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Home / Issues / № 2, 2014

Teaching science

The active methods of study in the High Medical School
Toleuova A.S., Tayzhanova D.Zh., Beysenbekova Zh.A.
The introduction. Today, the active methods of study have wide introduction into the study process. It is necessary modeling of the critical situations for the student not only to know but for usage his knowledge in practice. In the physician’s practice frequent meeting situations in which from the quick doctor’s decision depend patient’s life. Therefore we have to help the students to develop action automatism which is very necessary in extra situation. One of that way is the usage of the role training and simulation technologies in the critical situation constructions.

The aim of our investigations was a study of the role training and simulation technology's effectiveness in comparison with the usual types of study.

Description. It was developed specially critical situations scenarios, with using of the «Sim man» simulator. Students were divided into the 2 groups one of which study on the role training with manikins using, which simulating of patient’s critical condition, others studied with usual methods. The results estimated by the subject final marks.

Results. In the role training used a frequent meeting in physicians practice emergency conditions such as: cardiogenic shock, infection –toxic shock, hypoglycemic shock and et.c. In the result of which from the sequence of group action depend on the «patient’s» life. The sudden effect among the students disclosed leaders, helpers and executors. It was interesting to observe, that more smart students fall into the stupor in critical situations, in this time the silent students were more active than the other their «collegue». During this experiment was established that the material better acquired if used role training. The students by themselves found their unknown area and was trying to improve it at once by using books and e-books. The possibility of the critical situation return and to play again with more benevolence finish to help the students add the practical skills to their theoretical knowledge. The students who have active study methods in 85% of cases accepted high marks in the final examination, than the other students, who studied with the theoretical study methods.

Discussion. Thus, using the active study methods among students called the interest to the learning,  stimulated storing process, helped to develop automatism at the students' clinical skills.

1.R.M. Felder and R. Brent, "Active Learning: An Introduction." ASQ Higher Education Brief, 2 (4), August 2009.

2.R.M. Felder and R. Brent, "Learning by Doing." Chem. Engr. Education, 37 (4), 282¬-283 (Fall 2003).

Bibliographic reference

Toleuova A.S., Tayzhanova D.Zh., Beysenbekova Zh.A. The active methods of study in the High Medical School. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2014. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/457-24664 (01.04.2025).