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Home / Issues / № 2, 2014

Changes in mixed saliva of patients with sound scaling of tartar
Britova A.A., Kirillov A.V.

Sound energy can remove tartar from dental patients. The disadvantage of this method is the large number of contraindications to the use of sound and ultrasonic scaling connected with the biological effects of sound and ultrasound action on the body, and local contraindications. [1] Purpose. To explore in the experiment the consequences of actions on the mixed saliva of dental patients voiced by distilled water produced when scaling tartar, and to give practical advices. Materials and methods. 6 series of experiment were realized. Mixed saliva (V 1,0 ml) of patients (n = 20) aged 19 to 22 years was applied on glass slides; salivary preparations were air dried, t 24 ° C. During scaling tartar distilled water was supplied under pressure from the tank of the dental unit to the scaler's nozzle and as a result additionally activated by low-frequency sound. Water for research was collected  from sound scaler's nozzle AS 2000, f 6200-6450 cycles/sec in its mode of operation in sterile containers, wrapped in foil, and was stored for 10 days. On saliva's smears distilled water (V 0,05 ml) and its modifications formed after 1, 3, 5 and 10 days after a single sound activation for 3, 6, 9 minutes were dripped. The first series of drugs was the control, saliva was not mixed with water. In the second series in saliva distilled water was added. At 3, 4, 5, 6 series in saliva distilled water modified by sound was added. Comparative analysis of saliva preparations (n = 100) was made using a microscope BI MAM P-13 and PC, enlargement 400, photographed. Results and discussion. Series 1. Saliva was muddy, amount of crystals and its figure were individual. There were cells of hulled epithelium of the oral mucosa, Fig. 1. Series 2. Saliva became clearer after the addition of distilled water, crystals were revealed in all preparations, there was a decrease in the number of epithelial cells, or it disappeared completely. Crystals got geometrically regular shape, Fig. 2. Series 3. Saliva and crystals in the saliva mixed with distilled water in 1 day after sound activation have not changed substantially in comparison with the second series. Series 4. Response in saliva on added sound water that has been stored the third day after the activation by sound was noted. Saliva cleared, the number of crystals increased, especially in the effect of sound for 9 minutes. Structurally modifying effect of sound water caused more uniform and perfect recombination of saliva's crystals, Fig. 3. Series 5. Saliva was clean, clear, without hulled mucosal epithelium. Structural crystal changes remained which are typical for the fourth series. Series 6. Saliva, saliva's crystals figure mixed with water in 10 days after activation by sound for 3, 6 and 9 minutes were hardly differed from saliva and crystals figure of this series, where there was not water activation by sound. The effect of the energy of sound in water, saliva transferred to saliva to the 10th days of observation was loss. Conclusions. While drying in the saliva the crystals of the tree shapes and individual figure formed. In dirty mixed saliva crystal formation associated with mineralization of tooth enamel oppressed. Scaling tartar dental patients using distilled water, activated by low-frequency sound, had positive effect on the properties of saliva, cleaned it, restored crystal formation rather than just distilled water. Response to sound in water, saliva, developped on the second day, grew on the third - fifth and faded to 7-10th days. For patients it recommended regularly rinse mouth with cold boiled water before, between and after food intake to cleanse saliva and restore crystallization. For the best hygienic result apply for 3 - 9 minutes sound  distilled water, the term of use is 7 days after activation, as well as fur, folded, hairy tongue, halitosis. Duration of mouthwash and trays is 3 - 6 minutes. Contraindications of using water activated by sound are individual and depend on associated illnesses and dental health. Microsialocrystallography is recommended to use before and after treatment and preventive measures.


Fig. 1. Microsialocrystallogramma of patient S., uv.400.

Fig. 2. Microsialocrystallogramma of patient S. Saliva were mixed with distilled water on the third day of storage, uv.400.

Fig. 3. Microsialocrystallogramma of patient S. Saliva were mixed with distilled water on the 5th day after the activation by sound for 3 minutes. SW. 400.

1. Britova A.A., Kolegova T.E., Zajkova K.V. Effect of ultrasound, low-intensity laser radiation and its combination on crystal formation in the saliva / Laser medicine. Volume 15, Issue 2. M. 2011. - P. 100 -101.

Bibliographic reference

Britova A.A., Kirillov A.V. Changes in mixed saliva of patients with sound scaling of tartar. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2014. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/457-24563 (01.04.2025).