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Home / Issues / № 2, 2014

Teaching science

G. Movkebayeva
Problem of improving the forms and methods of teaching in humanities, their development and adaptation to the new conditions of life in the recent years are still being urgent for the higher education. This issue needs to be considered in the context of interaction between the theory and practice, contemporary global processes of information, interaction, especially in terms of establishing a new educational environment.

Degree of proficiency and skills, and an assessment of professional competence of undergraduates can be revealed during the teaching process. In terms of a credit-modular system of training, much attention should be paid to the efficient organization of the undergraduates’ self-instructional. A well organized control gives the teacher an opportunity to analyze his own activity, to notice the lacks in its due time and find out the ways to eliminate them, to organize an individual work. The undergraduates’ self-instructional work should be focused on solving the following tasks:

·         Development of creative thinking;

·         Efficient usage of academic time in the classroom;

·         Knowledge of basic methods in the research;

·         Gaining by undergraduates their own experience and professional skills through self-instructional activity.

Both traditional and innovative methods of teaching are actively used in organizing the undergraduates’ self-instructional.  Subject to the purpose of the discipline, its objectives and the content, these forms of the self-instructional can be used during the teaching process:

  • Independent elaboration of the lecture material;
  • Preparation of the portfolio;
  • Preparation of a poster;
  • Self-study of the selected topics and questions not considered during classroom sessions, but provided by the syllabus (for self-instructional);
  • Preparation for the practical classes and seminars;
  • Preparation for the control works, tests and other forms of run-time monitoring;
  • Writing essays, research and analytical reports based on publications on various topics;
  • Preparation of presentations;
  • Preparation of oral presentations and speeches at seminars, colloquia, conferences, competitions etc;
  • Conducting of discussions, press-conferences; organizing the round tables, etc.

To determine the rating scale, a due attention in the course should be paid to the quality of work with the special literature, to the degree of knowledge, levels of scientific and methodological, conceptual and language training, as well as to the creativity and readiness of undergraduates for an effective self-development. These include:

• Study degree of the recommended literature by the undergraduate (personal description, critical reflection, etc.)

• Evaluation of propositional logic, consistency of arguments, justifying and protection of personal position, etc.

• Knowledge of fundamental methodological approaches, diversity of theories, concepts, etc. by undergraduates.

• Distinctness, perfection in the scientific and categorical apparatus, etc.

Thus, it refers to the step-by-step transformation of education in the self-study part, when a graduate student should acquire knowledge mainly via creative self-instructional, performing the search for information individually and creatively working out it in order to make the necessary deductions and get the results. In this case, while realizing these learning tasks these undergraduates can gain new knowledge, skills and abilities (in particular, the ability to analyze and make decisions in nonstandard situations), that is very important for the efficient future professional activity.

Besides, students’ individual and team short-term (up to one semester term) educational projects reflecting the practice work on the specialty can be included in the educational process as a compulsory component.

Thus, the outcome is:

·         Improving the analytical skills and critical synthesis, development of knowledge and skills applicable to any of the main research areas​​;

·         Knowledge of the basic methods of research, including the ability to search and analyze the information;

·            Organization of undergraduates’ work with a purpose of solving a particular problem close to the real situation;

·         Awareness of the knowledge and skills gained while working in small groups, etc.;

·         A way of organizing the training on the basis of a situational modeling (implementation in the study process and the role-playing and simulation modeling);

·         Improving the level of professional capabilities and comprehension of professional ethics and responsibility;

·         Development of skills and behaviors necessary to become successful, responsible and independent.

Bibliographic reference

G. Movkebayeva FORMS OF THE SELF-INSTRUCTIONAL BY UNDERGRADUATES . International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2014. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/457-24622 (01.04.2025).