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Home / Issues / № 2, 2014

Methodology of the study of Soviet literature
Oleg Latyshev

The objective of this research work - redefining the value of the literary process of the Soviet age in the light of trends in the development of modern literary criticism. The reason for writing is in the necessity of finding bases for the construction of this version of the cultural-historical age, to present to the world civilization experience of interaction and mutual enrichment of a variety of national literatures. The study is performed by presenting the national literature in the form of the world's artistic and aesthetic process. As a result the concept of socialist realism as a new version of realism enriched the literary theory and aesthetic thinking in general. Testify to this, and the conquest of the Soviet theoretical school, proclaimed the idea of "being as acts" and necessarily relies on high moral thought. An opportunity to use the following results of scientific work is seen in the research literature of the twentieth century, aimed at defining the place of Soviet literature in the world literary process, clarification of its periodization, revealing the artistic merits in relation to the new outlook. It is possible to influence the results of this study on the nature of the socio-political processes in the country and the world, due to the revaluation of values, the need for objective, impartial, comprehensive understanding of the nature of this literature in the context of the complex processes taking place both in the domestic and world culture of the twentieth century. Range of modern literature, which research lies in the field of mutual influence and mutual enrichment of national literatures, reflecting social foundations in the formation artistic method age, will benefit from this work.

During the organization of the study, we faced with the fact that there is no possibility to stay on the application of a single all-encompassing method. It is necessary to use the complex research methods and approaches. For example, a phenomenological approach, involving the identification of mind of the author through the text, allows the management of a wide enough research tools, which are updated during intention, intentionality, consciousness criticism, reflection, and subjective criticism. However, the characteristic of this approach for the description of a work of art out of the socio-cultural, historical and other context does not allow to fully explore the Soviet Romanist, in fact - to make a phenomenological approach is the only one in this case. At the same time, there is no opportunity to see it as a dominant, because in this case there is a risk predominance of subjectivity. And yet, this approach has its own organic role in our study.

To some extent, compensate for the gap between the context in the case of dominance of the phenomenological approach is intended to cultural-historical method of literary study. Its active use, in contrast, involves the perception of art as a researcher document of the age on the one hand, and the reflection of the spirit of the people, marking this age, in different periods of its historical development. It also gives the opportunity to operate such concepts as the nature of the people, civilization, race, the environment, the time, and the literary fact. With all the self-importance of the reduced number of fully is expected the question whether it is quite sufficient for the objective of presenting the individual traits of the hero, an adequate perception of the role of personality in history? Can we expect for self-use cultural-historical method fair consideration of individual psychological component? We believe that it is mutually supplemented by the use of the above method and approach will be called the most adequate research results.

In turn, the comparative-historical method, for thoughtful application of which is characterized by historical poetics, comparison, repeatability, impact, series, psychological parallelism and a plot to withstand throughout the course of the study the principle of historicism. It is based on historical and typological comparison, allowing significantly enrich the understanding of contact "horizontal" relations of national literatures "vertical" - typological characteristics, demonstrating the development of a variety of literature from the same root, a common fundamental traditions. Substantial support for the implementation of the comparative-historical method is a perception of the text in a foreign language within a cultural context. In a surprise semantic environment more clearly appear the previously hardly noticed the artistic merits, it would seem axiomatic works of Soviet literature.


1. Latyshev O. Typological features and international relations of Russian "village" prose of 1960s. // dissertation author's abstract on scientific degree of Candidate of Philology. - Maikop, 2000.

2. Latyshev O. Rational and emotional in Russian "village" prose of 1960s. // Categories rational and emotional in the language arts: collection of scientific articles at the VII Intern. Scientific. Conf. "Rational and emotional in literature and folklore". Volgograd, 28-30 October. 2013 / Ed. E.F. Manaenkova. - Volgograd Univ. VSSPU "Change", 2013 - S.172-178. (Electronic version) [electronic resource]. - Mode of access: http://predu.livejournal.com/204820.html

Bibliographic reference

Oleg Latyshev Methodology of the study of Soviet literature. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2014. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/457-24694 (01.04.2025).