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Teaching science
This paper aims to show the possibilities of the use of plug-avatars "hhh" technology education as a service-oriented virtual learning environment (SOVLE) in Sliding Mode (SM). This allows teachers to create an integrated learning environment using tools that have been selected to best meet their academic requirements and individual abilities of each student's full training in the system of distance education (DE). The work reported in this article engages with all aspects virtual learning environment (VLE) design and architecture. Thus, created software of plug-avatars “hhh” technology education for SOLVE applicable for using in DE process and in virtual research collaboration works at the Astrakhan State University, Penza Institute of Education Development, (Russian Federation), at HHH University (Australian Federation and the Republic of Armenia), at Hildesheim University (Germany). We suggest the concept of e-learning as a student in the learning process creates its own icon that represents it in the virtual learning space (halls, laboratories, etc.). Apprentice manages Text with the appropriate commands that mimic the action, familiar to the usual situation in training (lifting arms - pay attention, ask a question, or any other actions, nodding his head in agreement, etc.). It is obvious that modern students with experience in computer games will soon find an opportunity to understand the principle of learning and to acquire knowledge, gain experience in testing and control of the knowledge gained. Everyone want that his avatar was not like the others, it’s like a piece of individuality. The teacher also provides Text and serves as support for student learning material, test and control tasks. The closest to our proposed the idea came up during the drafting Virtual Academy (http://vacademia.com). The main points of our proposed the concept of e-learning with technologies is:
1. Held a joint educational activity in the virtual space through coordinated interaction of the student - an avatar;
2. The interaction (student - avatar) implies feedback on stage training, testing and control of knowledge;
3. Possible interaction in the form is a not only individual learning (student - avatar), but also a collective.
4. Actions and results of students agree (responses to the use of educational material) are discussed using online communications.
Learning environment can be an element of virtual reality is presented in the form of 2D/3D-realizatsii, and the interaction with the student is done by Text Control - an object representing a teacher in the virtual world. One of the forms is "determinate" when all options pupil predetermined. Another form is "indeterminate" when identified only original members of the educational material and the characteristics of the learning process are not strict and depend on many factors (such as knowledge, experience, desire, curiosity, etc.). Since the process of studying each student is unique, specify all the results of his actions or anticipate every possible combination of its errors is not possible. It is this fact pushes the idea of introducing technology in the learning feedback element SOA has become the predominant architecture for enterprise solutions in the business world. There are a few lessons that come through loud and clear. One of the most important of these is that introducing a SOA is not easy. There are few problems when the number of services is small and basically owned and managed by the same small group of people. As a SOA expands it will need institutional policies to be observed in order to extract benefits such as re-use of services and the maintenance of up-to-date information in service registries. As the number of deployed services increases it will become necessary to decentralize their management. This will require central IT services to introduce new procedures to manage the networks. The UDDI service registry will have to be extended to create a comprehensive «system of record» for the SOA. UDDI 3.0 introduces the idea of federated service registries. These might be useful when Web service management is devolved to different institutional domains such as faculties or research institutes [1-6].
In the future we will develop workflows that explore teaching in immersive environments, especially that involving student collaboration[7-9]
2. Mkrttchian, V. (2012). Avatar manager and student reflective conversations as the base for describing meta-communication model In Demiray, U., Kurubacak, G., & Vokan Yuzer, T. (Eds), Meta-communication for reflective online conversations: Models for distance education (pp. 75-101). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
3. Mkrttchian, V., Stephanova G. (2013) Training of Avatar Moderator in Sliding Mode Control. In Eby, G., & Vokan Yuzer, T. (Eds). Project Management Approaches for Online Learning Design (pp. 175-203). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
4. Mkrttchian, V., (2013) Training of Avatar Moderator in Sliding Mode Control Environment for Virtual Project Management. In. Enterprise Resource Planning: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications. (pp. 1376-1405) IRMA, IGI Global.
5. Mkrttchian, V., Kataev M., Hwang W., Bedi S., Fedotova A. (2014).Using Plug-Avatars “hhh” Technology Education as Service-Oriented Virtual Learning Environment in Sliding Mode. In Eby, G., & Vokan Yuzer, T. (Eds). Emerging Priorities and Trends in Distance Education: Communication, Pedagogy, and Technology. (pp. 43-55) Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
6. Mkrttchian, V. (2014), Modeling using of Triple H-Avatar Technology in online Multi-Cloud Platform Lab. In Mehdi Khosrow-Pour (Ed). Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology (3rd Ed.). (261-270) Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
7. Mkrttchian V., Shmid K., Graumann O., Belyanina L., Zaynutdinova L., Matveeva E., Ponomariova O., Vayndorf-Sysoeva M. Triple H-Avatar is Technology Supported Assessment in Distance Education Актуальные проблемы естественнонаучной подготовки педагогов. Сборник материалов IV Межрегиональной научно-практической конференции с международным участием. 5-7 ноября 2013 г. / Под ред. Э.Ф. Матвеевой. – Астрахань: Издатель: Сорокин Роман Васильевич, 2013. – 312 с. (С. 8-12)
8. Mkrttchian V., Shmid K., Graumann O., Belyanina L., Zaynutdinova L., Matveeva E., Ponomariova O., Vayndorf-Sysoeva M. Emerging Priorities and Trends in Distance Education Using Technology of Triple H-Avatar Актуальные проблемы естественнонаучной подготовки педагогов. Сборник материалов IV Межрегиональной научно-практической конференции с международным участием. 5-7 ноября 2013 г. / Под ред. Э.Ф. Матвеевой. – Астрахань: Издатель: Сорокин Роман Васильевич, 2013. – 312 с. (С. 12-17)
9. Mkrttchian V., Shmid K., Graumann O., Belyanina L., Zaynutdinova L., Matveeva E., Ponomariova O., Vayndorf-Sysoeva M. Communication, Pedagogy, and Technology in Triple H-Avatar as Philosophy Актуальные проблемы естественнонаучной подготовки педагогов. Сборник материалов IV Межрегиональной научно-практической конференции с международным участием. 5-7 ноября 2013 г. / Под ред. Э.Ф. Матвеевой. – Астрахань: Издатель: Сорокин Роман Васильевич, 2013. – 312 с. (С. 17-20)
Belyanina L., Mkrttchian V. THE PHILOSOPHY OF PEDAGOGY OF TRIPLE H-AVATAR EDUCATION TECHNOLOGY. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2014. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/457-24583 (01.04.2025).