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Executive Editor:Publishing house "Academy of Natural History"
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Asgarov S. (Azerbaijan), Alakbarov M. (Azerbaijan), Aliev Z. (Azerbaijan), Babayev N. (Uzbekistan), Chiladze G. (Georgia), Datskovsky I. (Israel), Garbuz I. (Moldova), Gleizer S. (Germany), Ershina A. (Kazakhstan), Kobzev D. (Switzerland), Kohl O. (Germany), Ktshanyan M. (Armenia), Lande D. (Ukraine), Ledvanov M. (Russia), Makats V. (Ukraine), Miletic L. (Serbia), Moskovkin V. (Ukraine), Murzagaliyeva A. (Kazakhstan), Novikov A. (Ukraine), Rahimov R. (Uzbekistan), Romanchuk A. (Ukraine), Shamshiev B. (Kyrgyzstan), Usheva M. (Bulgaria), Vasileva M. (Bulgar).
Philological sciences
The functional approach to the study of linguistic units suggests the approach “from the meaning (the semantic structures) to the form (linguistic means)”. In functional syntax, developed by A. Mustajoki, the initial point of the description is the semantic categories reflecting the set of similar circumstances [1]. In this approach the ambiguous relations between realty, semantic and linguistic levels are taken into account. A fragment of reality is a situation interpreted by the speaker in terms of his communicative demands; the semantic level includes the speaker’s circumstances and commentary; the linguistic level is represented by the surface structures of the language.
The relevance of research
Functional syntax focuses on the speaker’s role in a communicative situation. When we produce speech, we go from “the meaning to the form”: first we decide what we want to say and then we choose how to express it according to our intentions and the verbal situation. In this regard in the functional approach special attention is paid to distinguishing the potentialities the speaker has when choosing the linguistic means of communication.
Subject and methods
We studied the complex semantic structures consisting of two or more simple semantic structures that are linked with a meta-conjunction: {[R1], META-CONJUNCTION [R2]}. A semantic structure is a way of interpreting a situation of reality; it includes the circumstances (a situation of reality model interpreted by the speaker) and the commentary expressing the speaker’s attitude towards the circumstances. There are connective, taxis and logical relations between the circumstances in complex semantic structures. The subject of our research is the complex semantic structures with logical cause and effect relations. We used the following research methods and devices: the analysis of surface structures of various languages, the experiment with informants, using negative examples, testing with possible context.
Results and discussion
The logical relations between simple semantic structures can be connected to cause, effect, aim, condition and concession. These relations are often combined under the category of conditionality [2: 42]. We shall examine the cause and effect relations.
I. The cause relations represent the relations between two circumstances one of which is the cause for implementing the other. At a deep level they are represented with meta-conjunction “ТАК КАК” (“AS/BECAUSE”). The cause can be represented as favorable (Благодаря совместным усилиям достигнуто соглашение в области обеспечения безопасности на Ближнем Востоке, as unfavorable (Наш рейс задержали из-за плохой погоды), as the reason (По неосмотрительности рабочих на фабрике случился), as the source – the trigger (С досады Иван пнул ногой дверь), as the motivation (В знак благодарности Иван отправил письмо коллеге), as the result of logical analysis (Сложно описать реальную языковую ситуацию той эпохи, потому что отсутствуют письменные источники), etc.
In the Russian language the causal connections are expressed with the help of various split-level means: 1) complex sentences: Трусость очень вредна, потому что она удерживает волю от полезных действий; Лишь тот достоин жизни и печали, кто каждый день идет за них на бой; 2) compound sentences: Нина, надень пальто, а то простудишься); 3) conjunctionless complex sentences: Пассажиры спешили: до отправления поезда оставалось пять минут; 4) a number of simple sentences: Снег уже незаметно подтаивал. Солнце начало припекать); 5) prepositional and case structures: Благодаря обилию снега сады этой зимой не вымерзли; 6) adverbs: Иван намеренно согласился с ними сотрудничать; 7) sentences with gerunds and participles: Утомленная повседневными заботами, Ирина быстро заснула; Не дождавшись Нины, Виктор ушел домой; 8) sentences with nouns, adjectives and numerals: С негодяями я не разговариваю; Бодливой корове бог рог не дал; Первый блин комом; 9) lexical means: Дожди стали причиной наводнения, etc.
II. The effect relations are the relations between two circumstances one of which is the effect, the result of the other. They are expressed with the help of the meta-conjunction “И ПОЭТОМУ” (“AND THAT IS WHY”). The effect and the cause are closely interrelated: the effect does not simply appear after the cause; the relations between them possess a very definite nature. If it is necessary to underline the resulting character of the two circumstances or the logical outcome, there is the effect: {[R1], AND THAT IS WHY [R2]}. The cause and effect relations are established by the speaker: depending on the aspect of the presentation he accentuates ether the cause or the effect, cf. the sentences: Рынок был перенасыщен подобной продукцией, в результате чего фирма обанкротилась. – Фирма обанкротилась, в результате того что рынок был перенасыщен подобной продукцией.
The relations of effect in the Russian language are expressed with the help of the following means: 1) complex sentences: Он к нему резко развернулся, так что друзья вдруг сделались похожими на петухов перед схваткой; 2) compound sentences: Воскресенье бывает только раз в неделю, и я жалею об этом (Твен); 3) conjunctionless complex sentences: Выглянуло солнышко – (значит) скоро будет совсем тепло; 4) a number of simple sentences: Светлело. Стали видны очертания деревни; 5) sentences with homogeneous parts: Вера вспомнила о больном отце и загрустила; 6) prepositional and case structures: К удивлению друзей я быстро научился плавать; 7) lexical means: Возникший конфликт – это следствие из создавшейся напряженной обстановки, etc.
Complex semantic structures with cause and effect relations are interrelated with the semantic structures with connective, taxis relations as well as with the semantic structures including the modifiers of causation and authorization.
The examination of the complex semantic structures with cause and effect relations in the functional aspect becomes effective in describing the semantic space of the language and the ways of its linguistic representation, it is also efficient in teaching Russian as a foreign language for communication.
2. Bondarko A.V. Principles of functional grammar and aspektologiya questions. – L., 1983.
URL: www.science-sd.com/458-24599 (21.01.2025).