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Home / Issues / № 2, 2013


Karmanova Zh.A., Kitibayeva A.K.


Integration, globalization processes, intensively in the contemporary world have led to what is now left of societies, which can be characterized as a monoculture. In a multicultural stable domestic and inter-state relations are permitted provided that the principles of respect, equality and tolerance. The manifestation of nationalism, racism, religious extremism is evidence of that. Unfortunately, it must be noted that these negative trends are becoming common.


The aim of this study is to elaborate the concept of religious tolerance of students in secondary education.

Material and research methods

The subject of the research is the concept of students' formation of religious tolerance in secondary education. Research method made analysis of the scientific literature, in particular, the writings of philosophers, sociologists, cultural studies, teachers, psychologists, regulations.

Results of research and discussion

The state and education policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan a priority determines the formation of tolerance, religious tolerance of the younger generation.

In this context especially important to the formation of inter-religious tolerance of students in the education system, this, with significant educational potential, will promote theological education of the younger generation, the formation of inter-religious tolerance.

Taking into account the existing potential of scientific approaches, we define the essence of interfaith tolerance of pupils as active moral position of the individual, which is expressed in readiness to recognize, accept, understand, respect religious diversity and originality in the process of interaction between actors in a multi-religious society, manifested in the motivational and personal, meaningful, behavioral, reflexive components [1, p.13]. Under the formation of inter-religious tolerance students we understand the process of pedagogical influence in the process of training and education on motivational and personal, meaningful, behavioral, reflective component tolerance test species, the result of which is the person possessing the qualities that characterize it as religious tolerance [1, p.14] .

The starting position of having a methodological sense, acts developed concept of formation of religious tolerance of pupils in secondary education.

According to A.M. Novikov concept is the basic idea and resulting structural elements of the theory [2, p.83].

We have developed a concept based on the idea of forming an interfaith tolerance of pupils in secondary education lies in the fact that on the basis of methodological approaches, principles, and pedagogical conditions theoretically due to this feature that allows you to realize the interests and needs of not only society, the individual, but also the education system, a huge potential for the formation of tolerance study of the form [1, p.17].

At the heart of the developed concept of formation of religious tolerance of students in secondary education are approaches: systemic, cultural, cross-cultural, historical, anthropological, student-activity, polysubjective (dialogical), integral, synthetic, regional, global, information, support as it is on are allowed to organize activities for the formation of inter-religious tolerance of students in secondary education, and to define a set of methods, techniques in the study of this phenomenon.

For the formation of inter-religious tolerance of students in secondary education we selected principles: culture-congruity (applied by us, because religion is the bearer of cultural values); nature-congruity (in the educational process in determining the content, methods and forms, we take into account the need for differentiated education taking into account the age and psychological features of social experience and individual aid) humanism (orients the development of the individual, to the harmonious development in its general cultural, social and moral) of democratization (the contents of the educational process was full of knowledge on the basics of tolerance, on the basics of religious tolerance with the current trends in the world of religion and public arenas) objectivity (objectivity in the study achieved not only an objective attitude to the participants, but also the validity of theoretical propositions, validity, reliability, research methods, and, of course, objective, reliable experimental results), scientific (applied through scientific credibility of reported information to students, consideration of the essence of knowable phenomena demonstrate the relationship and the development of phenomena, familiarity of students with the most important theories) determinism (used by us in identifying the causes of intolerance, predicting the consequences of the formation of inter-religious tolerance and opportunity, if necessary, carry out corrective measures); unity consciousness and activity (in the organization of activities aimed at the formation of inter-religious tolerance is considered a mechanism of internalization and externalization), development (implemented through the implementation phases: a propaedeutic, motivating, shaping, corrects), since they allow you to theoretically justify the formation of tolerance test species.

Further scientific and theoretical basis of the Concept of formation of religious tolerance of students in secondary education was to determine the pedagogical conditions. Under the terms of the formation of teaching religious tolerance students we understand a set of external circumstances of the pedagogical process, the prerequisites for gaining knowledge about the diversity of their denominational world, abilities, skills tolerant interaction in terms of religious pluralism [1, p.19].

The theoretical analysis and practical experience has allowed us to identify the following pedagogical conditions of formation of religious tolerance of pupils in secondary education:

  • Value-sense setting students on inter-religious tolerance;
  • Information-methodical complex of the educational process;
  • The organization of joint work of the teacher and students using the process of formation of religious tolerance of various forms and methods of teaching and learning.


Thus, the proposed concept, which is based on the methodological approaches, principles, pedagogical conditions, is a scientific and theoretical basis for the formation of inter-religious tolerance of students in secondary education, which is represented by three main units: primary, secondary and senior. The concept involves the successive formation of religious tolerance students of all parts of the main components of which are the motivational and personal, meaningful, behavioral and reflective.

1. Zh.A. Karmanova Theoretical bases of formation of religious tolerance of students in secondary education: Abstract. ... Doctor. ped. Science. - Karaganda, 2010. – 42 p.

2. A.M. Novikov Doctoral dissertation: A Handbook for doctoral candidates’ doctoral degree. - Moscow: Egves, 2003. – 119 p.

Bibliographic reference

Karmanova Zh.A., Kitibayeva A.K. CONCEPTUAL BASES OF STUDENTS’ FORMATION RELIGIOUS TOLERANCE IN SECONDARY EDUCATION. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2013. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/455-24456 (22.02.2025).