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The project “Advanced Training in Integrated Sustainable Waste Management for Siberian Companies and Authorities” (TIWaSiC) received the financial support from the European Commission within the program TEMPUS – IV.
The aim of the project is to strengthen the role of Russian universities by developing training courses for "Integrated Sustainable Waste Management" for employees of companies and authorities of the Siberian regions, using the European experience and best available techniques (BREF)
The project includes the development and implementation of a modular training program for "Integrated Sustainable Waste Management" for five industry sectors in the model region at four Siberian universities – National Research Irkutsk State Technical University (ISTU)-Coordinator of the Project, East Siberia State University of Technology and Management (ESSUTM), Transbaikal State University (STU), Far Eastern Federal University (FEFU) – under participation of the European partner universities: Technische Universität Dresden (TUD) – Grantholder of the Project, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU), Technical University of Denmark, Copenhagen (DTU), Technical University of Crete (TUC) and representatives of the executive authorities of the Russian Federation, the responsible ministries, national and regional unions and international centre.
The project aims at establishing a sustainable collaboration between universities, industrial companies, companies concerned with waste management and the legislative and executive authorities at the regional and federal level.
Model region of the project: Region Baikal (Baikal, Transbaikalia) and Far East (Primorsky Krai)
Specific objectives of the project:
· Development and implementation of a training course "Integrated Sustainable Waste Management for Russian Companies" for five determined industrial sectors
· Establishment of an incentive system for Russian companies for integrating a sustainable waste management and resource conservation
· Strengthening the Baikal Wasma Centre in Irkutsk as an information-, exchange- and contact point for companies and universities
· Improving the professional competencies of scientific staff and employees of industrial companies
During the project, the European partner universities will assist in the preparation of the content for the training courses, as well as in the development of teaching materials and, finally, they will conduct test courses in Russian universities. This involves intensive advanced courses for university teachers from four Russian universities to be taken at the European partner universities in order to improve the professional competence of teaching staff.
The participation of members of Russian executive authorities, as well as members of the responsible ministries and partners unions in training and field trips to Austria and Germany is an important element of the project. Different project-related meetings with representatives of local authorities and trips to European industrial and waste-disposal companies are supposed to provide information on the best techniques in the field of waste management available in Europe.
Training courses will be developed within the project for the following industry sectors:
· Mining with production of raw materials and enrichment of minerals
· Chemical and petrochemical industry
· Metallurgical industry
· Wood processing, as well as pulp and paper industry
· Housing and communal economy with municipal waste management, as well as water supply and sanitation
Training courses including specific waste management and environmental management system shall be developed for each industrial sector. At the end of the project, two training courses will be held simultaneously at four Russian universities with the support of media (video conference). The necessary technical equipment of the Siberian partner universities' lecture rooms with modern devices will be provided by a Tempus grant.
The target group for the training courses are employees who are decision makers at the management level of industrial companies and waste-disposal companies or employees being directly responsible for the prevention and management of waste.
Provision of information for participants:
- Training manuals „Integrated Sustainable Waste Management“for each of the industrial sectors in paper form and on CD.
- Project Website „TIWaSiC“ www.tiwasic.de
- Organisation of conferences and seminars
The long-term objective of the project is the development and reinforcement of partnerships between universities, local authorities, industrial and professional associations, and at the same time strengthening the role of Russian universities in the field of waste management. The mutual exchange of the latest know how in the field of waste management should be encouraged at the state level as well.
Term of project implementation: December 2013 - November 2016
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2014. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/457-24655 (01.04.2025).