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Home / Issues / № 2, 2013


Merekin D.V., Alieva L.M.
   The information, including the telemedicine services’ further development, is one of the main tasks of the Public Health modernization and further development in Russia. So, the mobile telemedicine complexes (MTMC) have a number of their specific advantages in the transition to the electronic services mass use [1]. In particular, the MTMC use is practically allowed to be overcome the telemedicine introduction challenges in the Public Health primary link in the remote areas [2].     

   The MTMC – these are the hardware – hardware complexes, having placed on the transport vehicle, and intended for the medical information exchange with the referral center, using the wireless communication [2].     

Mobile Telemedicine



                        Medical                                                          Computer              

                      Equipment                                                       Equipment


                     Telecommunication                                          Org-technical 

                      Equipment                                                       Data Input Means


                         Transport                                                                Technical

                          Vehicle                                                                   Software Means


   Fig.1. The Structure.    

   Their application is practically allowed to:

  - to be provided operatively the telemedicine equipment delivery and further deployment in any place, where it is required to be used it, including in the outbreaks of the emergency situations (OES), and not only in the medical institutions;      

  -  to be focused in the mobile complex composition the most modern telemedicine equipment, that is very difficult, from the economic point of view at the stationary cabinets networking organization;   

  - to be overcome the use addiction of the telemedicine technologies from the local conditions (e.g. the availability of the communications, equipment, personnel, etc.). 

   Thus, having analyzed the MTMC market, it s quite possible to be noticed, that it is consisted of the complexes, that are differed significantly by their challenges, functional possibilities, as well as the technical and the organizational solutions.  

               Some MTMC models are practically contained only telecommunication units without any medical blocks that it is quite possible to be used them only, as the means of videoconferencing (VСС) during the tele-consultations conducting, and also for the tele-educational arrangements. The other models, in contrast, are allowed to be transferred the necessary medical data, that it is used at the distant diagnostics, but they are not intended for the visual communication between the physicians. The medical devices’ set is substantially differed – from a single medical device (e.g. for example, the electrocardiograph with the transmitter) to the doctors’ specialized automated workplaces (AWP). The multifunction MTMC are included the VСС, the medical AWPs of the function, ultrasound, laboratory diagnostics. Such MTMC have already been realized, in the form of the fully staffed offices, having placed on the transport vehicles, the examples of which can be served the trains’ telemedicine offices, the telemedicine laboratory on the basis of the KAMAZ trucks, the foreign MTMC on the basis of the buses.     

   In other MTMC, the transport vehicles (e.g. the ambulance car- and air transport, minibuses) are used only for the delivery of the complete sets of the equipment to the destination places with the further their deployment under the local conditions (e.g. the hospitals, treatment facilities, medical Institutions, adapted premises).    

    So, in some stacking there are only the medical devices, and the computer equipment, it is planned to be used the local telecommunication facilities. In the other MTMC, the wide range of the telecommunication solutions is being practically used – from the satellite dish communication up to the «WiFi», «WiMAX» points, the cellular communication. Thus, the telecommunication facilities choice is depended on the decided challenges, and it is usually determined, as a rule, by the autonomy criterion.         

   All the above – mentioned is allowed to be offered the mobile telemedicine complexes classification (e.g. Fig. 2). 

   In the context of the Russian Public Health modernization, MTMC can be used for the wide range of the actual challenges solution. As it is followed from the established and current practice, in he most cases, MTMC are practically applied: 

- to be strengthened the primary care of the Public Health in conducting of the prophylactic examinations, the clinical examinations, the diagnostic testing of the population in the remote areas with the advisory support;  

- to be conducted the consultations and the video-educational activities;  

- to be worked in the outbreaks of the (ES), or the mass arrangements escorting; 

- to be provided the emergency medical care. 

Mobile Telemedicine Complexes


By Means of                      By Type                                      By                             By

    Delivery                        Equipment                            Appointment               Organization


Trains, Boats         Containing                         Prophylactic                    Mobile

& Ships, Air          Multi-purpose                   Examinations                   Tele-medical      

Transport              Medical                              Conducting                      Offices



Heavy                   Containing                        Tele-consultations,           Stacking of

Trucks,                 Profiled                              Video-lectures                  Medical

 Cars,                    Medical                              Conducting                      Equipment,

 Buses                   Equipment                                                                  Communication



Minibuses,           With the                             For work in                     Profiled                               

Sanitary               Variable Set                      ES Centers                       Mobile

 Motor                   of Equipment                   (Catastrophes                  Telemedicine

Transport             (Modular)                         Medicine)                        AWPs  


Stacking              Containing                         In the Primary                 Tele-medical

Non-requiring    Only the VCC                    Medical &                        Stacking

the Special          Systems                               Sanitary                            Without

Transport                                                        Care                                  Communication


Fig. 2. The Mobile Tele – Medical Complexes Classification.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

  The mobile tele-medical complexes are the promising and perspective element of the Public Health system, having designed to be met the wide range of the solutions variety of the routine and the emergency medical care, education, and management.    

   To the MTMC main challenges are practically included the prophylactic and clinical examinations conducting of the remote areas population with the advisory support; the tele-consultations and the video-educational activities conducting; the work in the ES outbursts, or the mass events escort; the emergency medical care provision.  

At present, there is a wide range of the MTMC of the different purposes and the complete set and the configuration in the market that it is allowed to be offered their classification by the challenges, the technical solutions, and also the delivery facilities.     

1. Levanov V.M., Perevedentzev O.V., Orlov O.E., “The Optimization Methods and Technical – Informationally Support of Mobile Tele-Medical Systems for Use in Emergency Situations”. // «Technology of Living Systems». – 2012. – № 5. – p.p. 32 – 40;

2. Kalininskaya A.A., Alieva L.M., “The Hospitals at Home Forms of Organization, Performance Indicator”. // «The International Journal of Experiential Education». – № 7. – 2013. – p.p. – 68 – 69.

Bibliographic reference

Merekin D.V., Alieva L.M. THE MOBILE TELEMEDICINE COMPLEXES CLASSIFICATION AND TASKS. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2013. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/455-24485 (22.02.2025).