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Home / Issues / № 2, 2014

Vitageneous Education as a Means of Nurturing Students’ Personality Creative Component (Illustrated by Teaching Natural Sciences and the Humanities)
Tcymbal M.V., Gordiyenko O. A., Dikun N.V.

         A cooperative pedagogy area that focuses on actualizing a student’s personality intellectual and psychological potential for teaching purposes is referred to as vitageneous education. This approach is based on consulting personality education interests as well as its subconsciousness, an ability to make imagination work, to create new things thus realizing its vitageneous experience [1].

         As we think, vitageneous education can be used while developing general culture competence in teaching both natural sciences and the humanities. It’s creating a specific environment and choosing specialties that are crucial here.

         Our preferences were Environmental Engineering as a natural science and Russian as a Foreign Language being one of the humanities.

         Environmental Engineering was studied by design undergraduates, while Russian as a Foreign Language was taken by overseas students of mechanical and civil engineering.

         It’s necessary that design students should have an insight into the world culture while doing Environmental Engineering, and overseas ones – be adapted to the language of the country they study. That means developing general culture competence with the use of personality creative potential.

         For example, teaching Environmental Engineering to design students we suggested that they should participate in a trash-design contest (the one of the so-called waste material design) and find the most unique recycling technique.

         Such kind of contests contributed to the subject artistic acquisition as to filling the studies practical effect with imagery and emotion. The most unique project was to be the best one in terms of household utility, material chemical composition, and demand (In other words, the students were to demonstrate their handmade articles market power).

         The handmade articles in question showed the students’ personality vitageneous potential in the most complete way: processing material objects as well as various culture symbols in a creative way was aimed at making their own artistic compositions that have a specific historical and aesthetic meaning.


Photo 1                                  Photo 2


Photo 3                                                                 Photo 4

         The photos above look at the students’ articles made of bottles (Photo 1), wires and a cable (Photo 2), CDs (Photo 3), and sweet wrappers (Photo 4).

          No doubt artistic specialties afford great opportunities to include activities facilitating students’ independent creative work in education [2].

.        On the other hand, an overseas student in a new social and cultural environment is subject to cognitive dissonance, feeling a sort of informative contradiction [3] that makes him think, imagine things and speak out.

         Therefore while teaching Russian we resorted to those activities that facilitated imagination. For instance, after a tour around the city it was suggested that the students of engineering should have an insight into the public transport history using the slides that follow below.


Slide 1                                                                       Slide 2



Slide 3                                                                   Slide 4     


The slides present the same site photos taken variously. Slide 1 shows the Central’ hotel in 1910 with a number of horse cabs next to it. The photo in Slide 2 is dated back to 1941 where you can see a tram running by. Slide 3 looks at another mode of transport – trolleybuses, while Slide 4 is a modern sight with a non-polluting bus.

         Time dynamics and that of culture change reflected in the city view as well as in using various vehicles are interpreted by students positively as a rule. And they are eager to participate in artistic activities based on creative work vitageneous components: a slide show featuring the culture of various historical periods and that of the country’s region material culture objects [4].

         As a result, actualizing the student’s personality intellectual and psychological potential for teaching purposes has much to do with the world aesthetic and cultural cognition as well as to its culture-through-language studies.

1. Teaching technologies: a handbbok for students of education/ Ed. By V.S. Kukuskin. – Moscow: MARt Publishing and Book-Selling Company, 2006, pp. 120 – 123

2. Tcymbal M.V. Modular digital educational resource of the environmental engineering course as a source of the vocational students’ creative activity. // Modern natural sciences breakthroughs. . – 2010.–№ 9. – pp. 166 – 167.

3. Codzhaspirova G.M., Codzhaspirov A.Y. A dictionary of education. – – Moscow: MARt Publishing and Book-Selling Company, 2005, p. 125.

4. Russian as a foreign language in the light of culture-oriented linguistics (+ CD-ROM): from the history of the Kuban region. Didactic games. Slides / Compiled by Zin’kovskaya V.E., Gordienko O.A. and others. – Krasnodar: KubSTU Publishing House, 2011. – 38 p.

Bibliographic reference

Tcymbal M.V., Gordiyenko O. A., Dikun N.V. Vitageneous Education as a Means of Nurturing Students’ Personality Creative Component (Illustrated by Teaching Natural Sciences and the Humanities) . International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2014. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/457-24566 (01.04.2025).