important to understanding the artistic experience of the steppe tribes, bearing a unique experience and outlook, high humanistic start. Chinese records show that in the legends preserved ancient totemic beliefs of Turkic tribes. One of the reasons to maintain continuity in the idea of artistic originality, and in the delineation became poeticization holy land - it has found expression in the tradition of "Otuken," repeated in the Orkhon monuments, in the writings of Al-Biruni and Mahmud of Kashgar. Also the theme of the sacred land poetization complemented the legend of the fairy mountain valley "Ergenekon" is not available for the invasion of enemies. In the Kazakh literature dream of a peaceful and prosperous life embodied in the work of Hasan Kaigy, relentlessly searching for his people to the promised land "Jer uiiq."
One of the jewels of the ancient Turkic heritage is "my grandfather book Qorqyt" - historical epic based on true historical facts. A well-known expert said N.Kelimbetov in-depth scientific analysis of the philosophical depth of thought says the main character of the product [2]. Thoughts and aspirations in common with his grandfather Qorqyt thoughts and dreams of modern man. This is the distinctive quality of highly artistic literature, characterized by the principles of humanism. And the artistic monuments of Ancient Literature, in particular, "my grandfather book Qorqyt," are the treasures of spiritual thought, demanded all of humanity. The value of the literary monument is the spiritual content that does not lose its relevance in a temporary space, is close to affecting the heart and soul of man irrespective of his race and religion.
The artistic world of Turkish literature and its successor, - Kazakh literature actualize the man himself, his emotional world, their social experience, its spiritual and intellectual accumulation. Dominated the world map in the relationship between man and nature, in a constant transition from the deification of sebya infinitely powerful, and this has affected perception of the world of the steppe people, identify themselves with the whole universe, perceiving all of the surrounding nature as our home. This was the contradiction, as reflected in the literature as an artistic conflict is the struggle and the unity of man and the world.
A special artistic achievement Turkic literature and Kazakh epic was creating an image of a warrior of the steppe - the ideal hero of literature. The unity of the perception of space and time determined by the integrity of the ancient artistic and literary heritage. Optimism pervades the artistic perception of the world, represented by the universality of conflict, high humanistic principles of aesthetic attitude to the world have identified the role and importance of Ancient Literature in the world cultural space.
Turkology as a science is experiencing some difficulties, the origins of which go to the official policies of the Science of the USSR, distorts and ignores the facts of history and culture of the Turkic peoples. For example, it appears that in the history of the Turkic peoples of the former Soviet Union is not the Bronze Age, which contradicted by scientific evidence up to the nineties of the twentieth century in monographs and textbooks on the history of Kazakh literature, with few exceptions the ancient Turkic stage of development is not reflected in any way, as if it was not in history. In view of these facts it seems that Turkology in post-Soviet states, particularly in Kazakhstan is entering a new phase in its development, and in this unexplored field of knowledge is much greater than studied.
Kazakhstan gained independence, the state has become a powerful impetus to the possibilities of access and study of the Ancient monuments of literature as a source of spiritual culture. In this revival of interest in their origins clearly identified two problems. The first - the desire for spiritual rebirth through a deep knowledge of their own history and culture. Despite the processes of globalization is - a global trend, typical of those countries and communities that aspire to leadership in the progressive development of humanity. This trend is expressed in the words of a famous sociologist Francis Fukuyama: "Today was vital to develop a deeper understanding of what makes a variety of different cultures and that is the basis of their operation, because the problem of global competition, both political and economic, will increasingly is formulated in terms of culture. " Thus, the harmonious integration into the global spiritual space is possible only when self-awareness and self-identity of the nation. In a global world process can clearly be seen national renaissance of paradigm, and it is sometimes seen as a response to the challenges of globalization - such as universal urbanization, standardization and unification. Experience in the spiritual heritage of the Turkic peoples acts as an equal element of the dialogue of civilizations, refuting the various pseudo-scientific concepts.
Keep in mind the fact that the Turkic-speaking peoples are one of the many peoples of the world, their spatial dispersal widely and covers Asia, Europe, Australia and American continents. As the number of Turkic-speaking peoples occupy second place in the world after the Slavic family of nations. Socio - political changes in the early nineties of the twentieth century led to the disbanding of the USSR and the emergence of five independent Turkic states, some of whom are of Kazakhstan.
We support the view that Turkology not be limited to areas of linguistics and literature, as so often happens in modern science. Turkic world, leaving the roots back centuries, has preserved the continuity of humanistic principles, has a significant spiritual, ideological, economic vlyanie the paradigm of modern global development processes, the formation of the typology of the contemporary world. From this point of view Turkology fundamental needs a comprehensive approach covering all sides of all faces of the Turkic world view - ethics, religion, philology, aesthetics, the right culture, ethnography, history, psychology, pedagogy, logic. In this regard, common Türkic literary heritage because of the functional purpose of artist expression has become a huge treasure trove of spiritual experience of centuries of Turkic civilization.
