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Home / Issues / № 2, 2014


Zdorenko N.M., Bessmertny V.S., Izofatova D.I.
In the conditions of economic sanctions concerning Russia the urgent need in import replaced high-quality production of new generation is noted. Innovative transformations of the domestic enterprises and introduction of environmentally friendly, resource-and energy saving technologies will allow to solve this problem [1].

One of demanded materials, both in construction, and in life the pottery received by method of shlikerny molding is. It is known that the reotekhnologicheskikh of properties the shlikernykh of masses on the basis of which receive these products, complex additives (deflokulyator) are applied to purposeful regulation [2-5]. However in the domestic market there are no highly effective complex deflokulyator, and at the ceramic enterprises expensive additives on the basis of import components were applied earlier. Thereof, we developed new complex deflokulyator on the basis of products of polycondensation of production wastes of resorcin with formaldehyde in a complex with a carbonate of sodium and liquid glass. They allow to receive shlikerny weight, the possessing necessary mobility at the minimum content of water, to lower its zagustevayemost and temperature of roasting on 25°С, it is essential to increase durability of products in comparison with import analogs.

Increase of indicators of quality and decrease in energy consumption will allow to receive the import replaced production domestic production.


1. Rozdolskaya, I., E. Evtushenko, I. Somina and I. Degaltseva, 2014. Problem-oriented way and multi-aspect character of research of innovative management of competitive enterprises at the stage of global transformations. Life Science Journal, 11(9): 963-970.

2. Slyusar’ A.A., Slyusar’ O.A., Zdorenko N.M. Rheological properties and critical structure-forming concentration of kaolin suspensions with complex additives // Glass and Ceramics. 2008. V 65. № 7-8. P. 285-286.

3. Slyusar’ A.A., Slyusar’ O.A., Zdorenko N.M. Complex thinning additions for ceramic slips // Glass and Ceramics. 2009. V 66. № 7-8. P. 297-298.

4. Zdorenko N.M., Bessmertny V.S., Simachev A.V., Izofatova D.I., Voloshko N.I. About possibility of application of the modified fulfilled fat-containing clay sorbent as a part of ceramics of technical and construction appointment // Ogneupora and technical ceramics. 2013. №.6. P. 26-29.

5. Zdorenko N.M., Min’ko N.I., Bessmertny V.S., Simachyov A.V. Synergism of organo-mineral deflocculators in ceramic slips // Glass and Ceramics. 2014. V.71. № 1-2. P. 68-70.

Bibliographic reference

Zdorenko N.M., Bessmertny V.S., Izofatova D.I. NEW COMPLEX DEFLOKULYATOR FOR CERAMICS. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2014. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/457-24636 (01.04.2025).