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Abstract. The article describes the experience of a single agricultural schools in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). Specificity of the agricultural schools taskmgr, extracurricular and extracurricular activities, in accordance with modern requirements of education. Identified and described features of the organization internship site FGBNU "NII national schools of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)" on the development of educational and methodical support for agricultural schools of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). We consider joint activities with other state agricultural schools, public institutions, organizations, academic institutions.
Keywords: agricultural schools, Agrotechnological education, extracurricular activities, taskmgr activities, organization of educational activities, research work of students, competence, crops, livestock.
Agricultural schools in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) work from 1989 academic year. Scientific agricultural science, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) (hereinafter - the RS (Y)), Professor Athanasios V. Chugunov agricultural schools is the organizer of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia). Throughout his research and organizational work A.V.Chugunov closely associated with production problems and improve working and living conditions of the population of the northern territories of the republic. Currently working successfully on the plan of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) Scientific Conference "Chugunovsky agrochteniya" where students are heard reports agroprofilirovannyh and other types of secondary schools of the republic dedicated to the agriculture industry of Sakha (Yakutia).
Activity agricultural schools constantly maintained order of the President of the Republic from October 16, 2003, the Government Decision of 29 March 2009 and the Law of the RS (I) of 18 noyabrya2009 g.Z №406-IV «On state support of rural schools." Organized by the Council of the Union agroprofilirovannyh schools of the republic, President - Member of the State Assembly (Il Tumen) Antonina Afanasevna Grigorieva.
Agroprofilirovannyh schools in the country - 65. Tasks agricultural schools - the spiritual education of students, inculcating traction to work, preparing for the conscious choice proforientirovannomu their future profession. These objectives can be achieved in the formation of personal, patriotic qualities, instilling the love of his native land, home, to his roots - the ancestors of labor, ie, when restoring the continuity of generations in farming lifestyle.
Lev Gumilev in his book "From Russia to Russia" described the villager: "village people prefer harmonious - quiet, hardworking, calm; they are not looking for anything but the ground was treated skillfully and taxes paid properly "[1]. From this, we can say that agricultural schools focused on theoretical, practical and social training of graduates to the competent jurisdiction of the peasant (farmer's) economy and competitive market rural labor, the ability to adapt in rural society.
Indeed, the "high school role in the transformation of society. Our task - to prepare young people able to carry out a radical restructuring of the economy, the economy, science, and political life of our country "- writes M.L.Portnov in the book" The ABCs of school management "[2]. But modern rural school - it is an important component of the social organism. Communication between school and life affects primarily the individual being an individual student, his extracurricular fate.
Experience in agroprofilirovannomu direction, organization of educational, industrial, scientific and research activities of teachers and students MBOU "Horobutskoy agricultural schools named Dmitry Taas" and social cooperation with agricultural schools SU OPH "Red Star" Yakut Agricultural Research Institute SB RAAS, with educational institutions: Tyungyulyunskim tehlitseem Yakutsk SHT, Yakutsk Commerce and Economics College of Consumer Cooperatives, YSAA with research institutions Yakutsk agricultural Research Institute SB RAAS, Institute of Biological Problems Cryolithozone, Botanical Garden of the Institute of Biological Problems Cryolithozone, FGBNU "NII national schools of Sakha (Yakutia ) "autonomous institution" Consulting and methodological center APC RS (I)
Collaboration with an autonomous institution "Consulting - methodological center APC RS (I)" was the beginning of the calculation process maps on crops and livestock. Under the guidance of experts of the center, teachers agrodistsiplin and high school students learned the compilation process maps for the production of super-elite and elite, 1-2 reproductions of potatoes, cabbage, beets and carrots and other crops, and the content of horse breeding and cattle.