Hence, the obvious in the Turkic world striving for a deeper understanding of the origins of the centuries-old experience and generalization reflects the paradigm of the world's civilization processes. In this connection it should be said about the positive aspirations of the Republic of Turkey on the development of cultural interactions of all the Turkic peoples. In 1999 I was a member of the International Women's Forum of the Muslim world, which was held in Istanbul. For me it was an important experience of unity of Muslim and Turkic world. In the capital of Turkey in 2006 on the initiative of the General Association of Academies of Asia was organized by Vano special session examines the policy management of cultural heritage in Asian countries.
In Kazakhstan in 2010 by the initiative of President Nursultan Nazarbayev opened the Academy of International Turkic. In large universities, the Department organized "Türkology." The republic has produced scientific journals have begun "Türkology", "Altaic and Turkic language." In Astana, the Eurasian National University named after L. Gumilev a Centre of Turkic and Altaic, and new master's degree training "The language of the Turkic written monuments", "Turkic languages".
These initiatives are consistent, they are a reflection of the politics of Turkic states, aimed at enriching the spiritual space of the global community. This is a prerequisite for understanding the multidimensional system of cultural - civilizational processes of global development. And in our country - in Kazakhstan, and in some of our neighboring states in recent years carried out extensive programs to collect, study and promotion of cultural heritage, including Turkic period. Since Kazakhstan's independence at the state level were held anniversaries of the great sons of Turkic civilization - Cork Ata and Al - Farabi, and marked the anniversary date of the ancient cities of the Silk Road, located on the territory of Kazakhstan - Turkestan, Taraz. State program "Cultural Heritage", adopted in 2004, which is extensively and comprehensively solve the problems of scientific and methodological support for the revival of the Kazakh and Turkic culture and spirituality.
In literary studies, this program focuses on research and publication of a series of works on the folklore and ancient written monuments. In this connection the Institute of Literature and Art named M. Auezov under the Ministry of Education and Science has prepared a ten new history of Kazakh literature, Anthology of Kazakh Music and the Body of Kazakh folklore. Among the research projects of unprecedented novelty, scope previously unexplored material and the volume is a collection of Kazakh folklore, under the symbolic title "Babalar sozi" in 100 volumes.
Civilizational features of the global development of the world show more actualizing significance of the problem of development of each nation, the preservation of national cultural values, national language, literature and culture.
The uniqueness of language and identity of the literature form the basis of the functioning and development of national culture. The importance of understanding this fact underlines the increasingly pronounced trend when global competition involves not only economic, social processes, but also extending to the sphere of spiritual and intellectual environment, demonstrating leadership in all the plain language - the language of culture. In a global world can clearly be seen during the national renaissance of the paradigm, and this is seen as a response to the challenges of globalization - such as universal urbanization, standardization and unification. Thus, the harmonious integration into the global spiritual space is possible only if the identity and increase awareness of the nation.
Simulation of the artistic image of the world and linguistic world as a dialogue of cultures in the paradigm of space - time coordinates of an integrated world, a single information field is a consequence of global development.
For modern philological science research in Kazakhstan is characterized by a scientific understanding of problems of the relation of language semantics and knowledge about the world, revealing the artistic language and "otherness" of figurative painting in the art world the incarnation of spiritual values that are universal content creation and study of relevant national images of the world through language and literature . From the perspective of linguistics and literature, increasing the relevance of studying the problem of the relationship and interaction phenomena of language - Literature - Culture - consciousness. In the aspect of identifying features of the functioning and development of languages and literatures of special scientific interest is the problem of studying the relation of the conceptual, artistic and linguistic world.
The development of philological science in the period of independence Kazakhstan has a number of achievements fundamental level. Status of state sovereignty has become a powerful basis for the enrichment, content updates, expanding the functions and interrelationships of the Kazakh language and literature, languages and literatures, multi-ethnic state, scientific fields, respectively, linguistics and literature.
A comparative study of the Kazakh and Turkic languages, historical grammar of the Kazakh language is a new academic position. Particular relevance are marked study ancient written language. The program "Cultural Heritage" Turkology enriched with new data on the phonetic, lexical, grammatical features of Orkhon-Yenisei and other monuments of the ancient Turkic culture.
One of the main assets of sovereignty in the humanities has been re-establishment of the integrity of Kazakh literature, finding its roots back to the paradigm of the national literary and artistic thought passionary names of creative individuals and their works. On the one side, it was repressed talented artistic heritage of Kazakh Literature and Culture Shakarim Kudaiberdiev, Ahmet Baitursynov, Magzhan Zhumabayev, Zhusupbek Aymauytov, Myrzhakip Dulatov, Alikhan Bukeyhanov, Kudaibergen Zhubanov, some significant works of Mukhtar Auezov, Sultanmahmut Toraigyrov etc.
On the other hand, the scientific revolution have entered previously restricted large scientific works of famous writers and scientists have contributed to a more holistic and objective understanding of the history of artistic and aesthetic values of Kazakh literature, which, in turn, helped the understanding of centuries-old Kazakh history, as well as the idea of national statehood.
