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Home / Issues / № 2, 2013


Gnezdilov E. A., Vostretzova L. G.

1. The Introduction

The 32 Universities and 14 their branches of the Institutes of higher education, the Colleges etc. are practically performed their educational activities with the total enrollment of the Universities students of 289,3 thousand persons (e.g. 4,7%, as a whole, in Russia - about 4,5%) on the territory of the Russian Far East, having made up the part of 6,169,3 thousand square kilometers (e.g. about 36% of the country's whole territory), where are homed up to 6,2 mln. people (e.g. 4,7% of the Russia's population). However, the labor market for the young experts and specialists has its own peculiarities in the Russian Far East.

The employment challenge is very significant for the entire working population of the region, but it is manifested itself the most actively in the job placement area and the Universities, the Institutes and the Colleges graduates' employment in the form of the apparent inconsistency of the educational services market, having offered by the regional Universities, the Institutes and the Colleges, and the actual needs of the labor market. The sharp drop in production in the key branches of industry - e.g. in the machine - building, the instrument - making, the shipbuilding, and the ship repair industries, in the mining associates, constructions and the other have already been resulted in the correspondence mismatch of the volumes and the structure of the experts and the specialists training and their real needs. This has been contributed to the dismantling of the previously successfully worked system of the state planning and the Universities, the Institutes of higher education, the Colleges graduates' further distribution.

In the absence of the real - order branches of the industries for the experts and the specialists training, the Universities, the Institutes of higher education, the Colleges had already lost the clear directions to the national economy needs for the educational services, and they were, more likely, to be focused on the population's social needs. This, and, as well as, the underfunding education, has been helped to be enhanced its payment and the proportion increase of the humanitarian specialties. Thus, none of the region's subjects could not, as it has been shown all by our studies, to be given the exact need for the exerts, the specialists and the professionals in occupations and the vocations in the next 2 - 3 years (e.g. 24 - 36 months).

So, in the absence of the labor market's clear guidelines and the employers' requirements specifically formulated, the curricula and the teaching programs, as though, as well as, the State Standards, have been become more and more "to be drifted" in the direction of the excessive academism, much having looked up from the industry's practical needs for the experts, the specialists, and the professionals, who are able to be worked independently and, moreover, to be organized the labor groups of the workers.

But, at the same time, the labor market for the young experts, the specialists, and the professionals has been become more demanding. And the employers' competition is being grown up, as well as in the sphere of the education. So, the labor market is practically experienced of the highly qualified personnel, according to the data virtually all the recruitment agencies and the employment services of the Russian Far East, their acute shortage. The sharp increase in demands on the part of the region's new enterprises, having worked with the foreign customers, and the partners, is practically necessitated the high - quality education, that is fully met the international standards, in terms of the theoretical knowledge, and the competences, the practical skills and habits, the communication skills and habits, and also the foreign languages knowledge.

It should be necessary to be recognized the quite obvious fact - today, the Far Eastern Universities and many other Russian Institutes of higher education, Colleges, and the schools to be coped with this challenge are not be able to do. With all the senses of the justified previously one, but to a certain extent, and now, the state educational standards use (e.g. the good specialists training in the certain directions and their areas), it should be stated, that the State Standards conserve, to some extent, that has already been set before the Soviet system of education, the same for all the educational Institutions and the schools. This is significantly limited the creative intentions and the wishes of many groups of the Universities, the Institutes of higher education, the Colleges, etc. to be given the necessary dynamics and the freedom of the educational processes, and they must be complied with the rapidly changing trajectories and the flexible technologies of the education in the leading foreign Universities, the Institutes of higher education, the Colleges, etc. and also the rapidly changing global innovation economy. In other words, it can be said: the good experts, specialists and professionals training within the framework of the State Standard - this is the personnel policies implementation, and the experts, specialists and professionals training for the individual Higher educational curricula and the teaching programs, that are completely met the main requirements of the world and the regional labor market - this is the technology and scientifically state's and the regions' policy.

So, it is widely and generally recognized, that the education - this is the economic growth foundation. But «to be effective and efficient, the education system must be continually evolved» [2]. The positive examples of this continuous process can be easily seen, as in the European countries, well as, especially, in the Asian ones (e.g. South Korea, Malaysia, Japan, Singapore), having achieved their significant progress in the economic and socially development in the recent years.

