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Home / Issues / № 2, 2014

Teaching science

On experience MBOU “II- Zhemkonskaya School” Khangalassky region of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)
Olenova S.V., Scriabin D.I.

II-Zhemkonskaya High School stable functioning and developing municipal budget educational institution, one of the oldest schools Khangalassky region of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). In 2013, the school celebrated the 115th anniversary. Currently, the school is actively involved in the process of modernization of education across the board, successfully generates obshcheuchebnyh social and civic competence of students.

Since May 2014 the school is a member of the Union of agricultural schools of the republic. To ensure that the educational needs of society, to involve students in the agricultural and economic education, agricultural work, implement the project "agricultural schools as a social and cultural center in the village."

Staff of the school, to develop a program of agro-ecological areas, the main task set, education hardworking person, prudent owner of land. To realize this goal, the curriculum and study included the following items: the environment, the basics of business, agronomy, agricultural physics.

On environmental education [2], education in our school has always paid much attention. Work experience of our school teachers on environmental education was introduced in 2008 at the regional seminar "Environmental focus in teaching in rural schools."

Every year, in order to create an environmental culture [1 C.3], a variety of activities, students are involved through various forms of activity. Carried out the campaign "No - landfills," "Pure Village", "Earth Day", "Clean Up the Planet", planted trees and shrubs, are environmental days in school. Students participate in competitions drawings, poems, crossword puzzles on environmental issues, in competitions in the environment, protect research projects, make presentations at scientific conferences, reports on the measures for the protection of rare plants.

To create an organization of agricultural schools need good, exemplary work, which is impossible without equipping schools with the most modern equipment and technology. Restoring agricultural production cooperative for agricultural schools is a strong material base for the practical and productive activities agrokomponentov. Work should be attractive to high school students.

Needed to farm labor has become a prestigious, this problem is very deep, but it's there, and over her decision to work.

Of  course, children have the right to enter higher educational institutions preparing for urban specialty, but it is necessary to raise the prestige of rural specialties. In this case, the village school and vocational school agricultural profile will together constitute a single system for training specialists for the modern development of the village. And then the young people would go back to the village, organized modern agricultural production, introduced a high-tech, steel producers of competitive environmentally friendly products.

In our view, this should be the criterion of effectiveness of rural schools.

Today, the rural schools acute problem of self-preservation. We understand that the question of whether a school, and the future depends on the village, all of the agricultural sector, in the end, the whole country. So we rural schools, it is necessary to seek other opportunities, and one school with that can not cope. We think that this problem should be solved at the state level.

In our school ecological education and training carried out by a different form of work. Ecological Association "Kencheeri" processes the results of field research trials, discussing the scientific literature, write essays and reports. Great environmental work is done and school forestry "Chechir", which was created in our school in May 1999.

Work on the project "Save the wildlife" was a success, the territory "Turuuk Khaya" recognized as a natural monument of local importance. Young environmentalists spring and autumn are monitoring their areas of rare plants. The result of environmental education is the fact that our school yard becomes green island. During the summer work practice students spend painstaking work to care for them, and flowering plants.

       The school conducted, CMD "traditional economy" for grades 1-4 agricultural schools of the republic, which is intended for the appointed, extracurricular and extramural activities. CMD "traditional economy" is not limited to informing the student about certain values, but reveal to them the possibility of moral action that occurs in the lives of real social problems. This can be solved by back-breaking participation of younger students in the introduction of traditional management: cattle, horses, fishing, herding, hunting, agriculture, tradition, customs of indigenous peoples of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) [3. S. 78-81].

At this time together on the internship site FGBNU "Institute of National Schools of Sakha (Yakutia)" on the basis Horobutskoy School Megino-Khangalassky region of Dmitry Taas under the direction of the candidate of pedagogical sciences, professor PAE Coordinator agricultural schools of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) Gabriel Mikhailovich Fedorova working to create teaching kit "Ecology of Yakutia" for the elementary schools of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). In this case, learning occurs in the natural conditions of life, in the process of labor and traditional way of life, introduce children to the ethnic culture of their ancestors, their traditions and customs, moral and ethnic values ​​of the people. Content line CMD is the synthesis of traditional ecological and scientific knowledge with scientific ideas and concepts in the field of the world [4. S. 58]

1. Zalygin S. Ecology and Culture // New Mir.2012 №9. C.3

2. Zverev, I.D. The Nature Conservancy. Environmental education // Parenting School 2007. №6.

3. G.M. Fedorov. Organization of educational activities in the agricultural schools of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) in terms of administration of the federal state educational standard of general education // International Journal of Applied and Basic Research number 10 for 2012 S. 78-81

4. G.M. Fedorov. The trend of development of science and environmental education of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) // successes of modern science. №11, 2009. S. 58

Bibliographic reference

Olenova S.V., Scriabin D.I. On experience MBOU “II- Zhemkonskaya School” Khangalassky region of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) . International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2014. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/457-24620 (01.04.2025).