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Home / Issues / № 1, 2014


Objective-oriented instrumentalpotential of a cooperative organizations benchmarking
Nemykin D.N., Mozgovaya Y.A.
Modern conditions of development of the cooperative sector of Russia's economy put the organization a number of fundamental problems consisting in search of the alternative directions of providing high competitive positions in the target market, and also increase of its image.

This direction determines the need to develop and introduce self-sustaining effective mechanism of managing the competitiveness of the cooperative organization based on the use of benchmarking technology.

Using benchmarking tools in the management of the organization, in our opinion, involves providing a sustainable development that, in turn, will allow to reach planned level of its competitiveness.

In our opinion, the benchmarking represents the comparative diagnostics carried out in order to increase the effectiveness of the cooperative organization in the target market and strengthen its competitive position, based on comparison of indicators of organization activity to similar indicators of the leading organizations operating in the same branch.

This technology will allow the organization, regardless of its size, type of activity and the ownership, to estimate and determine by own forces strong and weaknesses in comparison with the leading domestic and foreign organizations, to define the target market, to reveal a market niche for made and realized goods and services, to define tools of impact on potential consumers, etc.

Based on the analysis of efficiency of use of the commercial enterprises and organizations benchmarking, we came to a conclusion about possibility of use of this technology in practical activities of the cooperative organizations since we believe that it will lead to increase the efficiency of their operation within the selected segment.

The advantage of a benchmarking technology, in our opinion, consists in possibility of its using as an evaluation tool of efficiency of various measurable types and activities of the cooperative organization.

The choice of a cooperative benchmarking  tools, in our opinion, depends on goals which the organization try to reach while using this technology. These tools, in our opinion should include: outsourcing, economic and mathematical and computer modeling, sociological methods, etc.

Based on the research, we formed the objectives of cooperative organizations benchmarking:

- product objectives, which are directed at retrospective diagnosis of the produced and sold by the cooperative organization products (in this case purchase of similar production of the rival organization for the purpose of production of the corresponding production is made); 

- competitive objectives, which are directed on research of the rival organizations, and also goods made by them or services for the purpose of the analysis of prime cost and the production technology, design and technical characteristics, and also degree of their innovativeness;

- process objectives, which are directed at selection on non-competing reference companies, but also at organizations operating in related industries;

- strategic objectives, which are directed on allocation of strategic components of development of the cooperative organization;

- global objectives within which achievement the activities of foreign organizations in similar and related industries are investigated .

We believe that the efficiency of cooperative benchmarking technology depends first of all all on competent definition of the standard which is object of comparison, and also on adaptation of reference processes to the particular characteristics of the organization, type of product, the chosen strategy, etc.

In the course of research, we came to a conclusion that proceeding from specifics of activity of the organizations of system of consumer cooperation, it is more expedient to use an internal cooperative benchmarking. It is connected with that that, first, the cooperative organizations are a part of uniform system and are guided by the general mission and respectively the uniform purposes therefore there are no the problems connected with information exchange; secondly, the cooperative organizations have an extensive experience on an exchange of the advanced achievements received in the course of implementation of social and economic activity; thirdly, in system of consumer cooperation it is developed rating to the assessment, adapted for conditions of its activity

In conclusion, it should be noted that the existing benchmarking approaches for a comprehensive performance evaluation of the cooperative sector organizations do not allow adequately achieve its goals in the field of comparative diagnosis. Therefore, the development and implementation of significant changes planned by the use of technology benchmarking , which in turn will enable cooperative organizations to achieve certain economic effect and successfully implement its mission.

Bibliographic reference

Nemykin D.N., Mozgovaya Y.A. Objective-oriented instrumentalpotential of a cooperative organizations benchmarking. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2014. – № 1 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/456-24508 (22.02.2025).