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Executive Editor:Publishing house "Academy of Natural History"
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Asgarov S. (Azerbaijan), Alakbarov M. (Azerbaijan), Aliev Z. (Azerbaijan), Babayev N. (Uzbekistan), Chiladze G. (Georgia), Datskovsky I. (Israel), Garbuz I. (Moldova), Gleizer S. (Germany), Ershina A. (Kazakhstan), Kobzev D. (Switzerland), Kohl O. (Germany), Ktshanyan M. (Armenia), Lande D. (Ukraine), Ledvanov M. (Russia), Makats V. (Ukraine), Miletic L. (Serbia), Moskovkin V. (Ukraine), Murzagaliyeva A. (Kazakhstan), Novikov A. (Ukraine), Rahimov R. (Uzbekistan), Romanchuk A. (Ukraine), Shamshiev B. (Kyrgyzstan), Usheva M. (Bulgaria), Vasileva M. (Bulgar).
As it is well known, the capital of the Chechen Republic the town of Grozny has been entered into a number of the developed centers of the industry in the USSR. At the end of 1980 and 1990-es, Grozny has been the large center of the chemical, oil - producing, oil - processing, and petrochemical industry of the North Caucasus, the industrial and cultural center. Prior to the beginning of the Chechen war (e.g. 1994), the oil industry of the Chechen Republic capital has been presented by the following enterprises and companies:
- The Grozny Oil - Refinery Plant after V.L. Lenin;
- The Oil - Refinery Plant after Sheripov;
- The Novogroznensky Oil - Refinery Plant after Anisimov;
- The Groznensky Chemical Plant after 50-th Anniversary of the USSR;
- IPT «Orgneftehimzavody»;
- The Groznensky Scientific and Research Institute;
- The Trust «Grozneft».
The refined petroleum products, having produced at the Grozny Oil - Refinery Plants, and also the passing and natural gas have been served the basic raw material for the enterprises of the PA «Groznefteorgsintez», having produced the various kinds of the finished chemical production and semi-manufactured goods (such as, acetylene phenol, polyethylene, synthetic alcohols, tannings, etc.).
The rich oil complex of the Chechen Republic has been presented by the large number of the industrial enterprises and companies. Many of these enterprises and companies have worked for the military and industrial complex of the USSR. Grozny has been associated and closely connected with the oilfields network of oil - and gas pipelines. The main gas pipelines have already connected Grozny with Stavropol, and Voznesenskaya station (Ingushetia).
The machine building enterprises and engineering plants have been functioned in the town of Grozny: the Petroleum Mechanical Engineering Plant «Krasny Molot» and plant «Neftehimzapchast», having produced the various kinds of machinery, equipment, components, assemblies, and equipment for the oil and petrochemical industries, as well as PA «Orgtehnika», plants of transport and mechanical engineering and machine building, «Electropribor», radio engineering and etc., Experimental Plant «Plast - Polimer», enterprises of food processing (e.g. canning, wine - producing, milk, meat and etc.), light (e.g. clothing, foot factories), and woodworking industries, the enterprises producing the construction materials and etc., where the «Chemistry» specialty graduating seniors of the Biology and Chemistry Faculty of the Chechen State University (СhSU), the «Chemistry and Biology» specialty graduating seniors of the Natural History Faculty of the Chechen State Pedagogical Institute (СhSPI), and the graduating seniors of the Petrolium and Technological Faculty of the Grozny State Petrolium Institute after Academician M.D. Millionshchikov (GSPI) could successfully work.
The highly qualified chemists have also been in demand in the Departments, Faculties, and Chairs of the chemical profiles of the above - mentioned Institutes of higher education, Colleges, and Universities. Therefore, when solving the challenge on the scientific adviser choice of the candidate and doctorial dissertations in Chemistry implementation by the representatives of the Chechen Republic in those years, the preference had been given to the Professor Mikitaev A.K., who was headed the Macromolecular Compound Chemistry Scientific Research School in the neighboring Republic, in the Kabardino - Balkaria State University after Kh.M. Berbekov.
