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Home / Issues / № 1, 2014


Makrinova E.I., Grigoreva V.V.
Monitoring in the most general concept is a continuous supervision over objects, control and the analysis of their activity carried out by someone. Along with it, a number of authors defines monitoring as set of the information subsystems united by the general criterion function and forming optimum information security of administrative activity. Anyway, the total purpose of monitoring is ensuring the highest management of the organization with the adequate information necessary for adoption of rational organizational and administrative decisions.

Joining of Russia to the WTO put on August 22, 2012 a number of the problems before the domestic organizations, not which decision can shortly lead to falling of competitiveness of made production and unprofitability of business. As internal threats of economic security of the organizations it is necessary to call high depreciation of fixed assets, use of outdated technologies; high labour and power consumption of production; big specific weight of manual unskilled skills; absence of culture of business.

Thus, strengthening of influence of the factors menacing to economic security of the organization in modern conditions, raises a question of creation of system of monitoring of a state and dynamics of development of the organization for the purpose of the preliminary prevention of imminent danger and acceptance of necessary measures of protection and counteraction.

The system of monitoring of economic security of the organization allows not only to receive information and to make estimates of tendencies of development of its economic state, to carry out the analysis of a financial position.  Using results of the monitoring, the highest management of the organization can monitor the most important trends of reproduction process, quickly estimate and control influence of the major menacing factors defining possible negative change of these processes.  Thereby the system of monitoring of economic security of the organization forms a necessary basis for early detection by the management arising in activity of the organization of disproportions that allows to increase efficiency of reproduction activity.

Practical use of system of monitoring within objectives authors is recommended to be solved consistently.

Subjects of the economic analysis study information from the positions, proceeding from the business interests. So, for example, as users of information can act both the main and nonbasic groups, and external and internal.

Information sources for system of indicators of monitoring are accounting and administrative reports of the organization, and also data on planned results of its activity.

In an analytics and administrative assessment there is a need of continuous tracking of compliance of rates of change of separate indicators relatively each other as indicator of economically balanced functioning of the organization.

As a whole the system of monitoring of economic security, and also its possible integration into uniform information system of the organization allows to solve a number of problems:



Schematic diagram of information system of monitoring of economic security of the organization


to increase quality of the analysis and the forecast of economic processes, to deepen this analysis due to determination of the actual and expected values of the main indicators of business climate;

in due time to reveal disproportions in economy of the organization, the reason of their emergence and to take measures for their elimination and prevention;

to governing bodies of the organization to make the reasoned offers on the solution of acute social and economic issues.

Positive results of use of data of monitoring of economic security are:

basic increase of degree of independence, objectivity and efficiency in an assessment of economic processes;

creation of a necessary basis for further improvement of instruments of strategic management by the organization, in particular, when carrying out investment operations as stimulation of innovative and investment activity assumes creation of conditions in which implementation of this activity will be favorable;

formation of necessary information and analytical base for the solution of practical questions on restructuring and diversification of activity of the organization, first of all at the level of separate productions, from a position of improvement of an economic state and strengthening of its economic security.

Bibliographic reference

Makrinova E.I., Grigoreva V.V. INFORMATION SYSTEM OF MONITORING OF ECONOMIC SECURITY OF THE ORGANIZATION. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2014. – № 1 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/456-24507 (22.10.2024).