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Home / Issues / № 2, 2014

Teaching science

Orlova E.N.
Dear friends and colleagues,

On behalf of the Institute of Reflexive Psychology of Creative Work and Humanization of Education at the International Academy of Humanization of Education (IAGE, Sochi-Magdeburg) I am happy to welcome the participants to the II International Conference “EDUCATION AND SCIENCE WITHOUT BORDERS”, European scientific and industrial consortium “ESIC”, Scientific Publishing Center of the Academy of Natural History, Russian Academy of Natural History, Foundation “National Quality Award”, European Journal of Natural History, European Academy of Natural History, Publishing house “Academy of Natural History”, International Academy of Natural History, Association of Researchers and Educators, Scientific Journal “Fundamental research”, European Scientific and Industrial Consortium A.G., Eurasian Scientific and Industrial Chamber Ltd.

We are firmly convinced that the “Education and Science without Borders” International Scientific Conference will contribute to further efficient development of the scientific and technological potential in the focal areas of development of science, technologies and equipment on the basis of the international integration.

We are also of opinion that any project, including the “Education and Science without Borders” project, is of no value if it undermines your health. You cannot assert that you are safe and happy if you are unable to preserve your health on the way to fulfilment of your objectives.

Our activities within the framework of the Institute of Reflexive Psychology of Creative Work and Humanization of Education (IRPCWHE) International Academy of Humanization of Education (IAGE, Sochi-Magdeburg), Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (RANS) are directed at challenging you, impelling you to do something. As you become healthier, happier, more vigorous and cheerful, you will enjoy yourself more and more. Our activity will help you to take a firm hold of your body and your life.

Works of such famous scientists as B.V. Bolotov, V.M. Dyukov, S.B. Pereslegin, V.M. Rozin, I.N. Semyonov and A.I. Yuryev, monographs published by the LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing ‑ Saarbrücken International publishing house (Germany) and especially complex research of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (RANS) served as a ground for our activities.

We offer several principles that could be taken as a basis of "Spring of Health" system which can make a sufficiently large contribution to development of human health in our insalubrious world. These principles are simplicity, security, availability, efficiency and possibility to measure the result.

It is clear that these principles can be both supplemented and amended. But in order to take such actions intelligently, it is probably a good practice to clarify the meaning of these principles.

1. The principle of simplicity: everything you need to be ready to create your own health should be here and now, in yourself.

2. The principle of security: absolute conscience and control over your every step.

3. The principle of accessibility:

-     economic availability: it is advisable not to include in the set of technologies needed for creation of your health and diagnostics of achievements anything that requires additional financial and material expenditures;

-     psychological availability: you should use only those things the Teacher (Coach) recommends you and things you have experienced yourself: any experience of other people taken at their word not only breaks understanding and control (the core of availability), but also breaches the principle of security.

4. The principle of effectiveness: effectiveness implies the presence of a result ratio of achieved results to expenses.

Our activity in the direction of "Spring of Health" is a practical implementation of the system that will increase the effectiveness of your health promotion. We think that this activity is more of a human culture sphere: physical culture (control of movements); physiological culture (control of processes in the body); psychological culture (control of emotions and internal states); intellectual culture (control of thoughts and reflection); and energy culture (challenge, concentration, analysis, amplification, using yourself as energy).

The ideas of "Spring of Health" system and healthy lifestyle, enriched by the insights of reflective coaching, integral system approach and healthcare science are based on the philosophy of combined success which includes the following key concepts:

-     “And” – integral development (development covers all major spheres of life);

-     “Yes” – positive development (development is directed at increase of awareness and enjoyment of life of each of the participants in the process);

-     “We” – consistent development (each participant of the development process is needed to achieve a new level of development).

We are ready to collaborate with the European Scientific and Industrial Consortium "ESIC" and the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences in the future.

Bibliographic reference

Orlova E.N. ON PRINCIPLES OF THE “SPRING OF HEALTH” SYSTEM. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2014. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/457-24662 (01.04.2025).