A number of the Federal and the Russian Scientific and Researching Universities establishment, and the Institutes of higher education, Colleges, etc. with their rights expansion in the content of the educational programs, can be the serious step in the modern technical and scientifically policy realization, through the flexible education and the experts, the specialists, and the professionals of the high degree competence in the leading sectors of the economy and the science. So, for example, in the program of the further development of the Far - Eastern Federal University (FEFU) for 2010 - 2019-es, having approved by the RF Government Decree, dated from 17.12.2010, it has been stipulated, that «the efforts should be aimed at the Higher Educational Institution creation - the center of the world level production, and the knowledge, the technologies, and the innovation distribution, having ensured the competitive economy formation of the innovation type, integrated into the Asia - Pacific economic Space APR» [1].

The intention of the both intellectual organizational models integration is lied on the basis of this ambitious program: the Global Research Institute, having taken its part in the international exchange of the most advanced experts, specialists, and professionals knowledge, and also the Entrepreneurial University, having provided by the development of the innovation branches of the national economy and the region by the highly - competent personnel.

The FEFU development planned strategy realization in the practice, regarding in the highly - qualified engineering and the management personnel preparation for the science intensive and the highly - technological companies in the region, it is quite possible only under condition of the mandatory organization of the flexible educational process, the basic organizing units of which should be the exclusive basic educational programs, consistent with the best domestic and the foreign counterparts the leading Universities, the Institutes of higher education, Colleges, etc. of APR countries. And this is practically presented by the most significant and the complicated one in the personnel training challenge.

So, the personnel preparation for the Russian Far East innovation economy is absolutely necessary and inevitable, having taken into consideration the set by the RF Government the strategic challenge "embedding" Russian economy into the Asia - Pacific economic area (APR), where the whole number of the rapidly dynamical developing countries - China, Thailand, Japan, the USA, and the others - far ahead of Russia by their innovation potential, and we are only at the fifth decade countries on this indicator. It is quite natural, therefore, it is appropriate to our use reasonability of the APR innovation litters resource, and their leading Universities, the Institutes of higher education, the Colleges, etc. Thus, it is so significant technological decisions import from the advanced educational -scientifically centers in the region's countries, which should be preceded the thorough analysis of the most attractive educational standards, appropriated and even exceeded, the best Russian counterparts, and having suggested the competitiveness increase of the educational programs. The education internationalization has already been become the important and the significant challenge for the emerging international and regional labor market.

So, the synergy effect achievement from the development and up to the realization of the original educational programs and the original borrowing of the most attractive technologies and the standards of the foreign Universities, the Institutes of higher education, the Colleges, etc. - the whole process is very laborious and lengthy. Having had some definite experience of the mutually directed combination of the curricula and the educational programs for the managers' training with the Universities in Japan and the USA, we can note, that it is preceded by the huge analytical work and the consensus processes. But a simple transfer and the use of the imported already finished programs is virtually impossible. This is, especially when closely working with the American Universities, the Institutes of higher education, the Colleges etc., where do not have any generally national educational standards [3].

So, it should be noted, that the Far - Eastern Universities, Institutes of higher education, the Colleges etc. students and the graduates are orientated, mainly, to the regional labor market, which should already become the ATR labor market part in the near future. Then, it should be understood and taken into account, that the economy globalization and the education internationalization are being resulted in the washing out of the national boundaries of the educational policy, and also the labor market, and, moreover, this process will be grown up. Even today, many graduates of the Russian Far - Eastern Universities, the Institutes of higher education, the Colleges etc. have found their jobs, and they are working successfully, as in the near, well as in the distant ATR countries (e.g. China, Japan, the USA, Canada).

In the Far - Eastern region, as well as in Russia, as a whole, one can see a quite clear mismatch between the labor market demand for the experts, specialists and the professionals in the specific skills and the graduates' supply of the vocational education. So, it is also observed, as the labor shortage presence segments in the branches of the economy, well as the experts, specialists and the professionals overproduction in the other ones, the low professional stability, and simply just enough and insufficiently their high qualifications.

The significant peculiarity and the specific feature of the regional labor market is its transformation and, to a certain extent, its uncertainty. Therefore, the most sought - after quality of the Universities, the Institutes of higher education, the Colleges etc. graduates has been become the ability to the subsequent self - development and to the retraining, as and when the need emergence for the new competencies and the skills.

