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Executive Editor:Publishing house "Academy of Natural History"
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The hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS) - heavy natural focal disease, common in many European countries, China and some regions of the Russian Federation. The Bashkortostan Republic is the largest and the most active source of infection in the European part of Russia. Mortality ranges from 0,5 to 2%, and in Asian foci reaches 10%.
By the assignment of the Academy of Sciences of the Bashkortostan Republic during more than 25 years (since 1987) staff and postgraduate students of the Department of Faculty Therapy under the supervision of Professor Fazlyeva R.M. studied various aspects of the pathogenesis, early diagnosis and treatment regional disease.
By the proposal of WHO, in collaboration with European scientists, criteria for assessing the severity of the disease have been identified, clinical classification of HFRS has been developed.
The special contribution was added into the study of pathogenesis. As a result of scientific researches made by Fazlyeva R.M. and her students new facts about the role of endothelial-platelet homeostasis and early diagnosis of intravascular coagulation of patients with hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome were obtained (Mirzaeva G.H., Ibragimova L.A.); a comprehensive clinical and immunological characteristics of the flow hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome of varying severity was presented (Mavsutova G.A.); the connection between hormonal changes and clinical features of the disease was established (Valishin D.A., Andriyanova O.L.); the oxidant-antioxidant system (Islamova A.A.) and structural and metabolic characteristics of erythrocytes in different periods of the disease (Nizamova A.I.) were studied. Comprehensive dynamic study of condition of the Central nervous system (Novikova L.B.), of intracranial and pulmonary hemodynamic (Ibragimovа L.A., Ismagilovа R.M., Mukhеtdinova G.A.) during the HFRS was conducted. Clinical and pathogenetic features of the lung in Puumala-infection were studied (Mukhеtdinova GA, Mustafina V.H.). Pathogenetic therapy with correction of DIC-syndrome was improved (Mirzaeva GH, Maksutov GA, Amirov GF, Islamov A.)
of HFRS is the high frequency residual, long-lasting at the convalescents. A
number of researches were devoted to the study of the kidney’s condition (Saitgareev A.A., Davletov E.A.),
cardiovascular system (Amirkhanova GA), hemostasis (Gumerov O.N.) and liver
(Ibragimov B.A.) at had been ill HFRS. The possibility of the formation of
chronic kidney disease in the outcome of HFRS was proved. A set of laboratory tests for the early detection of developing
chronic kidney disease was suggested. In 2010 by the Department’s initiative City
Centre of HFRS patients, where the results of scientific researches are
implemented into practice, was organized.
23 dissertations were defended, 7 monographs, more than 400 scientific publications, 5 patents for the invention were published.
The result of many years research was the creation of the scientific school by the direction of the doctor of medical Sciences, Professor, Honored worker of science of Russian Federation, academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences Fazlyeva R.M. In 2010 the honorary title "The Founder of the scientific school" was awarded to Professor Fazlyeva Raisa Mugtasimovna.
Fazlyeva R.M., Mirzaeva G.H., Mukhetdinova G.A. Research school for the study of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome in the Bashkir State Medical University. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2014. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/457-24582 (01.04.2025).