Fourth year running internship marketplace FGBNU "Institute of National Schools of Sakha (Yakutia) on the basis of" Horobutskoy secondary school named after D. Taas "(hereinafter - HSOSH) Megino-Kangalassky District. Year-round by a leading researcher GM Fedorov being scientific - methodical and practical assistance for teachers agricultural schools: Leno - Amginskogo, Leno - Vilyui between, northern and arctic zones RS (Y) on the organization of educational activities in the agricultural schools under the implementation of the federal state educational standards (hereinafter - GEF). Under the supervision of GM Fedorov (grades 1-4) and teachers HSOSH VV Ptitsyna (class 1), MA Osipova (Class 2), EV Tastygina (Grade 3), MG Bugaeva (Grade 4) have developed a learning kit (hereinafter - CMD) "Traditional economy" at the appointed and in extracurricular activities under the requirements of the GEF.
Specificity CMD "Traditional economy" is the inculcation of respect for the native ALAS, the farmer to work, imparting skills, experience working in rural areas, the formation of interest in research activities with primary school age.
CBM allows the development of different competences in students of junior classes in the village school, learning the basics of agriculture, formation of skills, experience working with agricultural machinery, Introduction of agricultural technology, the formation of skills, experience caring for livestock. CMD is the basis for further development of students' education to love their native land, to the agriculture industry and are able to apply their knowledge in everyday life.
Director Horobutskoy agricultural schools, IN Tastygin teachers and AV Sergina, VS Tarasova actively participate under the leadership of GM Fedorov in the development of CMD "Ecology of Yakutia" for 5th grade of secondary schools of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), which ensures the continuity of the content of environmental education from a regional perspective. CMD consistent with the goals, objectives and requirements of the GEF, where students "acquire practical, research-related activities, including the ability to see the problem and assess the impact of its own activities" [3] by the responsible relative nearby socio-natural environment. CMD is a means of organizing the appointed and extracurricular activities.
In the fifth year of agricultural schools fruitfully Science Council of Teachers (hereinafter - NSO). The aim of the NSO is to identify and support pupils who are likely to engage in research activities, development of intellectual, creative abilities of students, development of skills of research work, the development of communicative skills and assistance in self-learners. To achieve these goals, the NSO conducts seminars problem, methodical conference on research activities for teachers and students, compiled teaching materials to help teachers with the head of the organization and conduct experimental research work of students, organized the publication of works by young researchers (brochures, booklets, informational messages) . The structure of the NSO include teachers who have experience in the research work of students owning a perfect technique of research and design technology.
Council members made up the working program of elective courses agrokomponentu as agronomy basics, basics of agriculture, horticulture, forage crops, indoor horticulture, soil science, animal husbandry bases. Work programs drawn up of elective courses in the following subjects: physics - using the laws of physics in agriculture, local history - aimed at the study of the history of farming native nasleg, Ulus, foreign languages - the nature of native land in English, German in agricultural schools, technology - processing products Breeding , the basics of entrepreneurship in agriculture, fine arts - arts and landscape design farmhouse.
Primary school teacher, MG Bugaeva delegate XI Congress of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), received a grant in the nomination "The best primary school teacher" at the IV regional competition "Young teacher 2010". In 2010 in Moscow secondary school director Horobutskoy IN Tastygin project protection model agricultural schools Lena-Amginskogo interfluve of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) and became the winner of the VII International Competition named after AS Makarenko.
On the organization of educational activities in the agricultural schools book "Experience agricultural schools: the example of a secondary school in Horobutskoy agroprofilem Leno-Amginskogo mezhdurechja Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)." In 2012, at the XIV All-Russian Agricultural Exhibition book won the silver medal XIV Russian Agricultural Exhibition "Golden Autumn". The book received positive expert UMO PAE for classical university and technical education. Resolved (protocol number 377 from "20" November 2012), the assignment of the textbook "Experience agricultural schools: the case of secondary school with Horobutskoy agroprofilem Leno - Amginskogo interfluve of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)" vulture UMO PAE and as a textbook for students in higher education.
