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The population health has been and is being remained one of the most significant values in the society life. However, over the past few years, the state of health in many countries throughout the world, including Russia, has its tendency to be deteriorated. Not coincidentally, it is referred in «The Concept of the Russian Federation Demographic Development for the Period till 2015» to the comprehensive measures strengthening of the political, economic, social, cultural, scientific, medical, sanitary – epidemic measures, having aimed at the preservation and further strengthening of the physical and the mental health of each individual, maintaining its long years of his active life [1].
So, the development significance and the healthy – preserving and healthy – forming technologies implementation into the Educational Institutions of quite various type activity has already been proven by the numerous scientific studies in the field of pedagogy, psychology, medicine, and other sciences. The means of the physical culture (e.g. the traditional, and non – traditional ones) are held the significant place in these given technologies [2].
The project of the «Healthy – Forming Activity in the Educational Space» scientific group creation has already been developed in the Urals Federal University (UrFU). Thus, the project main purpose – is the scientific and methodological support and management of the formation process of the somatic physical health indicators of the population (e.g. the UrFU students, lecturers and academic professors and other educational Institutions) by the physical culture means, through the healthy – forming technologies development and implementation, the process design of the population preparation for the GTO standards passing. The project has its wide boundaries. Thus, the healthy – forming technologies research implementation is being planned in the Educational Institutions of the quite different type (e.g. the pre – schools, secondary schools, Universities and secondary educational Institutions), and also in the sports and recreational organizations of the quite various type (e.g. the fitness – clubs, health groups, clubs, and sections in the community and production). So, the contingent age, having participated in the researches on the indicators diagnostic of the somatic physical health, and the healthy – forming technologies implementation is also unlimited (e.g. from pre – school children to the elderly people).
The novelty of the project is that in the process of the somatic healthy indicators forming the traditional and non – traditional health – improving technologies will be included (e.g. breathing exercises after A. Strelnikova, health – improving asanas of Hatha Yoga, fitness – technologies and etc.), having followed by the health indicators diagnostic, on the basis of the modern monitoring and the evaluation tools use of the physical development and the functional status (e.g. BOS, katharometer and etc.). So, the developed project realization is also assumed the participation in the «Health and Behavior of the Schoolchildren» International scientific project, which is being performed in the framework of the «Health Behavior in School-Aged Children» International scientific program, with the support of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the coordination of the WHO European Office. Since the project has successfully been implemented more, than 30 years (or 160 months) in many countries of Europe and worldwide, the direct participation in will be permitted to be expanded the scientific research boundaries in the field of the children and adolescents health preserving.
So, the boundaries expanding of the scientific and educational space is being planned and by bringing to the research group activities of the experts and the specialists of the quite different profile (e.g. the teachers, psychologists, physiologists, programmers, test equipment developers and the others). The scientists, scholars, and practitioners not only different Chairs of the physical culture Institute, but also from other Universities, the Institutes of Higher Education, Collages, including those from abroad (e.g. Belarus, England, and etc) will be finally attracted to the work in the scientific group. In particular, the cooperation with the scientific and educational center of the Southern Federal University (Rostov – on – Don) and LSBU (London) will be allowed to be used the quite new scientific developments in the research activities, as well as to be widened the necessary opportunities to be compared the results of the study. And this, in its turn, will be increased the scientific significance of the obtained results. So, the relevance and the prospects for the University of this scientific direction is that it will be able to be improved the indicators performance of the somatic physical health of the students, lecturers, and professors, that will have the quite positive impact on the quality of the educational process at the University, the Institute of Higher Education, College, in result of development and implementation into the learning process in the physical education of the healthy – forming technologies. In addition, the public services provision to be assessed the somatic physical health state with the practical recommendations on the motor mode, as well as the classes conducting with the population, having based on the healthy – forming technologies use, will be permitted not only to be improved their health state, but also to be prepared the various groups of the population to the successful passing of the re-emerging in our country the standards of the All – Russian physical and sports complex GTO.
2. Semenova G.E.,“The Healthy – Preserving of the Younger Generation, as One of the Most Significant Tasks of the Physical Education”. /G.E. Semenova // «The International Journal of Experimental Education». – М.: RАNS, 2013. - №3. – p.p. 31 – 32.
URL: www.science-sd.com/457-24558 (01.04.2025).