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Sociological Science
You can actually manage only systems. Sociocultural personality development presents as a dynamic social system. Consequently, sociocultural personality development can be and should be managed.
Management theory formation is associated with such names as H. Fayol,
H. Ford, M. Weber, K.A. Gastev, P. Kotler, etc. All these scientists associate management with goal setting, structure, stages, and functions. Thus, management should be considered as a purposeful process, as the process of interaction (exposure) of the management and control subsystems.
In science, management associated with the systems of Y.K. Babanskiy,
P. Simonov [2, pp. 44-46] associated with the management with its stage approach. Several stages of management can be sorted out: goal setting and goal understanding by participants of management process or self- planning and self management and self-planning; organization of pedagogical process, the choice of means of solving management and self-planning tasks, implementation of management plans and self-planning tasks; control and self-control stages, evaluation and self-evaluation management activities, including correction and self-correction and self- management process.
Based on the contents and purposes, there are several types of management. We are interested in the social, primarily, pedagogical management, culture management process of sociocultural personality development. Sociocultural personality development depends on the management culture. There is a brief list of the main concepts.
Social management is related to the social systems management. There is an unlimited number of social systems. They are constantly updated, new forms are formed, old and obsolete and little effective ones are fading and disappeared. Social management of the personality development is connected with the interaction with such social systems, as separate entities, and with individual teams, groups, social communities.
Interaction involves objectives negotiation, methods of concerted action participants of pedagogical process as the entities activities.
Personal development in general and sociocultural development in particular occurs in the team, in the process of personal interaction with the social environment, and members of a society.
During the interaction of the personality with the team the values and the personal experience of relationships are exchanged. During the interaction of the personality with the society, the social environment is the assimilation of social norms relations, and value orientations are formed.
Pedagogical management acts as a kind of the social management. It should be characterized not only as a process of influence of the teacher on the students’ cognitive activity, but mainly as an interaction management and control subsystems , incentives ( support) students' cognitive activity . The main thing in the pedagogical management is to encourage the person to self-development, self-government for its development.
Teaching process management is based not only on the interaction, but also on the communication subjects of this process. Communication should be considered as the process of information exchange, which is the basis of interaction establishment between the participants of the pedagogical process.
Pedagogical management acts as a management process of such phenomena as upbringing, training, and education. Self-management is considered with self-upbringing, self-learning, and self-education.
Education process management acts as the process of personality orientation in sociocultural values, primarily in ethical ones . Therefore, we can state that upbringing and personality development are the process of socialization, personality entering into the world of social and cultural values, norms of relations.
Upbringing is a relatively controlled process which includes organizing experience of social relations, education and orientation in the social and cultural values . In sociology and in social pedagogy upbringing is considered in two meanings: in the broadest sense it is a transfer activity to new generations of social and historical experience. In a narrow sense it is the systematic and purposeful influence on the consciousness and behavior in order to form certain installations, concepts, principles, values, which are providing the necessary conditions for its development, the preparation of the personality to life and work [1, p. 76].
Upbringing means «to nourish ", to develop appropriate personal qualities in the future specialist, and allows to live, work, communicate, collaborate in social and cultural space with other people more comfortably.
Teaching in professional institutions, including higher educational establishments, is connected with mastering professional knowledge and skills which allow performing their professional duties more competent. Y.K. Babanskiy characterizes teaching as a purposeful process of interaction between the teacher and students, during which the formation of the human being is realized [2, p. 10].
Mentioned above education is a process of upbringing and teaching, associated with the formation of a person "image ", i.e. personality. Consequently, management of education acts as a complex process of personality "culture formation".
2. Pedagogics / Edited by Y.K. Babanskiy. – M.: IP, 1988. – 479 p.
Litvak R.A., Grevtseva G.Ya. Social and pedagogical aspect of sociocultural personality development. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2014. – № 1 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/456-24499 (22.02.2025).