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Some researchers believe that the ethnographic group of the Teryukhans living south of Nizhny Novgorod is the same part of the Mordovian people as the Erzyas and the Mokshas. It is known that already in the 18th century, the Teryukhans used the Russian language, but for a long time they kept their national consciousness and Mordovian beliefs and traditions . So rapid Russification is traditionally considered to be a result of the intense amalgamation of the Mordovians with the Russians . The author sets as a goal to assess the degree of the said amalgamation. The paper «On the question of the anthropological type the Mordovians – Teryukhans» [2, 20-27 ] presents the qualitative research of three Mordovian and four Russian ethnic groups living in the anthropological zones determined by the experts (Table . 1, columns 2-8 ) to identify the degree of their amalgamation. On the basis of the chi-squared distribution and Heincke and Pearson's codes (Table. 1, figures 11-13), it was found that anthropologically the Teryukhans are close to the Mokshas and Erzyas.
Table 1
Anthropometric indicators of the representatives of the Volga regionethnic groups*
Indicators |
Mordovian groups |
Russian groups |
Other groups |
Mok shas |
Teryukhans |
Er zyas |
Upper Volga region |
Don and Sura region |
North East region |
Mid dle Volga region |
Mari |
Ta tars |
Chu va shes |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
1.Height, sm |
166,2 |
170,2 |
167,8 |
166,0 |
166,5 |
166,3 |
167,2 |
164,8 |
166,4 |
164,5 |
2.Longitudinal headdiameter, mm |
191,8 |
189,5 |
191,5 |
188,6 |
190,9 |
188,0 |
190,2 |
188,0 |
189,0 |
188,5 |
3.Head breadth, mm |
150,9 |
152,6 |
152,3 |
152,8 |
152,0 |
155,6 |
154,2 |
153,7 |
154,1 |
153,8 |
4. Min forehead breadth, mm |
105,2 |
106,9 |
106,9 |
106,1 |
106,1 |
108,5 |
107,2 |
107,3 |
106,8 |
107,2 |
5.Morphological face height, mm. |
125,8 |
127,1 |
126,2 |
126,5 |
125,3 |
126,5 |
124,0 |
127,3 |
126,0 |
127,3 |
6.Zigomatic diameter, mm |
139,2 |
139,7 |
139,6 |
139,3 |
139,0 |
141,0 |
140,5 |
141,4 |
142,1 |
140,0 |
7.Lower jaw diameter, mm |
108,3 |
109,6 |
109,0 |
107,7 |
107,5 |
111,1 |
109,3 |
110,0 |
110,2 |
111,1 |
8.Cephalic index, % |
78,6 |
80,5 |
79,5 |
81,1 |
79,8 |
82,8 |
81,1 |
81,8 |
81,6 |
81,7 |
9.Facial index, % |
90,5 |
91,0 |
90,5 |
90,8 |
90,1 |
89,7 |
88,2 |
90,1 |
88,9 |
90,6 |
10.Nasal index % |
66,1 |
63,1 |
65,9 |
62,7 |
63,6 |
63,4 |
64,1 |
63,6 |
65,1 |
63,5 |
11.Chi square |
48,73 |
- |
15,58 |
29,19 |
39,87 |
57,54 |
42,36 |
- |
- |
- |
12.Heincke's code |
2,21 |
- |
1,25 |
1,71 |
2,00 |
2,40 |
2,06 |
- |
- |
- |
13.Pearson's code |
4,41 |
- |
1,33 |
2,40 |
3,58 |
4,83 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
* [3, 154-165; 4, 307-312]
In this article, the author used the cluster analysis conducted on the basis of the absolute anthropometric data to identify the degree of nearness of the Tteryukhans not only to the Russian groups , but also to their Eastern neighbors such as the Gorny Mari, northern Chuvashes and Tatars (Table . 1 , figures 1-10 ) . The author uses the following notations: the Teryukhans - Var 1, the Erzyas - Var 2 , the Mokshas - Var 3; the Russians of the Don and Sura region - Var 4, the Russians of the Upper Volga Region - Var 5, the Russians of the Middle Volga Region - Var 6 , the North East Russians -Var 7; the Mari - Var 8 , the Tatars - Var 9 , the Chuvashes - Var 10. The method of the nearest neighbour was used for the following dendrogram (see . Fig. 1).
Nearest-neighbor method, Euclidean distance
Figure 1
This dendrogram shows a clear amalgamation of the Russian people with certain groups of the Mordovians on the one hand and with the Mari, Tatars and Chuvashes on the other hand; the both clusters demonstrate their autochthony. The Teryukhans come into the total Volga region cluster only at level 4.5. The difference between the Teryukhans and all other local groups of population makes us wonder about the Teryukhans' origin . We can assume that this anthropological type is the result of the amalgamation of the Erzyas with the the Russians of the Upper Volga region and also with the representatives of the other ethnic group, whose historical homeland appears to be beyond the Volga region.
The fact that a high, by local standards, percentage ( 22%) of the Teryukhans have light hair and a very high percentage (56%) of them have blue, green and grey eyes, combined with the the fact that the Teryukhans have the highest growth among the representatives of the ethnic groups under consideration suggests the conclusion that the said homeland was located somewhere in the north west? The Russian chronicles of the 18th century say that in the north Mordovian ( Erzya) Duchy, so-called «Purgasova volost», there was “ Mordva and Rus” [5, 451 ] . Typically, researchers consider the term “Purgasova Rus” in the ethnic context and refer it to the Russian population . The result of this analysis leads to the assumption that the chronicle Purgasova Rus could be the druzhina (warriors) of the Scandinavians. It is known that in the area of modern Yaroslavl (site of the ancient town of Temirevo) there was a Varangian settlement for a long time . Perhaps, the inhabitants of that settlement were the «Rus», later they settled in the Mordovians' lands and left their mark in the gene pool the Teryukhans?
2. Abramov V.K. K voprosu ob antropologicheskom tipe mordvy-teryukhan // Materialy X Mezhdunarodnogo kongressa finno-ugrovedov: arkheologiya, antropologiya i istoriya. Ch. VI. – Yoshkar-Ola, 2008. – S. 20-27.
3. Mark K.Yu. Etnicheskaya antropologiya mordvy // Voprosy etnicheskoy istorii mordovskogo naroda. – M., 1960. – S. 154-165.
4. Proiskhozhdeniye i etnicheskaya istoriya russkogo naroda. – M.,1965. – 415 s.
5. Polnoye sobraniye russkikh letopisey (PSRL). T.1. – Vyp. 2. – S. 451.
Abramov V.K. THE TERYUSHEVSKIYE MORDOVIANS. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2014. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/457-24611 (01.04.2025).