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In sociology we consider video-colouristic observation as a special method of collecting ethno-sociological data or an integrated research strategy that is, methodology of social and humanitarian research of colouristic orientation, which includes a large number of explicit and implicit assumptions [1].
Considering video-colouristic observation not as an alternative to other research approaches, but as one of the methods of social sciences, it should be noted its frequent use to other method, for example ethno-colouristic interview considers colour in all its breadth and scope in terms of traditional folk art and culture, its impact on various areas of human activity, the case study method, etc. Thus, there is substantial expansion of content component of video-colouristic observation including the results obtained with the assistance of other research methods.
While getting knowledge about natural phenomenon of colour, basic, composite and complementary colours, their shades, characteristics, colour culture and language of colour, acquired in the course of human life and used to create and perform a subsequent reaction with a comfortable visual environment, an innovative method of video-colouristic observation is inextricably linked with video-ecology (section of ecology which is connected with human interaction and visual environment; the author of the scientific direction and the term – Filin V.A., doctor of biol. sciences) and ethno-colouristics (the author of a new scientific field and the term – Nevmerzhitskaya E., doctor of pedag. sciences).
The leading hallmark of this method is the implementation of the monitoring process at some point of the tested event. To enhance the effectiveness of observation preliminary planning study has an important role, which reflects the initial ideas about the characteristics of the studied object, required facts, dates and means (including technical) of gathering information, fields of observation, and observers.
The main stages of video-colouristic observation are: establishment of the observation’s object and subject; definition of goals, objectives; choice of a method and time of the observation; preparation of technical means; collecting and storing of video-colouristic information; fixation of the results; control by other observers; report on the observation.
Particular attention is paid to the results’ time fixing, as, for example, if the observer had recorded the result after a large time interval at the end of the process video-colouristic observation, then because of an inaccuracy the factual part of the material may be lost or distorted. In particular, during video-colouristic observation in order to determine whether the use of colour labeling in the titles of the Yellow and the Red Seas, it was found that from the flowing yellowish uliginous rivers with muddy water into sea (especially in the time of floods) and due to the presence of microscopic red algae in water as a result of microscopic plants separation the seas have got their names correctly.
Significance of video-colouristic observation is that this method helps to form a holistic view of the surrounding human world today, as well as it contributes to the formation of person’s spiritual culture, expressed in daily demand for beauty. As examples we can cite the results of video-colouristic observations based on a wide range of sources of information: Kizhi Reserve-ashy colour of old wood; Kazakhstan malachite – bright green jade; Carpathian spruce –dark green; Chinese porcelain – white with slight yellowish- green tint; Moscow twilight – dove gray, etc [2].
Visualization of the obtained information enhances the percent of its assimilation. But the efficiency of the visualization process will depend on many factors, including, the proper selection of colour palette. The work of a visual analyzer as a part of the visual system, allows conveying information to the visual center of the brain, which is located in the back of the head, by means of eyes, and contributes to the further formation of a three-dimensional picture of the world that people perceive.
The basic requirements relating to professional training of observers for qualitative video-colouristic observation conduction are the observers’ obligatory possession of colouristic skills and knowledge based on the particular colour characteristics in traditional culture of ethnic groups. The observer should also know the basics of ethno-colouristics, ethno-pedagogics, psychology, biology, physiology, ecology, and adjacent disciplines, which positively affects his ability to systematize the data, assists in formation of an integral picture of the world.
2. Nevmerzhitskaya Е.V. Ethno-colour kaleidoscope of geographical realities introduction / Społeczne pogranicza: monografia.–Poznań: Instytut Badań i Ekspertyz Naukowich w Gorzowie Wlkp., 2013. – S.47–75
Nevmerzhitskaya E. V. ON INNOVATIVE METHOD OF VIDEO-COLOURISTIC OBSERVATION. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2014. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/457-24532 (01.04.2025).