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Teaching science
However the innovative environment of society, business, the economic sphere doesn't arise in itself. The main carriers – the people possessing high innovation and powerful leader potential (innovative leaders) are necessary for its timely birth, the correct maturing and full functioning.
Basic platform of formation of innovative leaders for all public system is, certainly, the system of higher education putting the main knowledge, abilities, skills and competences of future innovative leader.
The existing level of high school education in its classical option isn't capable to prepare the necessary creative and innovative leading manager capable in the conditions of the maximum fast reaction to advance and develop innovative segments of business, production, economy in general in a due measure.
First, the professional knowledge gained in higher education institution quickly becomes outdated, the optimum term of efficiency of the higher education makes no more than 5-7 years today, and in the branches connected with high technologies, duration of profitability of the got education makes no more than 2-3 years [1].
Secondly, annually in the world economy more than 500 professions disappear and there are more than 600 new professional directions. It generates new reference points in the organization of management, advance and development of new goods and services to which high school education in its current state doesn't manage to react in due time [1].
Thirdly, the arsenal of pedagogical means, forms, methods and technologies which is armed at higher education institution is so far poorly focused on formation of innovative leaders in all set of competences and qualities necessary for it.
Therefore the format of innovative education – the education based on new knowledge and innovative dynamics as which we understand logical sequence of technologies of transformation of new knowledge to technical and social reality, transformation of scientific knowledge into goods or service [4] is necessary for innovative leaders.
Practice shows that innovative education provides the high level of intellectual and personal and spiritual development of students, creates conditions for mastering by them skills of scientific style of thinking, teaches methodology of innovations in social and economic and professional spheres.
Innovative education assumes obligatory inclusion of various educational innovative technologies, methods of active training, game technologies, technologies of formation of research activity of the students allowing to intensify development of the personality, both students, and teachers promoting democratization of their joint activity and communication, a humanization of teaching and educational process in general.
Within practical pedagogical experience of realization of innovative education in system of a vocational education by creative staff of Bryansk state university for 12 years the program of development of innovative leader potential of student's youth within a complex of educational and educational actions where as structure-forming author's innovative educational technology the youth student's Internet festival "Pokoleniye.Ru in Bryansk" [2], [3].
As the major integrative means providing vigorous converting activity of participants of the Festival Internet support of all its stages – creation of web pages of teams, a festival portal, carrying out Internet conferences, forums, chats, online consultations, virtual meetings with experts and leading experts, use by preparation of tasks and development of creative projects of various Internet resources serves.
The Internet festival will be organized as big creative, virtual laboratory of the students united in teams who work as creative researchers and innovators within the set scope of a festival, certain scientific and practical actions. During work of the Internet festival independent creative work of students will be organized and coordinated within technology of distance, electronic learning, online training and consultation, use of all opportunities of ICT technologies, a support on modern forms and methods, first of all, active and interactive.
The psychology and pedagogical researches which are carried out by us for "years of life" of the Pokoleniye.Ru in Bryansk Internet festival allow to claim authentically that effective use of complex innovative technology – a student's Internet festival, allows to develop considerably innovation and leadership of students, to open their creative opportunities, to get valuable professional and leader experience.
2. M.: Yeliseyeva E.V., Zlobina S.N. Studenchesky Internet festival "Pokoleniye.Ru in Bryansk": new prospects of development//XV conference exhibition "Information Technologies in Education", Collection of works of conferees. Part III. - M.: MEPhI, 2005. [An electronic resource] - the access Mode: http://ito.edu.ru/2005/Moscow/I/2/I-2-5188.html
3. Zlobina S.N., Yeliseyeva E.V. Use of innovative educational technologies in system of high school training//the XVI conference exhibition "Information Technologies in Education", the Collection of works of conferees. Part III. - M.: MEPhI, 2006. [An electronic resource] - the access Mode. - http://ito.edu.ru/2006/Moscow/I/1/I-1-6377.html
4. Safonova E.I. Recommendations about use of innovative educational technologies in educational process. - Moscow, 2011. - 71 pages.
Yeliseyeva E.V. Training of innovative leaders in system of the higher education. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2014. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/457-24678 (01.04.2025).