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Home / Issues / № 2, 2014

Teaching science

Shtatskaya T.V., Soulimovsky B.N.

At all the stages of multi-level training in English within the higher educational establishment there is observed and strictly kept the principle of professionally-oriented education on the basis of which the future young specialist must be able to translate scientific and technical literature on speciality as well as master skills of talking at negotiations, symposia, conferences, private deals and presentations.  That’s why in parallel with studying every-day English first one must learn general technical words which can be found in all the fields of science and engineering and later beginning from the 2nd course up the 5th one – a specially concrete sub-language being peculiar and necessary for the corresponding speciality so that the enumerated tasks of professional communication in future could be realized.                                                                                                             

Priority is given first of all to every-day classic English, but one should not forget the sub-language of a concrete speciality, ignorance of which leads to an  essential discomfort at talks, conferences, etc., that is it narrows the limits of professional communication and makes it difficult  for understanding; the solutions of problems raised at talks , meeting, etc. are retarded. One must achieve a reliable symbiosis of a good knowledge of speciality and a proper mastering specific English. It is that the student needs. And that’s why one should not forget to include and introduce terminology in the academic programme and represent it carefully and gradually depending on what level and stage of training this or that student is.

Certainly the student must study specific terms very seriously, copying them out into a separate special note-book making vocabulary of terms because in future they’ll defend their diplomas in English and besides they can be used  further  for the various aspects of professional communications. It is desirable for the student to study terminology  in word combinations, sentences, text of training aids and journals on their speciality. One should  keep to a strict thematic succession of studying special terms. On finishing this or that theme  or section of the text-book or the manual there was arranged so-called training or drilling session which  gave an opportunity for a student to display his knowledge of terminology and his skill of using it for professional communication in a free and easy way in the form of either press-conference, or productional meeting of the Board of directors.                                                                                                                                                              

From the first  moments of studying English at the university the students should be advised to acquire technical dictionaries. They will be useful and required for various kinds of work at special lexics while the students are studying and later when they will deal with professional spheres of communication after graduation from the university. Some unexpected circumstances can arise, for example, arrival of a foreign delegation for exchange of productional and commercial experience, business trips of young specialists abroad or participation in an international conference, as well  as when a post-graduate will devote himself to a great  science and he will be in a constant search for new ideas and innovations in his concrete sphere of his creative activity. Among the students one can conduct a special training session dealing only with terminology concerning speciality. During this kind of training one can introduce the concrete situation and the students must make correct decisions and give corresponding orders on the sport. Such type of consolidating terminology can be used while studying any speciality. Something like language drilling session can be achieved for the 2-nd and 3-rd year students at so-called public classes on concrete specialized themes and problems. Here one can solve many problems: the students can participate in monologue and dialogue, they display their keenness of wit and erudition, they become creative persons, they react quickly to the situational problems raised by their course-mates and by the teacher. Being well-equipped with terminology the students and the teachers achieve feedback easily and this drilling session goes off well, rapidly and vividly.

An ideal variant of explaining and consolidating terminology is attained when English classes are conducted in specialized labs (of canning, wine-making, tobacco production or repair and maintenance shops where there are visually demonstrated various objects of speciality, which give an opportunity for the students to remember specific words not for 5 minutes but for ever. A regular reading of technical literature both in English and Russian allows the student to prepare seriously for a final stage of studying language within the university – defence of diploma project in English. It is a crucial stage of professional communication within the university and an open road to a diversified system of contacts based on specific English.

Bibliographic reference

Shtatskaya T.V., Soulimovsky B.N. STUDYING SPECIFIC TERMINOLOGY MAKES THE STUDENTS MORE CONFIDENT IN THEIR PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITY. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2014. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/457-24680 (01.04.2025).