English teacher Tastygina VV passed international internships, participated in a joint project of the International Corporation "Dynamic English language training (California USA) and the International Institute for Advanced Training of English Teachers" (Vermont). She made the work program of the elective course "Nature of native land" in English.
In 2009, in Yakutsk Scientific Society president school students Tastygin Innocent is the winner of the VII International Conference on the UNESCO Associated Schools Project "Great River." He participated in the International Youth Eco-Forum "Partnership for forests" Anchorage, Alaska (2011).
Students mug "in German agricultural schools" (hands. Plotnikova PG) cooperate with the German Culture Center named Johannes Mitterla. During operation of the summer camp visitors came from Germany, Anton and Victoria Tevs with children. Students attend classes conducted by leading experts saha-German school. After a successful seminar presentations and reports staff of the school in cooperation with the international guests organize a big concert, singing in German, English, and talked with them in the immediate surroundings.
Schoolgirls mug of English (Petrov M. schoolgirl 8 cl., N. Sergeyev schoolgirl 8 cl., Zhirkov N. schoolgirl 9 cl.), Under the guidance of a teacher of English VV Tastygina amounted illustrated dictionary of terminology for Agriculture "Nature around us" in 4 languages: Yakut, Russian, English and Latin. In 2012, the glossary was awarded the bronze medal of the 14th Russian exhibition "Golden Autumn".
In 2011, in the city of St. Petersburg schoolgirl Yulia Gorbunova 7th grade participated in the XX All-Russian Scientific Conference creative seniors and students' intellectual revival. "
In 2013, NV Bosikova teacher of fine arts, the head of the circle, the winner of the contest ulus supplementary education teachers, "I give my heart for children" became the winner of the III degree X republican competition of teachers "I give my heart for children" and took third place at the national contest "Do5ogoy sime5e" in the Yakut national holiday ysyaha- olonkho. Teacher NV Barefoot in 2013, conferring the title of master of folk arts and crafts of Sakha (Yakutia), the 2014 "People's master."
In agricultural schools are 10 experimental plots in crop production and scientific-hospital "Liman" Yakut Agricultural Research Institute SB RAAS. At these sites, students with teachers learn agricultural techniques of vegetable crops, keep diaries biometrics, phenological observations and work to care for plants. More interested students conduct research work and are members of the scientific community of students LEU. Student of Grade 10 Sharina Matrona became a diploma of I degree republican scientific-practical conference "Step into the Future" under the guidance of Shishigin P.P.i awarded scholarships named Honored YASSR agronomist, scientist - breeder AS Yakovlev.
The annual award named Yakovlev, SH candidate Sciences, breeder, established September 18, 2007 SSI "Yakut Institute of Agriculture and Agricultural Sciences students are awarded for outstanding performance in the educational process, avtivnuyu social activities in scientific experiments and in the life of the village. In 2010, a pupil of grade 8 Ptitsyna Kydana took third place in the nineteenth century the Russian scientific school - seminar "Young Academy", where she participated in the section "Basics of plant biotechnology and environmental phytotechnologies" in Gagra (Abkhazia).
Scientific Council of the teachers, students and staff IBPK Botanical Garden SB RAS on school grounds divided nursery fruit crops (apple, cherry, sea buckthorn, rowan, elder, wild cherry, okatsii, Sereni et al.). Planted about 1000 introduction of rare and endangered plant species (Adonis, Starodubka siberian, siberian columbine, delphinium grandiflorum et al.), And annually updated number of introductions. Planted 6 recognized varieties of black currant (Hara Kytalyk, Yakutsk, Lucia, Murucheene, Erkeeni, Memory Kyndyla) .Uchaschiesya under the supervision of teachers of natural sciences Shishigin PP, Serkin AV and researchers YANIISKH SB RAAS are exploring ways to improve soil fertility and quality of mixtures for hay-tebenevochnogo use. Objects of the study are released varieties of cereals and legumes: smooth brome-grade "Ammachan" yellow alfalfa cultivar "Yakutsk" pyrejnika Siberian variety "Nyurbinsk." Variety trials conducted on 10 varieties of potato farming techniques with the aim to "explore techniques for creating high-yielding seed based on the source of the improved material."
