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Currently, in the Belgorod region, the trend is observed to the strict requirements of professional skill of employees of tourist organizations, therefore, the role is increasing of further training, as well as receiving mixed skills. So for employees of tourist organizations, it is important to gain additional knowledge in the study of foreign languages.
Analysis of the qualifications of the employees of the tourist organizations of the Belgorod region showed that 52 % of the experts think that to have they basic education for their work is not enough, among them 68 % with higher education in tourism and 32% with secondary professional education. The next step was analyzed the core methods of training workers of the services organizations.
Survey of the staff of the tourist organizations of the Belgorod region allowed to identify the subjects on which experts in the field of tourism services would like to improve their skills. The main direction that requires additional training is an effective sales skills (45%).
The professionals which sale tourist services to the population, directly interact with customers, so they need only a high level of competence, but also to own the technique communication, that is to be able to ask targeted questions and quickly record the necessary information, as much as possible to answer the questions of the customers and satisfy their needs. It is necessary to have the internal capacity for people for establishment an emotional connection with consumers of tourist services.
It is well known that the quality of customer service is directly dependent on the level of professionalism of employees, which is determined by the intellectual potential of employees, by the level and quality of the professional education, experience in the professional sphere. In conditions of increasing customer requirements for the qualification of employees of tourist organizations, view that many employees have not specialized education, increases the need to improve their skills and to get more knowledge constantly. This is due to the fact that the staff of tourist organizations, directly interacting with customers, should not only have a high level of development of specific professional competencies associated with knowledge of tourist destinations, accommodation different countries, reservation systems and the etc., but also to own technique of communication, to establish an emotional connection with consumers of tourist services.
Makrinova E. I., Lyisenko V.V. Development of a comprehensive research program loyalty of staff as internal customers of the services organizations. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2014. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/457-24652 (01.04.2025).