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Teaching science
It is necessary to use such techniques that would help students to develop not only the knowledge but also student’s professional and creative skills. In our opinion, the acmeological approach is the best choice, because students have the possibility to learn both academic material and develop interpersonal skills.
One of the most perspective decisions of these problems is a training process formation with the support of acmeology theory (Ribnikov N., Bodalev A., Ananev B., Derkach A., Kuzmina N., Zimnyaya I.).
The theoretical analysis showed that that the realization of acmeological approach to develop students’ professional creative skills hasn’t considered yet. That’s why the purpose of this article is to analyze the benefits and perspectives of implementing acmeology and acmeological approach in a process of a development student’ professional-creative skills.
We would like to say that realization of аcmeological approach will provide a strengthening of professional motivation, a stimulation of creative potential, a fruitful use of personality resources for the achievement of success with professional activity by means of forming of аcmeological orientation of personality. So, Danilova G. marks that аcmeology is a science about a quality of personality and a quality of life. [1]. Аcmeological approach to the investigated problem gives an opportunity to comprehend understanding of essence of professional mobility.
The presence of knowledge does not determine a success of professional activity. It is far more important, that the subject of activity was able independently to obtain them and apply in practice. Knowledge, abilities and skills are examined only as major means of development of personality of specialist, but not as aim of educational process. The high level of motivation of achievement is the main aim of success.
For diagnostics we applied methodology of diagnostics of personality on motivation to success of Т. Elers (Test/Questionnaire Т. Elers for the study of motivation of achievement of success) and methodology of diagnostics of personality on motivation to avoidance of failures of Т. Elers. The results of establishing experiment showed an insufficient level to motivation of achievement that confirmed the necessity of development of trainings. The aim of forming experiment was in involving students in the process of mastering of specialty on the basis of ideas of acmeological communicative, context, personality-oriented approaches with the use of active forms and methods of educating.
Comparative analysis of given results of establishing and forming experiments showed that the level of formed motivation of achievement of future specialists for the students of experimental group as compared to an establishing experiment had a tendency to increase. Level of formed motivation of achievement in a control group practically did not change. Received results we showed in a table 1.
Table 1 – Change of amount of students of EG (experimental group) and CG (control group), related to the different levels of forming of motivation of achievement of personality (%)
level |
group |
EG |
CG |
first course |
graduate |
First course |
graduate |
low |
32 |
8 |
30 |
35 |
middle |
50 |
10 |
55 |
30 |
not very high |
11 |
33 |
10 |
28 |
very high |
7 |
49 |
5 |
7 |
The analysis of results of forming experiment and systematic watching educational activity of students educed efficiency of application of acmeological methods in particular, training: the students of experimental group attained more than high level of motivation of achievement as compared to the students of control group. We fixed the positive dynamics of development of motivational component of future specialists in an experimental group in the process of education.
Knowledge is not something that can be written on “empty slate” in student’s brain [2, p.18]. That’s why it is necessary for teacher to use different acmeological techniques that would help students to developed their knowledge and creation as well. We provide the most popular techniques in our university: project works, presentations and discussions, role plays, conferences.
Conclusion. In conclusion it should be noted that teaching requires the development of new approaches for development of professional-creative potential. It is necessary to include interactive activities, presentations and conferences. Thus, such learning results in the highest achievements, greatest motivation, and most positive attitude.
2. Atwater, M. Using energy. Teacher’s planning guide. New York: MacMillian/McGraw-Hill school publishing company, 1993. – 134 p.
Mikhaylova A.G. THE DEVELOPMENT OF STUDENTS’ PROFESSIONAL AND CREATIVE SKILLS BY MEANS OF АCMEOLOGY. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2014. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/457-24617 (01.04.2025).