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The specified normatively at the state level pedagogical requirements targets to the modern school education conditions and results are practically assumed to be involved the additional education making of their special contribution to the personality, cognitive, communicative and operational competence components. Therefore, today, the integration model development of the partnership interaction is particularly significant, having provided the positive didactiс – educationally and educational results. So, the additional education is played the great and important role in the proposed partnership.
Firstly, the additional education has initially been focused on the child person further development and, in particular, such qualities disclosure, as the initiative, self – expression, creativity, and thinking flexibility, the ability to the unconventional and non – standard solutions, the creative possibilities;
Secondly, as a rule, the Institutions of the additional and further education, with its high level rates, have their huge personnel, material, methodological – educationally resources for the further child person development, in accordance with the main requirements of the new standards;
Thirdly, it is rather difficult to the educational Institutions of the general education, in quite short time, to be initiated and to be organized the extracurricular activities, having met all the main FGOS requirements, and can be competed and not be inferior, thus, to the quality educational Institutions indictors of the additional and further education.
Thus, all these factors are made it possible to be developed and to be launched the integration models realization of the general and additional and further education. So, the single integrated space creation is the powerful further development factor not only the schoolchildren, but also of the educational Institutions, and that social environment, in which the given educational Institution is being functioned and operated.
Thus, the integration models list, which is offered by us, – is the following: sports and recreation; pedagogical and socially; culturological; aesthetic and artistically. All the above – listed activities directions should be implemented through the special educational programs, that have been tailored to what knowledge, skills, and habits the pupils are received, as a result of their learning in the groups, they are focused on the practical profile activities, on the child further development, and also his abilities. All these programs have already been account the fact, that the sporting events, concerts, exhibitions, and review – competitions are the activities outcome of the most groups of the physical culture, and aesthetic artistically directions.
The Physical Well – Being Model is practically realized through the special educational programs (e.g. the athletic gymnastics, basketball, sports aerobics, general gymnastics, skating sports, etc.), that are contributed to the moral – spiritually, and physical development of the personality, the disclosure through the physical loads and exercises of the human organism individual features, and they are aimed at the healthy and safe lifestyle forming and promotion.
The Pedagogical – Socially Model is practically implemented through the special educational programs, which are guided by the schoolchildren harmonious further development, with the deviations in the state of their health, with the help of the tools and the methods of the adaptive physical culture, they are aimed at the human health improving, the elimination or the permanent compensation of the violations, having caused by the disease, at the healthy lifestyle forming and promotion, they are promoted the schoolchildren social adaptation.
The Aesthetic – Artistically Model is practically realized through the special programs (e.g. the rhythmo-plastics, rhythmics and ballroom dancing), which are being developed the creative activity, extraordinary thinking, they are being developed a sense of beauty; they are being formed and further developed the fantasy, and their artistic taste.
The Culture Studies Program is practically realized through the special educational programs, which are intended to be reinforced and to be protected the pre-school children physical and psychological health; to be formed the age – appropriate ways of thinking, to be developed the memory, the schoolchildren attention; to be expanded the schoolchildren active vocabulary, to be improved the grammar structure of their speech; to be promoted the schoolchild the knowledge mastering and further development in the field of the natural phenomena understanding; to be developed the artistic, and musical perception; to be improved the child’s basic types of the movements, and to be formed the new ones.
The Conclusion: the bases of the child lifestyle, as the norms and the regulations, are being laid, exactly, at the school age, So, the integration models of the general and additional and further education, which are based on the healthy – preserved technologies use, will be contributed to the schoolchildren healthy lifestyle formation, having considered their quite equal and different starting points possibilities.
Erkomayshvily E.V., Semenova G.E., Trifonova N.N. THE GENERAL AND ADDITIONAL EDUCATION INTERACTION IN SCHOOLBOY’S HEALTHY LIFESTYLE FORMATION. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2014. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/457-24557 (01.04.2025).