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In the result of the conducted study [1,2], it is recommended to be introduced the strategic – situationally planning system. So, its essence and the characteristic feature is the facts, that the plans for the long term and the current period should be, on the one hand, agreed and compatible (e.g. the current plans should be ensured the strategic plans implementation), and, on the other hand, the current planning should be able to be fundamentally revised, ad to become dynamic, multi – variate, mobile, flexible, so as it must be able to be reacted quickly and adequately to the markets and consumer demand changing.
Thus, the main distinguishing feature and specific character of the recommended strategic – situationally planning system is the fact, that it is proposed to be used it not only at the microeconomic level of the specific commodity producers and manufacturers, but also at the macroeconomic level. And, moreover, the new planning mechanism should be the multi – level, complex, and dynamic one.
The multi – level character of the planning will be expressed, that the strategic – situational planing system should be covered all the management levels. So, the macroeconomic indicators and indices of the state planning should be provided with the development plans of the specific regions, branches and industries, and enterprises of the country.
The dynamic character of the planning is reflected in the fact, that the main goals, various subjects’ objectives of the management and the relationship between them are depended on the tome factor and must be corrected and adjusted, with due regard for the temporal characteristics of the supply, demand, economic conditions of the management. It is very significant to be analyzed and predicted the main tendency, trends, and tempo dynamics of their further economic development for the necessary alignment of the strategic plans of the regions, branches, sectors, and industries, specific enterprises. However, it is significant to be made the situational changes, in the strategic regional, branch and sectoral programs, as well as in the development programs of the particular firm and company, with due regard for the market dynamic, consumer demand, and current purchasing conditions. The mechanism of the strategic situationally planning system is allowed to be made it, as the time factor registration is in its basis.
The comprehensive nature of the planning is expressed in the multi – variate analysis and forecasting, the strategies formulation for the various business entities development, as the result of the multi – objective challenges solving and the algorithms constructing of the optimal decisions – making of the many possible ones. So, the complex system of the specific regions’, branches’ and industries’, enterprises’ interrelated plans is practically based on the comprehensive analysis of the quite various conditions, factors, and variables. So, the strategic planning new mechanism must be determined not only the main objectives and strategies of the management particular entity further development, but they, moreover, may have for their strategic opportunities implementation, that is, it must be involved and provided the identification not only the trade, but and the resource possibilities. The comprehensive nature of the planning is being manifested in the fact, that the branches, industries and regions, having formed their further development programs, and they are actually determined also the management economic conditions for the specific manufactures and commodity producers. At the same time, the range for the situational changes of the key indicators and indices should be laid in any strategic development plans, which can be taken their place, under the influence of the quite different factors. So, it is very significant to be considered the impact on the variety of the factors complex instability in determining the possible changes such an interval, that it is allowed to be made the necessary complex and integrated approach.
Until present time, the planning at the macro- and microeconomic levels has been presented in the separate planes. So, it is significant to be connected this process together in the modern, planning mobile system. There is a need in the development of the through methodology of the strategic – situationally planning. What does it mean “sequentially”? This means, that this planning system should be permeated all the management levels and to be established the relationship between them. So, the co-ordinations between the regions, branches and industries, and specific enterprises are very significant not only at the strategic plans making and representation for their further development, but also in the making adjustments to these plans at the situational (e.g. current) planning, as the changes in the plans of some management entities may be affected the changes in the other indicators and indices, and also they may be led to the planned proportions and balances disruption. Besides, the changes in the plans for the further economic development of the regions and branches, and industries may be affected the management economic conditions, having imposed for the enterprises and businesses by them. So, the matrix character of the interrelations is proposed between the regions, branches and industries, and enterprises in the planning process. The “through” character of the planning is designed to be combined the management quite different levels into the integrated system. It must be based, first, the principle of the national and economic interests priority, for the further realization of which the macroeconomic planning implementation should be preceded the planning at the micro – level, and, second, the balance principle of the interests, when the plans coordinating and the economic interrelations establishing between the regions, branches and industries, and particular enterprises. Thus, it may be defined the following system content of the strategic – situationally planning at the macro- and microeconomic level.
So, the strategic – situationally planning in the market economy – this is the multi – level, complex, dynamic process of the strategic and situational (e.g. current) plans development by the variety management entities at the “through” interactions establishing between them.
The strategic – situationally planning at the macroeconomic level – this is the multi – level, complex, dynamic process of the economic strategies formulation of the national and economic, regional, branch and industry development and the programs of the further realization, on the basis of the analysis and forecasting of supply and demand in the commodity and resource markets, the competition level on them, as well as being in view of the complex of the scientific and technical, demographic, geographic, national, political, socio – economic, and the other factors. The strategic – situationally planning at the microeconomic level – this is the complex, dynamic process of the formulation and development by the enterprises the management strategies and the programs for their realization and implementation, on the basis of the analysis and prediction of the consumer demand, management economic conditions, their resource possibilities and capabilities, goals and motivations.
Thus, the basic principles and the essence of the recommended strategic – situationally planning system will be significantly improved the competitiveness of their final production, the competitive status of the domestic companies and firms, as the efficient interrelations establishment between the branches, sectors, industries, regions, and enterprises will be promoted ands boosted the national and economic final product efficiency, better satisfaction of the aggregate consumer demand.
2. Merkulova Yu.V., “Situation and Strategic Planning in the Economy”.Vol.2 ─ М.: «Economy». 2012., p. 411.
Merkulova Yu.V. ON THE ESSENCE OF SITUATIONALLY STRATEGIC PLANNING SYSTEM. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2014. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/457-24579 (01.04.2025).