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One of effective ways of decorative finishing is the engobing. Engobing with use of a plasma torch successfully apply when receiving protective and decorative coverings on products from wall ceramics [5, 6].
Engobing of a steklokremnezit will allow to expand significantly his color scale and to improve his other esthetic indicators.
We developed special structures for the engobing, including kaolin’s, white the burning down clays and stekloporoshka. As initial components used the Prosyanovsky kaolin, white the burning down Chasov-yarsky clay, stekloporoshka on the basis of fight of blue cobalt glass, a selenic ruby and green chromic glass. Mixes of components mixed in a powder feeder of an arc plasmatron and made a plasma dusting on steklokremnezit.
The received protective and decorative covering possesses the high durability of coupling of a covering with a basis, and also frost resistance.
2. Krokhin V.P., Bessmertnyi V.S., Panasenko V.A., Drizhd N.A., Nikiforov V.M. Decoration of glass and glass articles using the plasma-spraying method // Glass and Ceramics. 1999. V 56. № 3-4. P. 78-80.
3. Bessmertnyi V.S., Simachyov A.V., Zdorenko N.M., Bakhmutskaya O.N., Babets A.M. Ledovskoy V.M., Doludenko A.A., Gusev E.V. Sposob of receiving protective and decorative coverings on products from wood // Patent of Russia №. 2509823. 2014. Bulletin №. 8.
4. Bessmertnyi V.S., Simachyov A.V., Tkachenko D.V., Tkachenko E.D., Zdorenko N.M., Rozdolskaya I.V., Ledovsky M.E. Sposob of wood metallization // Patent of Russia №. 2509826. 2014. Bulletin №. 8.
5. Bessmertnyi V.S. Scientific bases of formation of consumer properties of products from ceramics and the glass, processed by a torch of low-temperature plasma: Abstract yew. dock. thosen of sciences. – Moscow, 2004. – 51 pp.
6. Bessmertnyi V.S., Parshin N.M., Lyashko A.A., Krokhin V. P., Osykov A.A. Engobing of wall ceramics using the plasma spraying method // Glass and Ceramics. 2000. V 57. № 1-2. P. 61-63.
Zdorenko N.M., Bondarenko N.I., Dyumina P.S., Ilyina I.A. ENGOBING OF A STEKLOKREMNEZIT. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2014. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/457-24634 (01.04.2025).