And Khasbukatova Zinaida Saydsaivna from the Chechen Republic is the student of the Professor Mikitaev A.K. She has executed the candidate dissertation thesis under his leadership A.K. Mikitaev on topic «The Aromatic Poly-Sulfone - Efirketons, as the Heat-Resistant Structural and Film Materials» at the Chemical Technology of the Plastic Mass Chair of the Russian Chemical Technological University after D.I. Mendeleev (e.g. Moscow). And the doctorial dissertation thesis» - is on topic «The Polyethers, on the Basis of Derivatives п - Hydroxybenzoic and Phthalic Acids» in KBSU after Kh.M. Berbekov. Now, Hasbulatova Z.S. is the head of the Chemistry Chair and MPH of ChSPI. She has more, than 170 publications, including her papers in the journals from the list of HAC RF and in the foreign editions. She is the author and co-author of 9 RF patents for the inventions.
Abaev Anzor - is the graduating senior of the ChISU has already fulfilled his candidate dissertation thesis in the Scientific School of the Professor Mikitaev A.K. on topic: «The Synthesis and Properties of Graphite - Filled Polyhydroqsiethers », and he has defended it in the Dissertation Council at the Kabardino - Balkaria University after Kh.M. Berbekov (Nalchik) in 2000. For a long time, he has worked at the Institute of Petrochemical Synthesis (Moscow).
In 2004, the candidate dissertation defend of the senior teacher of the ChSPI Alarkhanova Zura Zilaudinovna has been taken its place at the Dissertation Council Meeting in the Kabardino - Balkria University after Kh.M. Berberov. The work has been performed in the Kabardino - Balkria University after Kh.M. Berberov (Nalchik) and in the State Scientific Institute «The Center for Composite Materials», Moscow. The topic of her dissertation is: «The Laws of Synthesis and Polybutyleneterephthalates Properties with High Molecular Weight». After the dissertation defend her thesis, Alarkhanova Z.Z. continues to work in the СhSPI, now she is the assistant Professor of Chemistry Chair PMH and the Head Laboratory of Macromolecular Compound Chemistry in KNII RAS after Kh.I. Ibragimov, she has more, than 50 published works, including in the international publications.
The graduating senior of the СhSU in 1999 - Nagaev Islam has become the graduate student of RHTU after D.I. Mendeleev, thanks surety A.K. Mikitaev, in the circumstances at that time the complex political situation in the relations between the Federal Center and the Chechen Republic. So, Nagaev I. has successfully defended his dissertation thesis for the Degree of the Candidate of the Chemical Sciences, and now, he is working in the ChSU.
Sapaev Hussein Hamzatovich - is the graduating senior of the ChSPI in 1996, has defended his candidate dissertation thesis n 2009. in the Scientific School of Mikitaev A.K. at KBSU. The thesis theme is: «The Radial Copolymerization Acrylate- and Metacrilatguanidines with Vinyl Monomers». Currently, Hussein Sapaev - is the Head of the Laboratory of the Nano-Composite and Biocompatible Polymeric Materials in the Center for the Collective Use (CCU) of the СhSU.
In 2010, the Senior Lecturers of the Chemistry Chair and MPH of the ChPI Asueva Louise Ahyadovna and Nasurova Madina Ahmedovna in the scientific School of the Professor Mikitaev A.K. have successfully defended their candidate dissertation thesis, and they have returned the Candidates of the Chemical Sciences in the «macromolecular compounds» specialty to Grozny. The graduating senior of the ChSU Akaeva Madina Magomedovna has also defended her candidate dissertation thesis in the Scientific School of the Professor Mikitaev A.K.
Thus, the Chechen School of the Polymer Chemistry had successfully been held, which was created and was promoted the comprehensive further development by the Professor Mikitaev A.K.
. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2014. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/457-24696 (01.04.2025).