Leading local literary critics, aware of the value returned by the literature in understanding the history and spiritual life of the Kazakh people and the prospects of Kazakh statehood, did a great job on the scientific understanding of the creative heritage of art and rehabilitated the critical heritage. They were written and published monographic works on literary criticism Alash, in general, and the creativity of its individual members, dedicated to the life and work of J. Aymauytov, S. Kudaiberdiev, M.Zhumabayev, S. Seifullin, M. Auezov etc.
Literature is an artistic display of life in all its diversity, its protagonist is a man. The artistic cognition of reality and evaluation of a person in the structure of social and natural whole being put in a wide range of different, sometimes contradictory, trends in a variety of techniques of different artistic methods.
Presumably, the romantic and irrationalist ideas about the essence of being human, and eschatological conception of man, and a realistic understanding of the place and role of personality around him - all this is about a natural phenomenon in the history of human spirituality. The variety and inconsistency of the various methods, aesthetic concepts, styles existing in the modern literary process, however, is not in conflict with the meta-law's artistic activity artistic personality, which has the purpose of aesthetic perception of the world and understanding of man's place in it.
The importance of art as art in general, is determined not so much of its value to local or national characteristics, as universal content. Of course, every artistic movement in literature creates its own model of the embodiment of peace, content and form of which depends on a number of components. In a form of generalized this can be represented as a system of interaction between a moving reality (reality)), a certain level of social consciousness, the aesthetic specificity of human activity, the laws of the creative process and, finally, the specific nature of artistic perception.
It is this quality is determined by the social significance of literature in general and literature in particular. Therefore, changes in the socio-political, socio-economic life since Kazakhstan gained independence, the state is fully reflected in literature and literary scholarship.
One of the main motivations in the modern view of the literature was the scientific understanding of centuries-old art of verbal creativity in its genetic interdependence in the spiritual and aesthetic relationship to the paradigm of a global civilization processes of global development with a rich artistic, scientific and critical heritage, which was returned with the acquisition of sovereignty the spiritual treasure of the people as an important socio-humanitarian resource state and social development.
An important achievement of literary science of independence was the scientific understanding and an introduction to the scientific revolution the vast reservoir of culture - the ancient and Middle Turkic period of literature, representing the genetic roots of Kazakh literature. The history of literature - is a reflection of the historical development of the nation, the people of the state. Whole historical periods represented "white spots". Before the period of independence of the ancient period of development of Kazakh literature did not mention either in school or in college textbooks. The development of the Kazakh written literature dated from the 19th century. Ignorance of their spiritual roots, their own alphabet, the traditional poetics of a negative impact on the spiritual level of society.
The study and systematization of ancient and medieval heritage of Kazakh literature became the basis of the scientific context of enrichment study of literary monuments of Saka-Argun era Turanian civilization of Turko-Mongol, Turkic, Oguz-Kipchak, Katakhanids periods, as well as literature, the Golden Horde. First scientific publication was carried out at the Kazakh Turkic literary gems of art, "Oguz-name", "Muhabbat name", "Diwani Hikmet," studied art not previously extant talented poets of the Middle Ages. This ambitious and innovative research on the content of a unique scientific, social and ideological significance: defines the chronological framework of periodization and the ancient and medieval written Kazakh literature and serves as the restoration of artistic and aesthetic integrity and contributes to understanding the significance of Kazakh literature in the paradigm of Turkic and world literature.
Socio - Humanities form the national identity, civic identity, and spiritual development of each person - a member of society. That is, provide the factors that shape national stability and peace. The stability of the social and economic development rests on the basis of the internal state of each person, the general population. This goal can be achieved only on the basis of professional scientific knowledge about the person.
Linguistics and Literature in the paradigm of humanitarian knowledge are the basic components of the main science - "human studies". They enable the realization of human treasures of national culture, the knowledge of man "tili analysis" - the mother tongue and native literature opens the way for him to be attached to the universal culture through the assessment and perception of national cultural values.
Of course, the legacy of ancient Turkic over time becomes for us a deeper wisdom. With a highly artistic qualities of literature ancient Turkic verbal art that reflected the high degree of spirituality, which is correlated with the movement of the human spirit in the modern world. That is what contributes to the demand for spirituality and culture of the Turkic world in the dialogue of civilization, to establish the concept of universal cultural space.
Centuries-old spiritual, ethical, religious, cultural kinship of the Turkic peoples are most clearly manifested in language, literature and culture. This relationship is the foundation of the unity of the Turkic peoples. Studies of language and literature of Turkic peoples interactions reflect the tendency of the revival of Turkic civilization aspirations. Active scientific, cultural, educational process relationships in the modern era provides a simulation of the process of civilization in the Turkic identity. Turkic identity, the convergence of the Turkic peoples in the context of cultural processes makes it possible to perceive the world as a super-ethnos of the Turks, which has its place in world civilization.
2. Kelimbetov N. Ezhelgі dauіr adebietі (Kazak adebietі bastaulary). - Almaty: Atamura, 2006. - 336 p.
Dautova S. B. ART OF LITERATURE AND SPIRITUALITY IDEALS. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2013. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/455-24450 (22.02.2025).