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Nowadays great attention is paid to formation of cultural and professional competences of students of the higher school as it is necessary for successful socialization of future specialists in the market - oriented economy.
High school course of botany for bachelors includes lectures, laboratory works, field practical training, control works, colloquiums, independent studies, research work and course papers.
The aim of teaching of the subject is the formation of common cultural and special professional competences of students which gives the complete representation of external and internal structure of plants and biological variety of world around.
Dialectic and materialistic world outlook is formed by consideration of basic directions of morphological evolution of plants, questions concerning the origin and evolution of a flower, vegetative organs etc.
Ecological thinking is provided while studying ecological group of plants and acquaintance to rare and disappearing plants of local flora during the field practical training.
Economic thinking is realized while studying the regularity of order of mechanical tissues in a plant body as the greatest durability is provided by least expense of plastic material and while studying different types of gynaeceum and other questions.
Patriotic education is carried out while studying life and activities of outstanding Russian botanists such as N.I. Vavilov, I.V. Michurin, K.A. Timiryazev, S.G. Navashin etc.
Aesthetic education of students is achieved while studying the variety of types of flowers and fruit, the beautiful and elegant forms, the external sight of different plants (pendent forms, pyramidal crones of trees etc).
Education of love to the nature and careful attitude to it promotes development of ethical lines of personality.
It is impossible to study botany without labour education. Gathering and drying plants, making demonstrative training aids, observing of nature and experimental research work, work with the determinant of plants and other educational and methodic books develop abilities to generalization, analysis, cultivate culture of thinking and work (Mushinskaya, Kudryashova, 2004).
The process of studying the course of botany is directed on the formation of elements of the following special professional competences:
SPC-1 is directed to acquire the basic biological concepts, the knowledge of biological laws and phenomena, professional terminology;
SPC-2 is directed to acquire the knowledge of peculiarities of morphology, ecology, reproduction, geographical distribution of plants, animals, fungi and microorganisms, to understand their role in nature and economic activities of the man;
SPC-5 is directed to acquire the knowledge of regularity of development of organic world;
SPC-7 is directed to have the ability to apply biological and ecological knowledge, to analyze the applied problems of economic activities;
SPC-8 is directed to have the ability to independent carrying out of researches, making of natural scientific experiments, using informative technologies for the decision of scientific and professional problems, the ability to analyze and to evaluate the results of laboratory and field researches.
While studying the course of botany first-year students acquire special professional competences on the knowledge of comprehensive school subjects and parallel high school subjects. Studying photosynthesis and other reactions in plants it is necessary to learn the course of chemistry of comprehensive school and high school course. To understand osmotic phenomenon in a cell, physical conditions of protoplast and regularity of distribution of mechanical tissue in the body of a plant students are to learn physics. The study of questions of anatomy, morphology and evolution of plants is based on school course of botany and general biology.
Hence, intercourse communications and good knowledge of school subjects are considered the base for successful formation of common cultural and professional competences while studying the course of botany by the first- year students on qualification the bachelor.
Ryabinina Z.N., Mushinskaya N.I., Dorokhina O.A. Competence Approach in the Course of Studies of Botany for Bachelors of High School. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2013. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/455-24452 (22.02.2025).