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Biological sciences
New items in morphological approaches in research of nano-particles influence on organism
rats were inserted nano-particles of ferrum on the skin and intranasal. The
studies on animals hair and skin, and also brain, trachea, larynx,
parenchymatous organs (transmission and scanning electronic microscopy with use
of micro and macro elements analysis, nuclear power microscopy) were performed.
With normal inserting of nano-particles of ferrum it was observed the
following: obturation of the bronchial tree, and also parts of the vascular of
the leaver and kidneys that was the cause of the death of 80% of the animals.
With insertion on the skin, nano-particles were accumulating, and also spread
on the distance over five meters.
Bibliographic reference
Pavlova T.V., Speranskiy S.L., Markovskay V.A., Pavlova L.A., Nesterov A.V. New items in morphological approaches in research of nano-particles influence on organism. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2014. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/457-24674 (01.04.2025).