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Home / Issues / № 2, 2013


Korenchuk Z.A., Gachegov M.A.

Development of continuous professional medical staff training system is a part of reforms, conducted in education and public health of the Russian Federation. Improvement of additional professional education quality takes one of the first places among the branches. Modern medical worker is a constantly training specialist. His professional life is initially organized so that he will be deprived the right and possibility to work without regular advanced training.

Public health is the branch of social sphere and not only medical workers are involved in it but specialists of several services whose activity mainly specify the result of treatment process, finally characterized as human "quality of life".

Great experience of modern information and telecommunication technologies' use is accumulated at our Center. Instruments and means of electronic training such as instrumental and program facilities, electronic courses, systems of pedagogical measurements and estimation of training quality are regularly improved. Computer interactive training and virtual reality training systems are created for some programs. In addition, the base of audio-visual equipment (multimedia systems, interactive boards, portable equipment) is actively modified; projects of electronic library and systems of united institution documents' circulation are introduced. The list of postgraduate training programs of specialists with the use of efficient communication means in educational activities (videoconferences, webinars) is annually extended; that is notably preferred for corporate clients.

The main contradiction of standard educational model is, at the same time, mastering of professional activity in the frames of educational one, significantly different in aims, content, forms, methods, means, process and results. It entails vocational maladjustment, disability to make a productive decision and solve concrete professional problems.

The original system of interactive distant advanced training of pharmaceutical workers (druggists and pharmaceutists) founded at the Center can serve the illustration of efficient realization of competent approach in the sphere of additional professional education. It has three modules «Management and economy in pharmaceutics», «Modern problems of pharmaceutics with elements of pharmacotherapy», «Phytotherapy with basics of pharmacognosy». Experimental system patterns of educational pharmaceutical virtual reality (EPVR) were elaborated during the project creation.

Improvement of distant training forms is rather a new, perspective and very interesting project. The system of distant training MOODLE (Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment) was introduced for this purpose in 2012 and is successfully realized. The system is widely used at the biggest universities and educational centers in the world. More than 300 specialists in public health were trained with the use of MOODLE distant training system. The questionnaire design demonstrated high assessment of the project: more than 90% of specialists consider MOODLE training system as the most efficient one, promoting formation of the necessary modern professional standards and competence.

"Theatre of training activity" exists on the basis of the Center; practical skills in the team format are worked out in real time regime. Nowadays the storage (credit) system of public health workers' advanced training is approbated and introduced. It permits to use wider the possibilities of individual training trajectory. Services and consulting in the field of training (public integration services, project management, educational services' marketing) are realized.

New knowledge, skills and professional competence are necessary for modern physician to be demanded in a labor-market. Along with this the role of additional professional education seems to be actual and the existing system of educational services will fully satisfy the needs of a customer only in case of innovation approach to post-diploma training of medical staff.

Знаков с пробелами - 4609

Bibliographic reference

Korenchuk Z.A., Gachegov M.A. MODERN TECHNOLOGIES OF ADDITIONAL PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION IN THE SPHERE OF PUBLIC HEALTH. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2013. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/455-24464 (11.03.2025).