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Medical sciences
One of the first domestic researches has been lead in 19 century - in 1887 S.S.Korsakov has given the description of the original psychosis meshing with polyneuritis [6]. The given infringement was characterized basically by frustration of memory on current and recent events, retrograde amnesia, bent to confabulations, alcoholic polyneuritis at almost full safety of memory on for a long time last events. S.S.Korsakov has named this disease polyneuriticalpsychosis. In the subsequent S.S.Korsakov and its disciples, together with other researchers have deepened and have specified the doctrine about this disease, emphasizing, that it can develop not only in connection with an alcoholism, but also at other infections and intoxications.
Objective: To analyze variation of the person at various stages at a chronic alcoholism
Results: In researches of factors that provoke an alcoholism teenagers and youth it is marked, that the group of risk includes young men conformal and unstable types of character, teenagers from unsuccessful families and-or badly socialized (with the low social status in class collective, low progress, absence of prospects of vocational training and employment), is very frequent - experiencing sharp or chronic stress.
In D.V.Kolesov's works [3] three stages of progress of demand for the use of alcohol are characterized. The first stage is connected with satisfaction demands for the certain conditions of activity. The demand is caused by inquisitiveness, boredom, imitation or pressure of associates, often coexists with other demands; it is initiated by perception of subject matter of demand or the person to which the individual wishes to imitate. At this stage the demand for the use of PEAHENS is situational, instead of stable.
Further, at the second stage, there is a strengthening new demand. Excitation by demand even more often does not depend on external factors and circumstances, arises independently: « ... here instants of conditioned-reflex character still can prove: for example, the individual can desire to accept narcogene substance only to certain time of day, in the rest of the time it about it « forgets ». In any case new demand at this stage - only one of many » [3, with. 299].
Increase of the importance, relative density of new demand concerning other motives of activity - distinctive feature of the third stage of formation of demand in PEAHENS. First the new demand dominates over the certain situation, and subsequently - irrespective of a situation. It subordinates other consequences and as a result - the individual permanently clings alcohol (or to another HAVING fallen). Dialogue changes - now all social contacts become way of getting of alcohol or a drug, way of involving of associates in dependent behaviour, etc. Object of dependence becomes demand with which it is necessary to satisfy to which the insuperable inclination is tested.
Treatment: Detoxification by means of thiol preparations - 15-30 ml of 30 % of a solution thiosulfate sodium intramuscularly or intravenously, as well as 5-15 ml of a solution of 5 % unitiol, 10 ml of 25 % of a solution of sulfate of magnesium intramuscularly or intravenously and 10 ml of 10 % of a solution of chloride of calcium intravenously routinely or in a day, on a rate of 10-12 procedures; 2) vitamin therapy - 2-4 ml of a solution of vitamin B1 of 6 %, 1 ml of a solution of vitamin B6 of 5 %, 1 ml of 1-5 % of a solution of a nicotinic acid, 1-3 ml of a solution of an ascorbic acid of 5 % intramuscularly routinely, on a rate of 10-15 injections; 3) psychotropic means at availability of a mental component ofhangoversyndrome - tranquilizers: seduxen on 0,005-0,01 г inside or intramuscularly 2-3 times a day, èlenium, tazepam on 0,01-0,02 г 2-3 times a day, phenazepam on 0,0005-0,001 г 2-3 times a day; energizers (are especially shown to women): amitriptyline on 0,025-0,01 г for the night, azafen, pirlindole on 0,05-0,1 г 1-2 times a day. Duration of reception depends on features of a condition; proof-readers of behaviour at availability psychopath frustration - neuleptil in dozes 0,01-0,02 г for the night during all rate of symptomatic and active current, and it is frequent and in the subsequent; 4) somnolents - èunoktin (0,01, rededorm (0,005-0,01), Adaline (0,3); mixture of I.G. Ravkin within 3-7 days; 5) insulin therapy - from 2 up to 8 ЕД it is day-to-day during ½-2 week. In a feed the products rich with mineral salts should prevail.
Conclusion: Thus, probability of formation of dependence including alcoholic, it is high at those persons whom not in a condition to cope with adverse conditions independently. In other words, risk of progress of alcoholic dependence above at people, whose life saturated stresses (as it is observed, in particular, at teenage age). And above at those who detects quality of the social dialogue which is peculiar to the "weak", emotionally unstable person. For example, at individuals with conformal or unstable character in dialogue the inability to defend own interests, inertness, lack of will, dependence on circumstances is shown; asthenoneurotic character is shown in feeling of weakness, feebleness, alarm which vanish at the use of alcohol; for epilepticalcharacter alcohol allows to take pleasure in feeling of authority above associates, etc.
The organization of preventive maintenance of alcoholic dependence should consider both these of the factor. The social help is necessary also to the people who are being in to " group of risk », that is experiencing stress, disorder. Also the psychological, correctional or therapeutic help is necessary also to the individuals who are personality-inclined to formation of dependences.
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11. Gnedova S.B., Nagornova A.J., Vostroknutov E.V., Gulej I.A., Zabelina E.V., Taranenko L.G. FORMATION And VARIATION of the PERSON SICK of the ALCOHOLISM // Basic researches. – 2013. – 1 (a part 3). – p. 642-646;
Gridin I.I., Shevchenko P.P., Karpov S.M. CHANGING OF THE PERSON MEANWHILE LONG USE OF ALCOHOLAT THE CHRONIC ALCOHOLISM.. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2015. – № 1 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/460-24738 (22.02.2025).