As our researches have been shown, the attractiveness of one or another professions in the regional labor market are not usually determined by the potentially high demand for the experts, the specialists and the professionals (e.g. the number of the vacancies), but the difference between their pre - emptive social and the prestigious parties and the production high - quality performance. So, for example, despite of the growing demand in the region, today, in the engineering profile experts, the specialists, and the professionals, the greatest prestige and demand for the graduates of the schools steadily for many years are enjoyed a degree of the economic, legal, and linguistic orientation, as well as the scope of the international right, tourism, and service. That is, there is the preferred orientation, having enrolled in the post - employment in the non - manufacturing sector with their expectations of the higher wages. Subsequently, this is led to the exacerbation of the discrepancies between the structures of the labor market needs and the experts, the specialists, and the professionals turn - out. However, the regional labor market of the Russian Far - East is practically being experienced the need for the experts, the specialists, and the professionals of the engineering and technical spheres and fields of the energy and the machine - building branches of the industry, in the sphere of the shipbuilding and the ship repair, the petrochemical complex, the transport and the logistics, and the construction.

So, it should be taken into account, that most of the vacancies in the regional labor market - it is for the men. And more than 60% of the Russian Far - Eastern Universities, the Institutes of higher education, the Colleges etc. graduates - are the women. So, they are made up more 70% of the registered unemployed. At the same time, the challenge of the finding professional work under the comprehensible labor conditions is still being left the quite complex one. So, for example, each year, more than 17 thousand of the young experts, the specialists, and the professionals are turned out from the Primorsky Region's Universities, the Institutes of higher education, the Colleges etc. According to the Region's Administration data, about 2,5 thousand of them are constantly in search of the work, and they are turning to the employment services of the population. Therefore, for about 13 - 14% of the graduates the challenge is the most urgent (if we consider only those, who is formally referred to the employment services). And yet, the carried out studies have already been shown, that the year after their graduation of only 7,2% of the Universities, the Institutes of higher education, the Colleges etc. graduates were unable to be settled on their specialty, and 27,7%, moreover, said, that they had already found quite another interesting job profile.

The most significant factor in the graduates' job placement, having acted on the part of the University, the Institute of higher education, the College etc., is the practical help in finding of the suitable employment and the working place in their field and the specialty. Second, in the order of its importance, is the prestige of the University, the Institute of higher education, the College etc. in the market of the educational services, and, therefore, among the employers. In the third place, in its importance for the employers, can be delivered the quality of the educational services provided.

Having based on the analysis made by us, we can offer the combination of the economic organizing measures, are designed to be increased the graduates' employment percentage, and also, if it is possible, to be improved their working conditions, which are summarized in the Table No.1.

The Table No.1. The Proposed Activities to Be Increased the Percentage of the High School Graduates Employment



On the graduates' part

The targeted search of the most profitable working place


The striving for the excellent training in the specialty and the professional competencies high level achievement


The self - rating adequacy, as the specialist


The second higher education presence


The scientific research experience presence


The foreign languages mastery


The concomitant blue - color occupations presence

On the High Schools' part

The contractual relations establishment in the «student - High school - employer» chain, the contribution to employment in the all graduates' direction


The quality improving of the educational services


The High schools prestige growth


The competence - based approach use in the educational technologies


The educational programs' regular updating, in accordance with the employers' needs


The stable relations with the graduates


The connections with the recruiting companies

On the employers' part

The working conditions improvement


The salary increase up to the adequate work performed level


The economical - financially situation and the enterprise's activity results improving


The objective approach to the placement of candidates and the applicants selection for the vacancies


The participation in the Higher education Institutions, work, including in the curricula, educational standards, production practices programs development, in disciplines teaching, in the SEC and SAC work

On the recruiting agencies' part

The analysis quality improvement of the labor market


The graduates' and employers' counting and the reconciliation requirements

All these above - mentioned economic - organizing measures are contributed to the employment situation improvement for the graduates and, in principle, they are the universal for the different labor markets and the corresponding regions. But in order to be clarified, to be expounded, to be concretized the outlined recommendations, it is so significant to be conducted the permanent research and the additional studies in future.

1. “The Development Program of the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of the Higher Professional Education”. «The Far – Eastern Federal University» for 2010 – 2019 – es. The FEFU Publishing House., Vladivostok, 2011, p. 52;

2. Reinhold Weiss, “We Definitely Need the Elite”.// «Expert», № 34, М., 2003, p.p. 82 – 85;

3. Gnezdilov E.A., Zhukov F.V. ,“The Economy Globalization and International Cooperation of the Universities in the Asia – Pacific Region (APR)”. «The International Journal of Applied and Basic Research», № 3., М., p.p. 103 – 105.

Bibliographic reference

Gnezdilov E. A., Vostretzova L. G. THE EDUCATION INTERNATIONALIZATION AND LABOR MARKET IN THE RUSSIAN FAR EAST. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2013. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/455-24472 (22.02.2025).