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Home / Issues / № 2, 2014

Functions of geo-cultural space as parts of cultural space modernity
Shlyundt SA.

Geo-cultural space (GCS) is an  integral part of the economic, political, social, organizational, environmental culture. [2] This role allows to present it as a dynamic system that performs a number of cultural functions. Hierarchy of functions is defined as the natural features of the territory, the historical time and geographical position.

Now it is possible identify seven key functions of GCS.

Adaptive function enabled human not only to survive in the natural environment, but also to adapt the environmental resources for their own benefit, changing them according to their needs. In this process of purposeful transformation creates a new world of culture, within which revealed the main value of nature, which is the ability to survive and consumption. To do this, mankind has been improving his spiritual essence, creating a world of values.

Epistemological function of GCS. That it can more fully disclose the nature of reality, to properly assess the natural potential and figure out what in the nature of society. During the existence of human civilization has accumulated vast knowledge about the world that allows a person to appreciate the natural environment, to call her mother. Is the formation of "ideals" of human behavior in nature, accumulated knowledge passed down from generation to generation.

Communicative function is that it carries and regulatory sense, meaning it  generates the rules, regulations, requirements, according to which people form their behavior in nature.

Information function carries a possible program of activities of human in nature, "inform" about acceptable goals and means of achieving them.Therefore, we can say that the information function is a kind of basis for normative and regulatory function, which in turn acts as a means of regulating human behavior in a natural environment. Under GCS identified the most important environmental problem area, its natural resource and the carrying capacity, which must be considered to maintain the ecological balance in the geographical space. In the process of human interaction with the outside world is formed integral stable system of views on the processes occurring in nature. It is based on knowledge of the nature, on the value of nature in society. This system forms a natural scientific world views.

The main task of the ideological function - form a holistic view of each individual structure and operation of the "nature-human-society."

Along with the ideological function, important environmental role performs the ecological function. Its main task orientation of all areas of culture on the issues of preserving the balance of nature on Earth and in outer space. Saving our planet's ecosystems and the formation of valuable relation to the culture of interaction between society and nature.

Upbringing and educational function GCS cultivates humane society's attitude towards nature and ideals of human behavior in geographic space. Important role of this function is to form emotional attitudes towards the environment, based on the preservation of nature for its own sake.

Praxeological function GCS associated with human activities, and goal-setting has as its content development and transformation of nature. Praxeological function, based on normative regulatory, environmental and ideological, allows the design of the behavior of each person and society in the GCS at any level.

All the above functions can be considered as integral parts of the main features of GCS - culture-which carries out the synthesis of natural and social processes, the development of methods, forms and images of representations of the world and of man in the modern scientific world picture. Therefore, in addition to the formation of human values, formed the economic, political, scientific views and ideals. Refracted in GCS, it's binding to a specific area that allows each person to not just learn surrounding world, but also to understand the majority of the phenomena and processes occurring in the surrounding space, a witness and participant which is himself. [1] Consequently, in the GCS focused primarily potential underlying any practical activity. Is the formation of the ecological orientation of the person, and with it the ecological conformable  behavior of society in GCS.

1.Shlyundt S.A. Formation of axiosphere of ecology in the modern globalizing space // the Bulletin of the Kostroma State University of a name of N.A. Nekrasov. 2012. № 5

2. Tyrovskiy R.F. Cultural landscapes of Russia. M.: Institute of the Heritage. 1998.

Bibliographic reference

Shlyundt SA. Functions of geo-cultural space as parts of cultural space modernity. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2014. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/457-24527 (01.04.2025).