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Home / Issues / № 2, 2014


Phase Transitions in Heat Accumulating Organic and Inorganic Materials using NMR-Relaxometry and Thermoelectrometry
Kashaev R.S.-H.

     Direct electric energy production in renewal electric energy sources is of great technology relevance and phase transitions (PT) in phase-changing materials (PCM) has here high perspectives. Phase transitions in paraffin and hydrated salts due to their low temperatures of PT can be used at ambient temperatures for transformation of heat of fusion/crystallization in electric current using thermoelectric Seebeck effect of thermoelectricity production using temperature change during the PT . 

        Using nuclear magnetic resonance relaxometry and thermoelectrometry methods we studied phase transitions (PT) and electric power generation properties of hydrate salt CaCl2×6H2O and isoparaffin i-C22H46. Temperature and time dependences on protons at phase transitions were determined using Portable Relaxometer NMR NP-2 at resonance frequency nо = 14,5 МHz, designed [1] and produced by Construction Bureau of Resonance Complexes Ltd, Kazan and presented at fig.1.

Fig.1. Portable Relaxometer NMR NP-2

Results of measurement of  Т1А, Т1В  and Т2А, Т2В  NMR-relaxation times from inverse temperature 103/Т K in and i-C22H46  and TE in salts presented at fig.2,3 and described in [2]. From the position of most effective phase changing inorganic material is CaCl2×6H2O and it can be effectively used as thermoelectric generator on Seebeck effect and phase transitions [3], presented at fig.4.

Fig.2.  Temperature dependence of spin-lattice T1A(curve 1), spin-spin T2A,B (curves 2, 3) relaxation times from 103/T K and P2A proton population (line 4) at cooling of i-C22H46.

Fig.3. Time dependences of thermoelectricity  - electric tension of CaCl2×6H2O (curve 1),  Na2S2O3×5H2O (curve 2) and CH3COONa×3H2O (curve 3) at cooling process from 67oC to 20oC

Функциональная схема устройства c СП 17

Fig.4 Thermoelectric generator on Seebeck effect and phase transitions

1. Idiyatullin Z.Sh., Kashaev R.S., Temnikov A.N. Patent of Russian Federation on invention №23191138. 4.05.2006.

2. Kashaev R.S.-H., Masiab A.G.N. Phase transitions in some phase changing organic materials studied by nuclear magnetic resonance relaxometry // Chemical and Materials Engineering. 2013, V. 1(3), РР.78-84.

3. Kashaev R.S.-H., Masiab A.G.N. Thermoelectric generator. Patent of RF № 135450 RF, H01J45/00, F24J2/42.; publ. 10.12.13, Bulletin of inventions. № 34.

Bibliographic reference

Kashaev R.S.-H. Phase Transitions in Heat Accumulating Organic and Inorganic Materials using NMR-Relaxometry and Thermoelectrometry. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2014. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/457-24668 (01.04.2025).