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Home / Issues / № 2, 2014

Teaching science

Trajectory of the agricultural schools in the modernization of education
Popov D., Tarasova S.V.
For the first time in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) Yakutia agricultural schools appeared 27 years ago. June 15, 1988 Decision of the Government of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) №148 formed agricultural schools and villages Dirin Churapchinsky Elgyay Suntarsky ulus.

In Russian schools, a new stage in the history of the development of agricultural education students began in 1992 and is associated with the adoption of the Law on "On education" and legislation on land reform. Currently, support for schools that agroprofilirovannyh concept, regulations, orders, program the Government, ministries of education, agriculture, entrepreneurship, research institutes, higher and secondary special educational institutions of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).

The content of education agroprofilirovannyh schools are conducted on the basis of the Law on Education of the Russian Federation, the introduction of federal state educational standards.

Education of the individual involves the search for a new paradigm of the educational process is vital for the human needs in the modern world. In this regard, today in market conditions people find themselves enterprising, industrious, able to adapt quickly to changing conditions, ability to take risks, independent choice of fields of activity, responsible decision-making and self-control behavior. [1]

Schooling as a state institution must comply with the social order to be taught the younger generation of people to universal methods of activity, spending them on real life, adapting to the realities of the market society and a market economy. [2]

As of today, especially important to the socio-cultural modernization of education, aimed at creating a civil, regional and ethno-cultural identity, spiritual and moral development [3], the consolidation of society, the growth of the country's competitiveness.

To solve these problems it is necessary to create a socio-educational environment, a system of social, cultural, spiritual, material, information conditions of activity of students, teachers, family, together with other social institutions on the basis of cultural and system-activity approaches in accordance goals, objectives and requirements of the federal state educational standard of general education, in the context of the goals and values ​​of modern society. [4, S. 2068]

Municipal budget educational institution "Dirinskaya Secondary School" AGRO "name I.E.Fedoseeva-DEP" operates on the basis kitsenzii, estava school certificate validity of the certification and accreditation, with the founder logovora - Department of Education Churapcha region, the school has state accreditation.

The school opened its doors to students in 1921.

Currently, the school operates a highly professional, highly skilled team of teachers, other than a sense of responsibility and enthusiasm. The school employs 57 teachers: age: 30 years, 14% between 30 and 40 years-25%, from 41 to 50 years, 31% over 60 years, 5%; education: special-5%, higher-94%; skill level: basic-3/5% dolzhnosti- conformity of a 11/19%, the first category-22/39%, the highest category-21/37%; pedstazh: 5 to 8 years-%, 5 to 10 years old, 25% between 10 and 20 years, 22% over 20 years, 46%

Given all the conditions, principles, laws, rapidly changing, renewing the concept of a market economy and modernization of education of the Russian Federation, selected motivational approach to the educational process, reinforcing the value of the results of working and learning activities of students. This affects the improvement of the quality of the educational process, the development of entrepreneurial interests the student gives the prerequisites for a prudent owner, assessing the value of training and productive work through its monetary value, which directly affects the development of personal qualities and career choices.

Since February 2005 school year, the school is a pilot site of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) on "Development of personal foundations of occupational choices means agroprofilirovannogo education and agricultural labor market", approved by the Order № 01-08 / 200 of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) 25 February 2005, supervisor - Kondratiev Peter, Ph.D., Methodist lab ethno-cultural education of the Pedagogical Institute of the North-Eastern Federal University named after MK Ammosova, scientific consultant CHugunov Athanasios V., doctor of agricultural sciences, professor, academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), the Head of the Department "General animal husbandry" Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Yakutsk State Agricultural Academy."

In recent years significantly enhanced training - the material base of the school. The educational process is carried out in a 3-storey stone building. The building has 25 study rooms, study computer science, information technology center, a museum, a sports hall, dining room, medical room, auditorium, library. The school also has a garage, boarding, training and workshops, grasslands, greenhouse, schoolyard experimental plot, science lab, the department "Fundamentals AGRICULTURAL production," animal farm, greenhouses, the base camp of work and rest "Maarykchaan." Under the project "Integrated camp", "Sayylyk birr" with the support of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) was established cooperative "Agro" with milking and cooling unit for 100 birds, where people cooperate dairy cows in summer. The school set up classrooms for the study of special training "vegetable growers," "seamstress", "carpenter", "tractor" Category B, C "," The driver of motor vehicles "," computer operator ".

The integration of the educational process in 8-11 classes aimed at preparing students for further study in higher education, post-secondary educational institutions and work in agriculture and industry. At the end of secondary school our graduate school together with a certificate receives the profession in the chosen specialty. High school students from grade 1 are teaching and research in experimental areas of the school and backyards. The results of the work presented at scientific conferences. The quantity and quality of work increases, which proves the growing interest in research and self-development. In the context of the integration of teaching and research and practical-experimental activities, students and teachers are a variety of practice-oriented, experimental and research work on the educational-experimental sites agricultural schools. Over the past two years, laid 24 experience, including 12 papers are summarized and presented to ulus regional, national readings. Of these projects presented at the scientific-practical conference Yakut Scientific-Research Institute of Agriculture - 8 projects students have won prizes.

