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Home / Issues / № 2, 2014

Hasbulatova Z.S.
                More, than 50 years (e.g. 600 months), the Professor A.K. Mikitaev has dedicated to the leading scientific school creation and its further development in the field of the macromolecular compounds chemistry in the North Caucasus. Nowadays, the Scientific School of the Professor Mikitaev A.K. is included more, 30 Doctors and more, than 100 Candidates of Sciences. Many of them are successfully working in the Kabardino – Balkaria State University and in other Southern Institutes of Higher Education, Colleges and Universities of Russia, including Chechen pupils from the Scientific School of Polymer Chemistry after A.K. Mikitaev – Keharsaeva E.R., Hasbulatova Z.S., Abaev A., Alarhanova Z.Z., Nagaev E., Asupova L.A., Sapaev H., Nasurova M.A., Akaeva M.M. Many students of A.K. Mikitaev are in Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Moscow, and also abroad – Italy, Mexico, Norway, Egypt and the others. It is safe to say, that his students in all the continents of the world. Thus, the 50–year–old scientific activity of the Professor A.K. Mikitaev has been devoted to the searches in the field of synthesis, structure and properties study, kinetics and mechanism of semi-condensation processes of polymeric materials, properties prediction of heat-resistant polymers. More, than 1,000 scientific papers, from them more, than 250 ones – in the foreign editions have already been published by him. In the last ten years, the scientists and scholars in the Scientific School after the Professor Militaev A.K. are actively engaged in the composite and nano-composite materials development. So, their papers and works have been received the particular prominence in the field of the organo-modified layered silicates synthesis, structure, properties studying, mechanisms to enhance polymer nano-composite materials, technology development of polymer- layered-silicate nano-composite materials production.         

Thus, the film materials with the improved barrier properties have been obtained the industrial realization. The technology has been developed, and it is at the industrial implementation study, with the «Rosnano» support, moreover, the technology is for the nano-composite polybutylene terephthalate producing, when, by the special way, the modified nano-filler is, simultaneously, the catalyst for the polycondensation process. So, the researches of the Professor Mikitaev A.K. have been allowed to be developed the industrial technology and the polybutylene terephthalate and nano-composite materials production on its basis, including the nano-composite thermoplastic elastomers (TPE).        

The technology for the nano-composite multilayered films producing of the polyethylene has been introduced at LLC «South – Polymer» (Stavropol Region, Kislovodsk), the technology for the polybutylene terephthalate producing – at RUE PA «Mogilevskkhimvolokno» (Belarus). The technology for the nano-composite PVC – compound producing has been developed for the cable insulation with the high thermal and fire resistance values, which is, successfully, implemented at JSC «Kavkazkabel» (Prokhladny, КБР).                     

               Having headed by the Professor Mikitaev A.K., the Chair in the Kabardino-Balkaria State University and the «Polymers and Composites» Scientific and Educational Center are, constantly, winning and, are successfully, performing the competitive Projects under the Federal and Target programs (FTP). For the last years, the total volume of the funded research and scientifically works, having carried out under the scientific management of the Professor Mikitaev A.K., has amounted to more, than 250 mln. roubles. The postgraduate and doctoral studies are quite successfully operated at the above – mentioned Chair.

The Council for the Doctoral Dissertations theses defense in the field of the macromolecular compounds (e.g. where the Chairman of the Board – is the Professor Mikitaev A.K.) fruitfully works in the Kabardino-Balkaria State University. The researches results of the Scientific School of the Professor Mikitaev A.K. have already been published in more, than 3,000 scientific papers, and 12 monographs. Finally, they have been confirmed more, than 100 RF patents for their inventions. At different periods of his scientific and organizational activities, A.K. Mikitaev has created and headed the Research Institute (RI) of the Macromolecular Compounds, the «Mars» ОКТБ, the «Heat – Resistant Polymers in Electronics» laboratory industry in the Kabardino-Balkaria State University. In the Federal State Unitary Enterprise of the Research Institute (FSUE RI) after L.Ya.

Karpov – the nano-composites laboratory, on the basis of the industrial polymers (Moscow). In 1996 – 2006-es, he has headed «The Center for Composite Materials» of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (Moscow).

             Currently, Mikitaev A.K. is the member of the editorial board of the journals «Material Science», «Plastic Masses», previously, he has served, as the member of the editorial board of the journal «Macromolecular Compounds». 

              In 1990 – 1996-es, the Professor Mikitaev A.K. has been the people’s deputy of the Russian Federation, the member of the Supreme Soviet of the Russian Federation (e.g. the Chairman of the Subcommittee on Science), the Chairman of the Commission on citizenship challenges under the President of Russian Federation, the Head of GP’s Affairs to nationality challenges of the Presidential Administration of Russia. 

On behalf of the President of Russia B.N. Yeltzin, the Professor Mikitaev A.K. has taken his active part in the Russian Academy of Sciences organization. The achievements of the Professor Mikitaev A.K. in the field of science and highly qualified personnel training have been received numerous rewards and trophies. He has, repeatedly, been rewarded by the honorary diplomas and certificates of honor of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation (RF) and the Federal Agency for Science and Innovations of the Russian Federation (RF), by the honorary diplomas and certificates of honor of the Supreme Council of the Kabardino – Balkaria Republic and the Parliament of the Chechen Republic.  

In 2008, the Professor Mikitaev A.K. has been rewarded the honorary reward and trophy of Belgium – the Order «For Merits in the Field of Invention» supremely «The Grand Officer». Then, Mikitaev A.K. – is the Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation (RF), the Kabardino – Balkaria Republic, Karachaevo – Cherkessia, North Ossetia (e.g. Alania), Ingushetia, Dagestan, the Chechen Republic.       

фото Микитаев

1Abdullah Kasbulatovich Mikitaev has been born in Zolsky District, in the village of Malka (the Kabardino – Balkaria Republic). At the age of 23, he has graduated, with honors, from the Moscow Institute of Chemical Technology (MIChT) after D.I. Mendeleev. Three years (e.g. 36 months) later, at his 26 years, he has defended his thesis, and at the age of 32 – the doctoral thesis in MIChT after D.I. Mendeleev. In 1976, A.K. Mikitaev has been awarded the academic title the Professor. From 1971 to 1991-es he has been the Head of the Chair of Chemistry and Technology of Polymers of the Kabardino – Balkaria State University. From 1992 to 1996-es, Mikitaev A.K. – is the Head of Department on the Citizenship Challenges of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation (RF). At the Presidential elections of the Russia, in 1995, he has headed the «International Union» electoral bloc. Since 1996, Mikitaev A.K. is the General Manager of the State Scientific Institution «The Center for Composite Materials» the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, the Professor of the Russian Chemical Technology University after D.I. Mendeleev.    

      From 2004 to the present time, Mikitaev A.K. is the Head of the Chair of Organic Chemistry and Macromolecular Compounds of the Kabardino – Balkaria State University after Kh.M. Berbekov.

     He has been awarded the Orders of «Friendship of Peoples» and «Badge of Honor». Mikitaev A.K. – is the talented scholar and wise Teacher, who is much appreciated, and he is loved by his numerous pupils.


Bibliographic reference

Hasbulatova Z.S. THE SCIENTIFIC SCHOOL CREATION ON MACROMOLECULAR COMPOUNDS CHEMISTRY IN THE NORTH CAUCASUS. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2014. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/457-24713 (01.04.2025).