For the first time among the agricultural schools of the republic, biology teacher, students made a card index of houseplants in Yakut, Russian, Latin, English. Create more school winter greenhouse with pets (parrot, rabbit, aquarium fish). Ministry of Nature Protection of the RS (I) allocated hunting grounds around 100 hectares of land for a school route - a hiking trail.
Teachers Shestakov AP Tastygina VV students and the tourist trail conducted master classes at the National Conference "The role of institutions of education, culture and civil society organizations in the formation of ecological culture."
In the garden the school memorial plaque to the 95th anniversary of Dmitry detnemu Taas the proceeds from the sale of vegetables grown by the students and teachers.
The school has created a unique mini-museum "Do5ogoy" rich ethnohistorical material which helps students to school to learn the native folk tradition industry Yakuts - horse breeding.
Under a contract with GUOPH "Red Star" high school students have practice on livestock. Under the supervision of staff YANIISKH SB RAAS young researchers to conduct experiments on breeding and improving the conditions of livestock.
In agricultural schools to extracurricular classes in physics, students learn the principles of agricultural machines, devices, their technical harahteristiki, technical terminology, learn the history of technological development in the country. Pupils subject mug in physics have been the winners and prize-winners of national technical Larionov reads the report "Comparison of the effectiveness of gas and steam turbines in power plants." Pupils in Grade 10 in 2010, became the owners of the grant named A.V.Chugunova.
Educating students' love for the land, respect for work, the desire to get agricultural occupations - one of the main tasks of agricultural schools in the village.
The main aim of the work on the educational program - the search for new educational technologies that can solve the problem of education of harmoniously developed personality and the future owner on his land. Yearly wellness labor camp "Gherkin" in order to provide employment of students in the summer, creating a safe environment for the employment of children work with the constant attention of medical and social control, labor groups "Duluur" student construction team "Duluskhan" work on a fee basis . Pupils squad - boys in grades 9-11 are engaged in the construction of fences, repair work at the school. Livestock squad - girls in grades 9-11 based on annuals look after the calves, milking cows. Ecological - Health Camp "Harmony" is working in two shifts with coverage up to 100 children at Ulus to create conditions for the harmonious development of the child with the mother nature, the organization works to improve the health of children products, medicinal drinks, herbal tea decoction of medicinal herbs with the terrain.
The "patriotic, civil - legal education of students" in the agricultural schools established to bring together schools, families, communities, institutions located in the territory of the village, the villagers in the patriotic, civil - legal parenting. The "Young Patriot" is working to create the organizational - pedagogical conditions in the education of future citizens and patriots of their Motherland, to increase the role of the father in the upbringing of children, promotion of healthy lifestyles, parenting sense of citizenship among young men, young men preparing to serve in the Russian Army, raising the role of boys and young men in the process of education.
Graduates' Horobutskoy agricultural schools in different years are holders 7 gold and 4 silver medals. Enrollment in higher, secondary schools in central Russia, Siberia and the Far East.
Thus, agricultural schools is the base for Agrotechnological education, familiarizing students for traditional occupations of the people, to agriculture, animal husbandry, education in them respect for the qualities of mother nature, to creative work.
2. ML Portnow "The ABCs of School Management" M., publ "Enlightenment", 1991, 191s.
3. G.M. Fedorov Organization of educational activities in the agricultural schools in the context of implementing the federal state educational standards. Electronic Journal of Contemporary Problems of Science and Education 5/2013
Tastygin Innocent Nikolayevich Experience Horobutskoy agricultural schools of the Republic of Sakha. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2014. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/457-24718 (01.04.2025).