         Library agricultural schools provided the necessary educational and fiction, textbooks, reference manuals for all disciplines of licensed educational programs. In the school library, the general fund is 17904 copies, including the fund of textbooks approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation is in the number of items 62.2 (11138)% of the total library collection.

Modern education is not possible without the use of modern, including information and communication technologies. The school provided access to the Internet, e-mail is constantly active, there copiers, scanner, telephone, fax. In the offices of Informatics and Information Technologies Center computers are connected to the LAN. The school has its own website. Created a modern office information technology, equipped with computers. All administration is equipped with modern office equipment. In some classrooms, a library equipped with computer teacher jobs. In the computer lab, in the office of the Yakut language and literature, and the study AvtoDela traktorovedeniya, chemistry, physics, English, in the center of the information technology installed interactive whiteboard direct projection. Significant contribution, contribution to the repair work put parents.

Agricultural schools funded based on the standards allocated municipal State-owned ulus form the municipality "Churapchinsky ulus (district)." And there are also extra-budgetary sources of funding: the money received from production and business activities, from voluntary contributions of parents, and paid services. Use them to improve teaching - educational process and the material base of agricultural schools.

Mechanisms for self-realization of rural students are learning and production, education and manufacturing, production and entrepreneurial activities, the project activity, agricultural schools in the tradition of labor education. As a result, an integrated organization of the governance arrangements of the educational production process and the types of agricultural production and entrepreneurial labor students formed the social and educational environment corresponding to the realities of life in the countryside with a market economy.

In the summer season running camp complex work and rest "Maarykchaan." The camp has the following specialized units: Profiled labor camp "birr" haying camp, farm family camp "Achchygy" with co-op "Meldzhehsi" camp volunteers during administration naslega, sports ozdrovitelny camp "Erel" preventive-treatment "Nurguhun" at Dirinskoy local hospital, camp sports and ballroom dancing "Viva", a research camp expeditionary search site "Utumi" with cultural and aesthetic center of the village Dirin, scientific and educational camp "Vita-Logos."

The main industrial activities - agricultural labor, the development of the traditional economy: milk production, caring for calves, growing vegetables and small crops, potatoes, building fences, landscaping of the village, school gardening, picking berries and herbs, services, labor productivity in the industrial practice workshop and training workshops on technology.

Development of the traditional economy occurs in the course of the joint project, through the interaction of children and adults in the family. In the course of joint action with older students learn to ride a horse and a deer, used horse, deer, draft and pack harness, snap (saddle horse - pommel - ynyyr ilin sireye hook on the front pommel - ynyyr honsuochchuta, back bow - ynyyr Calin sireye rope on the back of the pommel of the saddle - bargain, cinch - holun, buckle the girth - holun rear), to determine the horses and deer age and suits, etc.. and jointly monitor the habits of animals and birds, routes rangelands, children learn to graze cows, horses, deer, determine the types of fishing gear (with the rare snout yacheyami (carp) and frequent yacheyami (minnow)), do fishing Sak, do loop, determine edible and inedible berries, mushrooms. Thus, the child acquires new values ​​of life and social experience, which is a whole layer of conducting traditional economy of indigenous peoples of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) and generates employment skills needed in the breeding of cattle, horses, reindeer herding, hunting, fishing, agriculture, allows turn the appointed and extra-curricular activities in the full space of socialization of children, where there is a dialogue between children with peers, adults, who teaches them to reciprocity, mutual understanding, mutual enrichment, tolerance, and the need to help and to participate in the traditional economy [5]

Students taking root in production agricultural labor in the private school, a farmers cooperative farms and develop work skills, get business knowledge and skills, thereby developing methods of activity necessary not only for competent economic management, but also to perform intellectual work.

During the period of administration of the experimental activities in agricultural schools functioning agricultural firm "Dirin." With the aim of which is to attract liability to apprenticeship and entrepreneurial business. The company has a staff unit. The firm organizes the competition between firms in the rating system.

The total combined contribution of the company formed from cash points across indicators and output rating of the company. All points accumulated cash firms classes are listed in the pot of the school. Also, all the activities of each student is assessed cash points, which are added together, and the result shows "best pupil of the company." In addition, students participating in the project "My yard" where labor activity in the backyard is taken into account in the family and the child's conditional share of the economic profit of the family is transferred to the pot school. Points participation of students and parents in the "My Yard" fixed criteria in production and business activities (BPA).

All points accumulated cash firms classes are listed in the student's personal account on a monthly basis by parents. To receive the money is only entitled to a pupil.

