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Home / Issues / № 2, 2014

Saitov V.E., Gataullin R.G., Farafonov V.G.
With day manufacturing methods of grain require new resource-saving technologies of cultivation of grain crops, which results in the creation of sowing complexes that perform at once basic and preplant, produce crops with further incorporation of strip cropping mulcirovannym layer, harrowing crops weeds and planting strips compacting.

This technology the greatest use in Russia obtained the crop complexes «HORSCH AGRO-SOYUZ» SW10500 abroad-general production and «Agrator-8500» national production [1, 2]. These machines have a number of construction-technological deficiencies, which are noted in [3].

Therefore, in view of these shortcomings in OJSC «Malmyzhsky diesel engine plant located» in the town of Malmyze of Kirov oblast (Russia), has been designed and manufactured the trailers wide-level combined air drill «AGRAER-850H» an energy-efficient technology. A distinctive feature of the whole unit from the existing analogues is enhanced pneumatic transporting system and universal sosnikova group.

Testing of energy-saving planting complex «AGRAER-850H» were held during the period of spring and autumn sowing season 2013 onwards, on the fields of LLC «Burec» Malmyzskogo district of Kirov oblast. For testing the pneumatic transporting of seed set was used directly mounted on the engine HONDA GX690 centrifugal fan with blades the impeller was bent backward. On to your wheel outside diameter D2 = 330 mm found 44 pieces blades thickness t = 2 mm and width b = 25 mm. Width BК of the fan impeller was equal to 65 mm. Inside diameter outlet fitting fan stood at 135 mm.

In the proof of process, it was found that the impeller fan does not provide specified sowing norm pickled seeds of barley (240 kg/ha) and fertilizers (84 kg/ha) due to lack of dynamic pressure Pdυ necessary for effective pneumatic transporting of seeds and fertilizers in openers. Pneumatic transporting system periodically throat with a mixture of seeds and fertilizers.

So the fan impeller has been redone. On the wheel were mounted blades, which were bent forward. Blade settings match the above given data. Aerodynamic characteristics of the fan is presented in figure 1.

Figure 1 - The aerodynamic characteristics of a centrifugal fan (radial) planting of speed ranges nв 3000…3700 min-1


Seed ventilator test complex «AGRAER-850H» were carried out with the engine speed nв the impeller from 3000 up to 3700 min-1, which corresponds to the flow rate Qв air outlet grille of the fan from 2412 to 2960 m3/h. From the analysis of figure 1 shows that the investigated range of flow rate Qв air power of Nв the fan drive ranges from 4,25 up to 7,98 kW; coefficient η efficiency of the fan almost does not change and is 0,453; full pressure Pυ is between 2889-4395 Pa and dynamic pressure Pdυ from 1155 until 1739 Pa. Respectively speed υв air flow at the outlet pipe ventilаtor changed in the range from 43,51 to 53,40 m/s. Hatched area corresponds to the optimal range of frequencies nв rotation of the fan wheel, equal to 3500…3600 min-1, which, according to preliminary tests, corresponds to the optimal regime of sowing seed pickled wheat, barley and rye. On this range of nв parameters have the following meaning: fan total pressure Pυ air flow equal to 3932...4160 Pа; dynamic Pdυ pressure air flow corresponds to the values 1565...1646 Pа; flow rate Qв air is 2800...                    2880 m3/h (0,78 to ...0,80 m3/s); power Nв  the fan drive is 6,75...7,35 kW.

Figure 2 shows the characteristics of the engine HONDA GX690 on the recommended manufacturer operating frequency range nдв  crankshaft rotation from 2000 up to 3600 min-1. Frequency of rotation nдв = 3600 min-1 engine crankshaft, power Nдв engine is 16,5 kW (22,1 h.p.) and maximum torque of Tдв.мax  = 48,3 n·m with frequency of rotation nдв at 2500 min-1. The hatched area in figure corresponds to the studied area speed nдв the fan wheel from 3500 to 3600 min-1. Engine in that range Nдв is from 16,24 to 16,5 kW.


Figure 2 - Motor characteristic HONDA GX690

Thus, the optimum operating range of seed ventilator system «AGRAER-850H» consistent with the manufacturers recommended working range of the engine HONDA GX690, that allows to use it with this engine for planting grain crops cultivated on the territory of the Russian Federation.

1. Crop complexes «HORSCH». Russian agricultural server [Electronic resource]. - URL: http: //www.agroserver.ru/b/posevnye-kompleksy-horsh-207280.htm (the date of the address 05.12.2012).

2. The sowing complex «Agrator-8500». Information of the usage. - Mus-lyumovo: OOO «PC AGROMASTER», 2011. - 45 s.

3. Saitov, V.E. Energosberegayuschiy sowing complex / V.E. Saitov, R.G. Gataullin // Improvement of the working factors of agricultural energy: material VI International scientifically-practical conference «Science-Technology- Resource Economy»: Collection of the scientific works. - Kirov: Vyatka State Agricultural Academy, 2013. - Issue 14. - S. 142-148.

Bibliographic reference

Saitov V.E., Gataullin R.G., Farafonov V.G. STUDY OF AERODYNAMIC SYSTEM PNEUMATIC TRANSPORTING SEED VENTILATOR SET «AGRAER-850H». International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2014. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/457-24552 (01.04.2025).