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Education reform that had received a new round with entry of Russia into the Bologna process was the beginning of reforms in the field of education in general and in the field of legal education in particular. Beginning and foundation of legal transformations VD Zorkin calls reform of legal education [3. s. 581].
It is impossible to disagree with the opinion of NS Bondar that the legal profession – is a phenomenon deeply national, conservative by nature [1. s. 8, 41]. Certainly lawstudding of national life and international legal globalization influence to the content of legal education, the choice of training and methodological support, educational technology.
The optimum way of forming systems for evaluating the quality of students in the implementation of the FSAS-3 is in the combination of traditional and innovative approaches, the latter is based on the experimental procedures leading national educators and modern foreign experience [6. s. 7-15].
According to the author, to fulfill the goals and objectives may use the method of portfolio [4. s. 26-28]. Revealing the specifics of the method of the portfolio and its various models, modern authors define the dignity of the portfolio as a popular and relevant educational technology lies in line with the Bologna process. It is advisable to create a single European portfolio samples, such as adopted by the Council of Europe "European Language Portfolio".
Legal regulation of relations in the sphere of the use of the portfolio in the Russian education is not full. In Russia legislated principles of continuity and succession of education at all levels, the principle of unity of educational space.
From the point of view of the author, it is assumed the unity of the basic learning tools and forms of control at all levels of education (general, professional, further and vocational training). Method of portfolio sounds in many sub laws, but, unfortunately, not addressed to all types of education, and not even all levels of education within the same species.
Hailed in the "World Declaration on Higher Education for the Twenty-first Century: Vision and Action," the principle of constant adaptability to current and future needs of society immeasurably wider claimed Russian legislation [5. s. 26-32]. All responsibility for the needs of society, both modern and future of Russia lies on the software developers of the education system at different levels.
In legal education portfolio should be used not only as an indicator of individual educational achievements, but also as a way of training, supervision, with specificity for the types of practice-productive activity: educational and professional.
It is possible to use the types of portfolio in learning stages. It is advisable to create and use a portfolio, which differ in the method of processing and presentation of information: a paper version and an electronic version of the portfolio, which can be taken on the personal website of the student, the site of the university. In the latter case, the institution - the site owner must take steps to highlight a special section on portfolio achievements of its students; ordering filling replenishing and adjustments of this section; establish requirements for the content of the portfolio. Perhaps the institution the data on this partition, shall be send to the organizers of the annual competition "Careerist of the Year", job fairs, leading companies - interested in specialists on the profile of the university [2. s. 29-34].
The portfolio has the dual purpose - on the one hand, it is a way of teaching and assessment of educational progress and scientific developments, and on the other - to evaluate the readiness for a professional career and deep information block of the young specialists, graduates of the university for employers.
2. Devisilov V.A. Portfolio and project-based learning as a pedagogical technique of motivation and personality-based learning in higher education // Higher education today. 2009. № 2. S. 29-34.
3. Zorkin V.D. Constitutional and legal development in Russia. M. 2011. S. 581.
4. Komarova V.V. Portfolio in the field of legal education // Legal Education and Science. M .: Lawyer. 2013. № 3. S. 26-28.
5. Komarova V.V. Technology portfolio in the implementation of the principles of education // Lawyer university. 2013. № 10. S. 26-32.
6. Komarova V.V. Legal education today // Education and Law. 2010. N 3. (7). S. 7-15.
Komarova V.V. Some issues of national legal education in the Bologna Process. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2014. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/457-24656 (01.04.2025).