Introduced a rating system evaluation of teachers. Curatorial Board developed criteria for effective assessment of professional competence, and effectiveness of teachers. Of the evaluation of teachers is presented annually to the prize "Golden Ear". Over five years, 110 employees nominated. By order of the Director agricultural schools nominated employee is awarded a cash prize: 1st place - 5000 rubles, place 2 - 3 thousand rubles, 3rd place - 2 thousand rubles. Funding awards from extrabudgetary funds agricultural schools.

To enhance the development of the experimental work was necessary consolidation of personnel, logistics, training and methodological potential of various educational and agricultural institutions, the board of trustees, municipal governments, parents and self-learners. On this basis, signed an agreement on joint activities with the Federal State Budgetary scientific institution "Research Institute of Ethnic Schools of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)," Yakut State Agricultural Academy, Yakutsk North fostochnym Federal University, Institute of Education and Teacher Training, Yakut research nstitutom Agricultural products, farms naslega management Agricultural products ulus and its divisions, and others. Established the "Agro-Sitim", which includes agroprofilirovannye school ulus: Teleyskaya, AMGA, Sylanskaya, Solov'ev, Dirinskaya agricultural schools.

Conducted a targeted work to improve the quality of the content of reference agroprofilirovannogo education in rural agricultural schools. Under the auspices of the Federal internship site state budgetary research institution "Research Institute of Ethnic Schools of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)" on the basis of secondary school named after Dmitry Horobutskoy-TAAS Megino Kangalassky-ulus of our school biology teacher and deacon Claudia Andriivna geography teacher Anna Borisova Gavrilevna under the direction of the candidate of pedagogical sciences, professor PAE Gabriel Mikhailovich Fedorova working to develop the teaching kit "Ecology of Yakutia." Conducted jointly by the work of scientists and practitioners under the guidance of teachers GM Fedorov, a leading researcher FGBNU "SRI national schools of Sakha (Yakutia)," AP Arzhakova senior researcher at the Institute of Biological Problems of Cryolithozone on the development of the teaching kit for livestock, crop production, agricultural schools Autobody for the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).

         Agricultural schools provides a high level of knowledge, guaranteeing admission to institutions of higher education, also focuses on the supply of graduates not only in agricultural education, but also in others. Analysis of self-trained after graduation shows 100% receipt of graduates of higher and secondary specialized educational institutions. During the period of agricultural schools has candidates rural-hohyaystvennyh -2 Sciences, Medical Sciences - 1, -1 chemical sciences, engineering.

Agricultural schools has its trustees, patrons and created a board of trustees of the school. School trustees are famous compatriots and alumni: Olympic champion Pinigin PP, Honored Worker of Culture of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) Munkhalov A.P.- artist and Poselskaya NS - Director of the National Ballet School, Filippova NR - The leading expert Lena water - river basin management at the Ministry of Nature Protection of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Markov EE - Head of the Tax Inspectorate of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Vladimir L. - Rector of the Yakutsk State Agricultural Academy, member of the State Assembly "Il Tumen" Kirsanov SP - Vice President housekeeping Yakut State University named after MK Ammosova now FGVPO "North-Eastern Federal University named after MK Ammosova "With their help, the school wrestling room, purification drinking water system, the decoration of the building is carried out boarding - boarding house, etc. Patrons of agricultural schools: Sysolyatin MR - A veteran of pedagogical work, deacon DI - A veteran of World War II, Arkhipov PP - entrepreneur, head of household "Tompor" Illarionov DA - the organizer of the children's movement and pedagogical dynasty Sidorov, Zakharova, Kuzmin.

Many years of creative experience in the creation of market infrastructure and educational content in a generalized agricultural schools in the book Kondratieff PP, SE Sidorova in the journal "Education" № June 2004 Moscow; in the journal "Education Yakutia" № 2 (86) 2013, and in 10 diploma works of our teachers.

Today, on the way of development agricultural schools found its face, the author's trajectory, their approaches to education and training of rural students in the modernization of education in the Russian Federation.


1. Kondratyev P.P. Development of a universal function activity of schoolchildren in the educational space. - Yakutsk. Publisher IPKRO name SN Don-II.- 2009.

2. Chugunov A.V. Agricultural schools-an organic part of the way of life of the village. Yakutsk, 2003

3. Danyluk A.Y., Kondakov A.M., V.A. Tishkov. The concept of spiritual and moral development and education of the individual citizen Russia.- M .: Education, 2010 - 23 p.

4. G.M. Fedorov. Features of the organization of educational activities in the agricultural schools located in places of traditional residence and economic activities of the indigenous peoples of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) // Fundamental research №10 2013 (Part 9) S. 2068.

5. G.M. Fedorov. Organization of educational activities in the agricultural schools in the context of implementing the federal state educational standards // Electronic Journal "Modern problems of science and education" № 5, 2013.

Bibliographic reference

Popov D., Tarasova S.V. Trajectory of the agricultural schools in the modernization of education . International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2014. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/457-24623 (19.02.2025).