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Home / Issues / № 2, 2014


Askerov Sh.G.
As an ancient proverb says: "There is no greater fortune than a dimension. Dimension – is the basis of the harmony". Throughout the history mankind had invented a lot of methods and tools to measure and the materialistic and moral values. The term of a value is interpreted as a significance and essence of the object in the eyes of society. Alongside with this concept, there always was a need for new criteria so as to measure these materialistic and moral values.

Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and the Human Development Index (HDI) can be considered as the largest social inventions of the XX century. Though the scientific and methodological base has been established on the basis of these concepts, it is however deemed necessary but not sufficient to monitor and manage the global socio-political processes occurred across the world. This is because, sometimes one cannot get his rights what he owes to get. Cataclysms encountered by the mankind derive from the defects arising out of the estimation criteria.  So there is a great need for an accurate criteria so that to ensure a sustainable development of the planet.

Estimation model . To estimate the values ​​one, two and multidimensional models can be proposed. In this article we will focus on two-dimensional evaluation models. In other words the glass filled with the liquid (evaluation object) can be used as a model /1/. If we mark the height of the full part of the glass as the Ld, the height of the empty part of the glass as the Lb, and the maximum height - Lo, the full height of the glass Lo

would equal to the sum of these parts:

Lo = Ld + Lb        (1)

If each part of this expression is divided to Lo, and then mark the fractional part Ld /Loas a and the fractional part Lb /Lo as h, then the formula (1) can be written as follows:

a + h = 1          (2)

Relative estimation indicator and percentage. As seen from the picture the fractional part Ld/Lois in proportion to the ratio of unit price (whole unit) and is the relative indicator of the evaluation model. The value of this criterion varies within the range of between 0 and 1. The multiplication of this value to 100 refers to the percentage indicator of the evaluation. This ratio is used as a criterion of percentage a thousand of years. The percentage is a quantitative indicator of the unit in proportion to the complete part of the number and is considered to be as one hundredth portion of the unit. The value of lack of success (lack of success) – h varies within the range of between 0 and 1. It can also be expressed in percentages.









        Figure. Two –dimensional model for estimation of values


            New criterion. The ratio of the full part of the glass to the empty part can also (Ld/Lb) be used as a criterion. This ratio indicates that how many times the achieved (success) is more than the lack of success (lack of success). The new criterion was named as a quality factor (perfection) /2/ in previous articles and was marked with the letter K:

K= Ld / Lb                                    (3)

This formula can also be expressed in relative units:

K= a/ h                              (4)

As shown from the figure the value of K unlike with the value of a varies between zero and infinity. This opens new opportunities to evaluate the values. The factor K is very sensitive in relation to the changes of percentage. The factor K can easily feel the changes that were not susceptible by percentage.

 The factor K is an alternative criterion for percentage indicator of the evaluation of the values and there is a big difference between them.

            Perfection factor meaningful tinges. The development of the mankind from primitive communal system up modern life has been evolving from instinctive activities toward conscious activities. The factor K enables us to observe the dynamics of development. The value of the factor K is growing with the development of the mankind.

The factor K has different meanings in relation to various activities (economic, intellectual, social and etc.). Some meaningful tinges of this factor are emphasized below:

K – is the ratio of the success criterion to lack of success criterion;

K – is the ratio of the achievement criterion to lack of achievement criterion;

K - is the ratio of the completed part of the work to be done, to the part of the works to be done;

K - is the ratio of the learned parts of the program and unlearned parts of the program.

K – is the ratio of the conscious activity and unconscious activity; human conscious activities are growing and instinct activities are reduced with the increase of the K factor;

K - is the ratio of the public and personal interests;

            As can be seen from above stated meanings as being a historical criterion the K factor expresses the ratio of the public welfare and the personal interests, as being an economic criterion expresses the ratio of the completed part of the work to be done, to the part of the works to be done and as being pedagogical criterion expresses the ratio of what is known to us and what is unknown to us.

            With the growing of the factor K the mankind has been evolving towards the prosperous life. In other words the factor K is acting as an indicator of the development, evolution and of the prosperous life. Thus, with the growing of the factor K:

Ø   Human being reaches the perfection, confines himself by providing economic freedom and feels fully fed by wealth;

Ø   The mankind has been evolving from an individual freedom towards the freedom of all humanity;

Ø  The cultural level of an individual is increasing,  the human is focusing its sense of love towards the nation and society;

Ø   Thoughts are being refreshed, the person is treating kindly to those who have offended him;

As the mood of the human being is changing as he is getting old, the degree of perfection and cultural level are also growing with the increase of the factor K. The struggle between justice and discrimination continues throughout the history. With the growth of factor K this struggle is developing with the advantage of justice.



1. Askerov Sh.G., European Journal of Natural History 2010, №4, p.53

2. Askerov Sh.G., Journal of Qafqaz University, 2010, №13, p.63

Bibliographic reference

Askerov Sh.G. SCIENTIFIC BASIS FOR ESTİMATİNG VALUES. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2014. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/457-24654 (01.04.2025).